
Naruto: Green Grass

Fanfiction Origin = Konoha: From Becoming The Leader Of The Country Of Grass 木叶:从成为草之国首领开始 Author: Salted Fish Is Not Very Busy SYNOPSIS Because of stealing blood, selling information, not doing business properly, and vacillating grass, the Kingdom of Grass was immediately criticized by the entire ninja world. Mang, the leader of the Country of Grass, stood up and sneered: You are amazing! You are noble! You are the strongest Ninja Village, he has two tailed beasts, and Cao Ninja Village has nothing! You can look down on Kusanagi Village now! Let me tell you, the country of grass will not change! Do you know what kind of bullying we small countries have suffered here? Just because we are weak, they bully us! Let's eat! The strength is not enough, the territory is not big! nothing! We are very scared, we are afraid that one day they will destroy us suddenly, we are afraid that one day they will destroy the country like the country of the vortex! You are amazing! There are five great ninja villages! What a country of broken grass, country of broken grass, country of broken grass! I just want to let the Kingdom of Grass surpass them step by step! I want to strengthen the country! I don't want people to bully us anymore, I can't bear it, I just want to strengthen the country! Become a ninja power! I want to build the strongest and richest country, and bully others every day! _________________________________________ Just Fanfic in Fanfiction... rights and others do not belong to me.

Mr_GP · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: 005's Silence

[You complete the special pray.

[Pray from Konan: I want to be full~]

! ]

P G Rass was merely silent for a moment when he saw the huge rewards and the complete ninjutsu scroll [Secret Technique: Shikipaper Technique] that he got suddenly.

I didn't thought to be able to complete a special pray simply.

You must know that compared to the ordinary pray one times a day, by praying and meditating yourself for 1 minute each every day, communicating with God, getting answers to your own small hopes. But special pray are different, it's others pray, and mainly for others, but if you fulfill the wish you will gain some reward.

Of course, it's actually just my small game rewarding myself occasionally for my own happiness, therefore it's quite rare. For example, he has been here for so long, and with this, he only encountered three.

[Uzumaki Kōka's pray: I want a warm home! (completed!)]

[Pray from Black Zetsu: I want to meet again with mom one more time! (not done!)]

In addition to the completion of Kōka's and the one just now, Black Zetsu's has not yet been completed.

But frankly, these two rewards are made to be quite low.

So, it is acceptable~.

Of course, it is also designed that special pray have to be obtained from random special characters, and I have always been in the Country of Grass, and I haven't seen many plot characters, so I have encountered so few special pray!

As for Black Zetsu...

Once when he was out to submit a manuscript, he met a strange guy who came to buy drawing paper and brushes, and asked the boss if he had any exquisite albums of poop, and he had no money on him...

Immediately, the boss thought he was here to cause trouble, and was kicked out on the spot.

At that time, I always thought this guy looked familiar, so I bought a pen and drawing paper for him.


When he was leaving, a guy with a cloak suddenly appeared in the field and took that strange flower away. At that time, he simply understood...he must have met the big dutiful son and spiral-face White Zetsu who moved the ninja world!

Of course we never saw each other again.

Speaking of which, the Kannabi Bridge is located in the Land of Grass, so Madara is probably still working on the sacred tree under the Land of Grass~

As for Black Zetsu's mission...

This cheating pray is impossible to complete now!

Is his mother so easy to see?

Well... of course it doesn't include using special methods, if you use conventional methods...

It is estimated that it will not be completed until the Fourth Ninja World War, so this pray has been hung there and ignored.

After Konan was full, P G Rass took her directly to the location suggested by the information!

Speaking up.

It was also an expected accident to meet Konan on the road!

Originally, he planned to visit Nagato's house first. After all, both Konan and Yahiko were orphans. Therefore, it was not so easy to find two orphans in a short time after wandering around.

Speaking of which, the three of Konan met when they were about ten years old, and not long after that, they met Jiraiya who had just won the title of Sannin.

The result was expected...

On the way, i first meet Konan who passed out!

Now the three little ones don't seem to meet each other, and I don't know if Nagato's parents have been killed now!

I believe that if Kōka sees that she still has people from her tribe, she will be very happy!

the next day.

They came to Nagato's house.

Just as he thought just now... Nagato is not leaving now!


He seems to be late!

When they found Nagato's house, the door was wide open.

To know.

This is the other side of the Rain Country, very close to Konoha's battlefield. Therefore, the impact of the war here is relatively serious, and many people have already left here.

And those who stayed were basically closed doors!

As for the door being wide open...

Then there is only one possibility!

It's been invaded!

P G Rass truly understood something in his heart, and walked in.


It's too late.

When walking in, Nagato's father was already lying on the ground, and only Nagato and his mother, Maki, were saved!

The Uzumaki tribe who hid incognito in the Land of Rain!


Considering that it was a time of war, with the help of him and Konan, Nagato and his mother endured grief and quickly buried him.

And P G Rass felt a sigh of relief in his heart, and he planned to take the whole family away!

After all, the Country of Grass is short of people now!

