
Naruto : Hinata Hyuga

A soul from Earth reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Hinata Hyuga. Let's see how she manipulates the Hyuga clan, her father, her brother, and her sister. She will corrupt Naruto from a very young age and mold him into the perfect man for herself. There will be no Hokage bullsh*t, no loudmouth. What to expect: Smart MC Powerful MC Manipulation Mind-breaking Romance Grooming Flashy jutsu Slightly arrogant MC Not too evil, not too good Training sessions Powerful from a young age Good R18 scenes (please be mindful of content) No NTR (No Netorare) Slightly slow-paced story Some dark stuff That's it. English is not my first language, so please don't kill me for any grammar mistakes. I will try to upload 3-4 chapters per week."

Devils_hand · Anime et bandes dessinées
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77 Chs

That's my sister....

"Huh…" I shook my head slightly. 

My hand subconsciously raised to my left eye, which was covered by my hair.

As I placed my left hand on the eye, a smile started to spread across my beautiful face.


"Because I have watched you for more than half of a decade, sometimes I really didn't understand you, like now..... you're being childish," he said.

"Hehe, because I am a child," I giggled at him, irritating him.

"Fine, fine, I admit defeat, but why are you smiling like that?" he asked in a defeated tone.

"Because I have something to play with," I laughed slightly.


Ren looked at the brown-eyed boy, and he too chuckled slightly.

"By the way, I am not talking about that orphan, he is insignificant."

Ren had a puzzled look on his face. To make him more puzzled, I spoke, "You are such a crybaby, Ren, hehe."


He looked at me as if I had lost some brain cells, "what are you talking about? I, in my life, have never cried."

'Oh, if I were you, I wouldn't be so sure.'

"I am just messing with you. Let's go home, the sun is about to set," I stopped dangling my legs and stood up on the rooftop.

And soon I was walking in a clan compound towards my house.



Two little girls with their little legs running towards me and wrapped their little hands around my legs.

"Why ale you so late? We wele waiting for you," they spoke in a demanding tone.


Ruffling their hair, with a smile, I said, "Now, now, don't be like this, big sister was searching for the best chocolates for you."

Hearing my words, they snuggled, and their big eyes brightened. Both of them took a step back.

"Now give us," they extended their hands.

"Okay, okay, here it is," I pulled out two small chocolates from my pockets and placed them in their palms.


"Now tell me who is the best," I sweetly asked, picking them up in my arms.

"You ale the best, fathel and mothel didn't let us eat chocolates," they quickly put the chocolates in their mouths, fearing if their parents saw them eating, they would be scolded.

I laughed at their antics as they quickly devoured the chocolates, their backs were towards the house, so to them, they were secretive.


I quickly wiped their mouths, which had some remaining, with a handkerchief.

"Okay, baby, don't tell anyone that I gave you the chocolates," I told them.

They nodded like obedient children.

While returning to the academy, I daily buy some chocolates for them.


As soon as I entered the house, my father was looking at them; his Byakugan had just turned off, obviously, he was observing everything.

"Did your big sister give you chocolates?" he asked Hanabi in his stern voice.

Hearing him, her small body stiffened in my arms. To Hanabi, her father didn't know anything.

"N-No, she didn't give us anything," she said in a fearful voice, clinging even more to me and not looking at her father.

'That's my sister, hehe,' I was pleased with her.


Then my father looked at Arya and asked the same question, "Did your big sister give you chocolates?"

Arya clung to me even harder than Hanabi and said, "N-No, she didn't give us anything," repeating her five-second younger sister's sentence word by word in the same fearful tone.

My father sighed in disappointment. He had just seen how eagerly they had devoured the chocolates. He was very disappointed in his two daughters.


'Hehe, father, you only have the right to love your princess, not anyone else, not even your own younger daughters.'

I tenderly patted my sister's back and affectionately looked at them with love-filled eyes, 'As for them, I will love them dearly, more than anyone else could. The only love they need is my love.'


I had slowly trained them to even lie in front of their father, and to them, in their sister's presence, even their father couldn't say anything to them.

