
Naruto: I am a biased judge

An ordinary young man dies and transmigrates into the body of the Neji Hyuga at the beginning of the plot and gains the 'judgement system'. Originally, according to the system, his task is to select sinners in the ninja world, conduct a fair public trial and then punish them appropriately, but Neji finds this to be boring. Instead of fairness, he himself will decide who is guilty and who is not. ____________________________________________________ Warning: This fanfic contains content that may be disturbing for some people! The MC is not a good person, he will have no regard for modern morals. This fanfic will be very biased, the characters I don't like will be fully bashed by me. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the cover picture.

Number1Chad · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Deep Talk With Hiashi

"May his soul rest in peace."

These words echoed in the meeting hall for a moment before everyone fell silent. Hiashi thought for a moment and decided to end this meeting, although he still had some things to say, the thought of his brother's unjust sacrifice made him sad and he needed some time alone.

"Alright, the meeting ends here. We will continue at a later date.

Don't sin, although I probably don't need to tell you this, considering everyone should fear God."

He nodded to everyone and left the room, the gathered Hyuga members were a bit confused with the sudden end, but shrugged and started leaving too. Everyone is busy, there is no time to waste here.

Neji also stood up and left the room.

'What should I do now?'

The original Neji basically spent his whole time training and didn't even have actual friends. His temperament was so depressed that even enthusiastic guys like Might Guy and Rock Lee could be ignored by him.

'A spear would be nice, but ninjas basically do not use spears...so where should I get it from?'

In the entire Naruto franchise, there were a handful of ninjas who use a spear and they were irrelevant filler characters.

Neji thought about it and confirmed that he had two options. He could either go to a weapon shop and let them cast a spear for himself or he could go to his uncle and maybe there is one in the clan inventory.

Even though the Hyuga basically use only Taijutsu to fight, with the long history of the clan, there should be some weapons that have been picked up by members and then disregarded.

'Let's ask Hiashi first, if there is one in the inventory then there is no need to waste money.'

As the nephew of the Hyuga clan patriarch, he does not lack money. Especially considering that the Hyuga are called Konoha's number one clan, now that the Uchiha are exterminated. Walking through the corridors according to his memories, Neji soon reached the private room of his uncle.

Knocking on the door.

"Sir Patriarch, it's me Neji. I have something to talk about."

It would be a bit suspicious if he started calling Hiashi 'uncle' suddenly. The original Neji blamed him for the death of his father and had a lot of hatred for him. Of course, now he doesn't care, it's not his father who died after all.

From the room, Hiashi's surprised voice came out.

"Neji? Come in."

After opening the door, Neji saw Hiashi kneeling in front of a small table with a bottle of alcohol beside him. His movements were graceful and his posture impeccable.

'As expected of Konoha's "nobles", even while drinking alcohol alone he makes sure the right etiquette is in place.'

Hiashi looked at him faintly, his Byakugan piercing as if he could see through one's soul.

"Sit down."

Without talking nonsense, Neji kneeled down on the other side of the small table and quietly waited for Hiashi to speak. Even though he thinks it to be tiring, waiting for the elder to speak first is also part of Hyuga etiquette.

"Why did you come to me, Neji?"

"Sir Patriarch, I wanted to ask if there is a spear in the family weapon inventory."

He had thought of many reasons for his nephew to visit him, with the most probable being about his father, but this caught him somewhat off guard. Looking at him with slight confusion, he asked.

"A spear? There should be, but what do you plan to do with it?"

"I want to learn to wield it and become a lancer."

"Become a lancer? You are a Hyuga, you have access to 'Gentle Fist' the strongest taijutsu style in existence, why would you think of a thing like a spear?"

Hiashi sounded a bit angry at Neji's disregard of the family taijutsu. Actually, he was not angry at all, he was just curious how Neji would answer.

He didn't show it on his face, but inside his mind, Neji was already laughing at that statement. His face became serious and he tried to say it as euphemistically as possible.

"Sir Patriarch with all due respect, but the limitations of 'Gentle Fist' are too large. There has never been a Kage-level ninja in the Hyuga clan, if the 'Gentle Fist' were truly so strong, this wouldn't make sense.

The taijutsu used by the Raikage and the 'Strong Fist' style of my sensei both are much stronger techniques than 'Gentle Fist'. About the Raikage, I don't have to say anything specific, but you should have heard about sensei's father Might Dai.

I have read about it in the library, Might Dai alone only with Taijutsu fought alone against the seven Ninja swordsmen of the mist and killed over half of them. The rest escaped seriously injured, how can the 'Gentle Fist' compare?

This is the reason I want to break away from it, break my fate!

There is a God of Justice in this world, I don't need to brood over the death of my father anymore. I am convinced that the culprits will be brought to justice by him.

I am ready to establish a new path and learning the spear is my first step."

'Oh god, did I really just pull off such a cringe speech with a straight face? How impressive.'

Without interrupting Hiashi listened to his words from the beginning to the end. His expression never changed. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them again and looked at Neji with a deep sigh.

"You are right, the 'Gentle Fist' has too many limitations. I know it, everybody knows it. Sometimes we are just stubborn, following old traditions. And then these traditions get passed down to the next generation. There are too many rotten elements in this family and it saddens me.

To break this cycle the Hyuga clan needs someone with good talent, who dares to pioneer a new path. Until now I have never seen someone befitting of this description, but you give me hope.

Come with me, I'll show you the clan inventory."

Seeing Hiashi stand up and walk away, Neji hurriedly followed, showing a surprised face, but inwardly he expected this situation.

'As expected, these people are not idiots. Anyone can see the hardcore limitations of the "Gentle Fist", they are probably ashamed to call themselves Konoha's first clan without ever having a Kage-level ninja in their ranks. They don't even have the qualifications to compare themselves to the Uchiha.

I am exactly what they need right now.'