It turned out to be one step too late...eh!

After destroying the body and soul of the two Konoha Shinobi, it was getting late. Considering that there were three ordinary people, P G Rass could only temporarily stay at Nagato's house for one day.

While hidden from the others using an E Rank Jutsu Invisibility Jutsu on absolute level, he uses Meat Clone Jutsu to replicate the Konoha ninja from earlier to become some kind of spy for Grass village.

"His name...Katsura "Zura" Kotarō. This one, uh, Takasugi "Hikusugi" Shinsuke!? What a good brotherly name are these!" I said while looking at their familiar faces.

"Oh yes, you can call me Oh the great Gin-sama! Bwahaha!" I laugh hardly seeing their face turn ugly.

He didn't feel right, "It's not Zura! I am Katsura!".

We chatted for a while about the ins and outs of life, um... plans for disrupting Konoha, then they went to their original post.

And since Nagato's family is in grief, it's not good for him to let them move at this time!

After a simple dinner, the two children also went to rest. After all, one had driven such a long way, and the other had just experienced the grief of losing his father, so Konan and Nagato were already tired.

at this time.

There are only two people in the living room, P G Rass and Maki.

It may be that she has just experienced the loss of her husband, and Maki's face is full of exhaustion and sadness.

especially now...

The war is not over yet, and her identity...then how can they survive in this chaotic world with only orphans and widows?

Confused about the present and the future.

Originally, she was preparing dinner with a faint smile just now, but when the child fell asleep, the night gradually fell... Maki finally couldn't help but mourn.

P G Rass also noticed it, pondered for a while, and came out, "Mrs. Maki!"

"Sorry! Ninja-sama!" Seeing someone approaching, Maki immediately wiped away the tears on her face, and a smile appeared on her tired face.

Strong smile.

She is still very grateful for the ninja who suddenly appeared at their house with a child and rescued her and Nagato.


The identity of her and Nagato... This must not be discovered by other ninjas.

"Sorry! I bothered you!"

"It's okay!" P G Rass sat directly opposite Maki, considering the current situation in the Land of Rain... the final battle is about to begin.

When the Jiraiya team advances to the Land of Rain, the final battle before the end of the war will break out, and something expected may happen then.

Especially since he has to take the three of them across the battlefield back to the Land of Grass, and find Yahiko again...to create the three giants of Akatsuki!

So there's a lot going on.

His original plan was to find Nagato first, and then find Yahiko and Konan. If the Nagato family is still there, he will take them away. If not, he will fool Nagato to leave.

Therefore, just in case, they must evacuate as soon as possible!


It's troublesome if there is an expected accident occurred!

Since Nagato's mother was still there at this time, P G Rass decided to talk to Nagato's mother earlier.

Come to think of it, if his mother wants to move to another country, Nagato probably won't refuse.

P G Rass crossed his hands and placed them in front of his chin. With the help of the dim light, he looked at her with a gloomy face.

This scene immediately made Maki nervous, and looked at the ninja-sama worriedly and puzzled.

Why are you suddenly so serious?

Has the identity of the Uzumaki remnant been discovered?

When she is in doubt.

P G Rass looked serious, and said directly, "Mrs. Maki, you don't want your son to live in this war-torn country either!"

The words fell.

Just when P G Rass was waiting for Maki to nod with a sad face, covered her face and cried bitterly [I don't want], and then he said, [Then why not go to the country of grass].


He guessed the beginning, but not the end.

With a puzzled look on his face [Why don't you speak?] said.

Maki's face turned red for a while, then turned blue for a while, and finally, as if thinking of something, her eyes turned red, and she said with a trembling tone, "I see!"

The words fell.

Standing up tremblingly, she put her hands in front of her collar.


Immediately, P G Rass was stunned, and quickly stopped, "Madam, what are you doing? No! You misunderstood!"

Hastily took out a document, "I mean... Do you want to live in another country? The Country of Grass is recruiting talents, and now you can go through the immigration procedures, which is simple, convenient and fast, and directly open a green light channel for you! Arrived in the Country of Grass …Not only is the job assigned, but food and housing are also included, and the children of the family members can also go to school for free!"

With a seductive tone, "Do it tonight, and you will be able to go to the country of grass tomorrow, what else are you thinking about?"


The words fell.

Maki: ...

Her hands were slightly stiff, and her face was silent.

When Maki was stopping her movements, I saw her figure from another perspective and thought for a moment, "Madam, It seems you still don't want to do it, but it is the truth that you need happiness to balance your sadness over losing the man who owns this house.

You need clothes, you need foods. You also need a heater to ward off the bone-chilling cold in rainy times like this, every night!"

Maki: ...

And, with more seductive tone, "I know that you are actually so witty, smart and intelligent woman, Madam, you want your child to live in peace. And here I am just offering a protection program for widows and orphans, nothing more. Do you really not want it?"

Maki's face started to turn reddish and becomes smoky, but after reassuring herself, with pained red eyes, full of sadness but holding hope, she said firmly, "I agree!"