'Hehe, and the more disappointed father is in them, the more they will become addicted to my warm embrace. Their sister will be everything to them.'

'This is the best situation for me; my father will love me more than them, and my sister will love me more than everything in this world.'

'And slowly, I will make sure of it, hehe,' thinking this, I wrapped my hands around my sister in a protective manner.


"You shouldn't be spoiling them so much," my father said.

"Don't worry, Father, let them play, they are just children," I said, sitting on the nearby chair.

Hearing me protect them, a smile graced their faces, and soon, unknown to them, their consciousness faded into dreams of wonderland.


"They are nothing like you," he grumbled.

"Are you comparing me?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Of course not, princess, no one could compare with you," he said, comforting me.

'Hehe, that's right, father.'


"I am doing this for their own good. They are still children with massive chakra reserves, just like you. That's the reason clan members and elders are not paying attention to them. To them, the girls are going to be just like you and Neji in the future. But if they don't meet their expectations, they will start to compare them with you or Neji. This will cause a huge commotion in the clan, especially with the elders.

And soon, they will suggest putting the Caged Bird Seal on them," he said. I could feel worry in his voice.

"You know I don't have enough power to change the old traditions," he added.


Listening to him, I stroked the heads of the sleeping girls with a smile.

"Do you think that I will let that happen?" I asked him, squinting my eyes.

'No one could touch the things that are mine.'


"My hopes are on you," he said.

I nodded to him, "This is my clan, and everyone would do as I say."

My father nodded to me with a smile.


And just like that, days started to pass; I trained with Neji as usual, practicing my eyes to their limit. Everything was going fine before the fateful night had come.

Ren and I were standing on the rooftop of an abandoned house located alongside the Naka River, using a high-level camouflage technique.

"So the friend of Ranmaru, how do you feel about seeing the friend of your dead friend?" I asked Ren, who had transformed into Isomu Uchiha's benefactor with a mused smile.

Ren just chuckled with amusement while I started to tie the letter to an arrow.

Today was the night before the massacre.


After tying the letter tightly to the arrow, which was going to change the fate of Isomu Uchiha, I placed the arrow on my bow.

I raised its tip to the starry sky and pulled the string to its maximum elasticity, firmly locking my eyes on the sleeping Isomu. Dangerous lightning started to crackle around the arrow.


The arrow disappeared in an instant, already high in the sky. When it reached its apex, it started to free-fall, the tip pointing towards the ground.

With another burst of lightning, it regained its previous speed and disappeared from sight.

Without making any sound, it directly penetrated the two-story house and sank directly into Isomu's pillow, only an inch away from his head.


Isomu's eyes snapped open, and the first thing that came into his vision was the letter. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Without any delay, he opened the letter and started reading its content. As he read the letter, his face started to lose its color.

".......~ your benefactor from the Hyuga clan," he finished the letter with trembling hands.


This had to be a sick joke; he was going to die with his son, wife, and the whole clan.

He looked at their sleeping faces, wondering if they were really going to die. His heart clenched in pain just at the thought.

'I can't let that happen,' he looked at his horrified face in the nearby mirror. Taking a deep breath, he calmed down his pounding heart.

'I have two options: one is to tell the clan head about this, and the other is to meet him to save my family.' He was in a great dilemma.

But looking at his innocent son, his resolve hardened. He started to get ready and walked out of his house, nobody knew what he was going to do and where is he going.


"What if he showed that letter to the clan head?" Ren curiously asked about the choices.

Hearing him, I just smiled, "Hehe even before reaching the clan head's house, I will shoot him down," I caressed my bow with love.


I can't let anything happen to my clan, this was the gamble I was taking.

'If he is a decent man, he will save his family.'

'And if he has some kind of hero syndrome, he will tell Fugaku about this and will die before fulfilling his destiny.'

"So either way, he is going to die," Ren chuckled.

"It's his destiny to die," I calmly said. . . .





End of the chapter.

what do you think Isomu will do? 

die by Hinata's hand 


die with his clan after giving his everything to Hinata. 

click on the "vote" button and give our brother some powerstones...

Devils_handcreators' thoughts