
Naruto: I'm In Kumo (Up for adoption)

I never expected to wake up in someone else's body, in another world... Why are there people running on the roofs? Is that a system? Oh... damn. ___ I won nothing... just the OC's Oh and I own my phone too.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

A falcon summoner

Mountains? it's like im back in Kumo...

Activating my Byakugan, I observe my surroundings while shifting my position slightly so that the blindspot wouldn't be attacked... is it just me or is there a dot in the sky?

I looked up, just in case... Yup, it's getting bigger...

Is that a falcon?

Yeah, that's definitely a falcon... And it's coming straight for me... Hmm.

Activating my Lightning armour, I jump back just in time to dodge a dive from the... giant falcon flapped its wings and land in the spot that I was standing at not even a second ago.

The height was as tall as the Raikage, brown feathers ruffled as he landed and its piercing eyes stared at me- no, right through me.



A high ranking falcon of the Falcon clan, with his high speed, he dives down on unsuspecting prey. He is one of the front line fighters against any Snake clan members.]


{What is your purpose here, human.}

Well, wouldn't you like to know?

"I used a summoning jutsu without a contract, I appeared here as a result."

My answer was short, not wanting to aggravate the bird that was a lot stronger than me. He eyed me for a bit, tilting his head to the side...

{Very well, follow me.}

He flapped his wings and took off to the sky...

He is aware that Humans can't fly, right?

Releasing a sigh, I follow the low flying bird with my lightning armour active, He was too fast if I didn't have it activated and I imagine that he would be faster when he went for a dive.

We travelled for twenty minutes with Uzu not slowing down for even a second. A giant mountain was revealed at the end of the path with a few holes inside of it. I could see a few falcons sitting inside nests, looking out the clearing or just sleeping.

{Head for the top, human, our leader is residing on the top.}

Nodding to him, I channelled chakra to my legs, and Jumped up, landing on the side of the cliff. I could see the other Clan members looking at me, some with interest, some with boredom, there was no malice in their gazes, must have been the first human in their lands.

After reaching the top, I didn't need to use chakra to stick to the side anymore since the surface flattened out, revealing a giant nest... it was huge, probably bigger than the Kage building in Kumo.

I didn't get more time to ponder about its size as a giant head rose from the inside.

Im so glad I have gamers' mind, I may have needed a new pair of pants.

{What's this?... A human?}

Uzu lowered his head, taking the hint, I take a knee and lower my head, just in case, you know...

{Lord Riki, A human has been reverse summoned in our realm due to the summoning technique, I have brought him to you as a possible summoner.}

The tone was respectful, and his head lowered even more.

{I see... Boy, tell me your name.}

I kept my eyes on the ground, not daring to even use observe on the boss summon.

"My name is Rai, Lord Riki."

He hummed, and I assumed that he looked me over.

{We didn't have a summoner ever since the Clan warring ages, tell me, how is it in the human realm?}

So, the clan that held the contract was wiped out before the villages formed.

"The clans have been united and built villages, there are currently five nations that thrive and I am from one of them. There is the Land of fire with the village hidden in the leaves, the land of wind with the village hidden in the sand, the land of lightning and the village hidden in the cloud, The land of water and the village hidden in the mist and finally the land of the earth with the village hidden in stone..."

Another hum.

{Alright, it would be nice to spread wings outside once more. You may have the summoning contract, summon us in the times of need and summon me if the situation is dire...}

I remained silent, waiting for him to finish talking, though I did wonder what he was thinking about.

{Your partner will be one of my offspring, you are strong for your age, I expect much from you, Rai.}

As he said that, a small falcon flew down in front of me and I looked up at it, in its claws was a small scroll that should be comfortable for carrying in a small holster on any vest.

The falcon rolled the scroll in front of me and I tilted my head.

{Channel chakra into it and unroll the scroll, Write your name next to our previous summoner, use blood for the kanji.}

Nodding, I grab the scroll with one hand and channelled chakra into it, the scroll grew in length.

Unrolling it, I looked at the previous summoner's name. Koji... the second name was faded out.

Using Wind manipulation, I cut my thumb and wrote my name, stained my other fingers with blood and added my fingerprints.

the scroll shrank down and I placed it in my weapons pouch.

{Ren, follow him to the human realm and stick with your partner. Don't disappoint me, Rai.}

The small falcon who brought me the scroll perched on my shoulder and before I knew it, I was being sent back to the human realm...

I appeared in the same clearing that I used the summoning in, no one was here while he left and no one was here when he came back. Looking on to my right, I came face to face with the falcon that followed me.



The two of us stared at each other, it was a bit awkward, not gonna lie.


{I know... Ren.}

Socialising at its finest everybody. Learn from the master- Me.

{So, what can you do?}

Now we're talking.


"Whose the little guy?"

Karui asked me when I returned to the hotel we were staying at. Turns out Ren could manipulate wind to boost his speed and use it as a blade on his wings when wanting to finish his opponent quickly.

"This is my new partner, Ren, also I have a contract with the falcons now."

I said offhandedly as I moved to sit down on my bed, the whole team was in the boy's room and I didn't want to make a fuss about it.

No one can say I didn't try.

"Oh my god, he's so cute!"

Cute? Woman, he can decapitate you with a flick of his wing, you do not call him cute.

{My feathers are fluffy aswell.}

This little fucker.

"Good job, Rai."

I looked over at my sensei, who was looking at Ren with interest. Actually, I needed a few jutsu for the finals...

"Sensei, You know the Lightning clone, Right?"