
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · Anime et bandes dessinées
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79 Chs

HDS-Ch-23 Poison.

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Rasa had used nearly all the gold sand to create a diversion for Michikatsu, leaving him unable to mount a strong defense against Michikatsu's attack, resulting in several cuts on his body.

"So, you didn't use your sword against the ninjas from your village because they aren't worthy, right?" inquired Rasa, who was covered in cuts.

"You're mistaken. I didn't use my sword, not because they're unworthy for me to draw it, but because their strength wasn't enough to compel me to do so," replied Michikatsu.

After uttering these words, Michikatsu leaped into the air and headed for the stands where his mother was seated.

"See, mother, everything turned out fine. Nothing happened," reassured Michikatsu with a smile.

Kiyomi returned his smile and added, "Michi, when your father hears about this, he'll be very happy and feel immensely proud."

"Kid, because of you, I lost my bet. How do you intend to compensate?" Tsunade inquired, standing nearby.

"That's your mistake for trusting the wrong people," retorted Michikatsu.

"Just as Sakumo-senpai said, you truly are powerful. With your strength, you could have easily won the match," remarked Orochimaru.

Michikatsu nodded in agreement, while Rasa was being attended to by medical ninjas at that moment.

Following this, many people congratulated Michikatsu for his victory, and since Minato and Shikaku were unable to compete, the matches between Academy Graduates from Sunagakure and Konoha turned into a 3 vs. 3 battle.

Even in the absence of Minato and Shikaku, the team from Konoha easily emerged victorious in today's graduation ceremony.

Meanwhile, in the stands where Hiruzen and Ebizo were seated...

Ebizo remarked, "Konoha really is the cradle of geniuses, not to mention these five graduates who can easily be promoted to Chunin after gaining experience."

Hiruzen smiled in response.

Ebizo continued, "And let's not forget the son of Hatake Sakumo, who already possesses the strength of a Chunin at the mere age of five."

Hiruzen agreed, saying, "Yes, this also surprised me. I wasn't expecting him to be so strong."

"I would like to meet such a genius if you don't mind," requested Ebizo.

Hiruzen replied with a smile, "Why not? After all, he's here with us, so you'll get the chance."

Just as Michikatsu was about to leave with Kiyomi, Hiruzen approached with Ebizo.

"Hokage-Sama," everyone in the stands saluted Hiruzen, to which he nodded with a smile.

Hiruzen stood in front of Michikatsu and greeted him with a smile, "It's our first time meeting in person, Michikatsu. Nice to meet you."

"Hokage," Michikatsu replied with a slight bow, showing his respect.

"Allow me to introduce you to him; he is the envoy of Sunagakure, Ebizo. He wanted to meet you after witnessing your performance in the battle," Hiruzen explained.

"Hello," Ebizo said while extending his hand for a handshake.

Michikatsu shook Ebizo's hand.

After the handshake, Ebizo said, "You are very powerful and a genius, so hostile villages may try to harm you. You should take appropriate security measures."

"Thank you very much for your advice; I will keep that in mind," responded Michikatsu.

Ebizo nodded, wearing a genuine smile, indicating his concern for Michikatsu's well-being.

"By the way, I heard that Sasori, the only son of your late nephew, is also a tremendous genius," Michikatsu added.

Ebizo nodded with a smile and said, "Perhaps you both can become friends in the future."

"I also have some advice for you. Try to keep your grandnephew inside Sunagakure as much as possible because if he encounters me during any mission, I will kill him," declared Michikatsu.

Not only did Ebizo's face change, but everyone else present here was also confused by Michikatsu's behavior.

Michikatsu continued, "Next time you use poison needles, try to be more discreet because it doesn't affect me. And I meant what I said; I will kill your grandnephew if I see him, and you will be the second person on the list of those I want to kill in the future."

"Poison! Son, are you alright?" Kiyomi grabbed Michikatsu's hand and saw poison spreading on his palm.

"Do not worry, mother. Nothing can happen to me," reassured Michikatsu. The poison spreading on his palm suddenly started receding, and within seconds, it was completely gone.

"What is the meaning of this? You must explain," demanded Hiruzen.

"Do not worry; I was just checking how attentive he is. After all, he is a genius, and I had the antidote to this poison ready. See," said Ebizo while showing a flask full of blue liquid.

Michikatsu then turned towards Hiruzen and said, "Hokage, if this facade is over, then I would like to leave. I don't want my mother to be stressed over such nonsense."

Hiruzen nodded, and Michikatsu left with Kiyomi.

Ebizo then turned towards Hiruzen and said, "If you'll excuse me, I would like to check on Rasa. After all, he is the favorite student of the Third Kazekage."

Hiruzen nodded, and Ebizo left using the Body Flicker technique.

"Hokage, are we really going to let them go like this? What he just did was clearly a slap in your face. Poisoning the village's genius in front of you is intolerable," voiced one of the Jonin present.

"I'm afraid it's not possible. If something were to happen to them here, Sunagakure might declare war on us. The situation in the ninja world is delicate currently. Even a small spark could ignite a full-scale ninja war," explained Hiruzen.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)