
Naruto: Greatest Uchiha

not now

ksizero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Uchiha Ryu

41 years since the founding of Konoha.

A heavy atmosphere of mourning, sadness, joy and happiness reigns throughout the village. The news of the end of the Second Shinobu World War cannot but rejoice ordinary civilians. Konoha, in turn, emerged victorious from this bloody war. The Second Shinobi World War spawned many heroes and claimed even more lives.

It was during this war that the three legendary Sannin rose to prominence. Tsunade, in particular, became famous as the world's greatest medical ninja, successfully counteracting all of Chiyo's poisons. Her ideas and skills revolutionized shinobi squads by adding medical ninja, whom she personally trained, increasing mission success and survivability. As such, she was considered to be a major contributor to Konoha's victory, as well as to the current system of all medical ninja. Also, this war was the time when Sakumo Hatake was given the nickname "White Fang of Konoha".

Residence of the Uchiha clan.

In a small but rather cozy house, built in a traditional Japanese style, an oppressive gloomy atmosphere reigns. Complete darkness reigned around, and the only source of the slightest light was an elegant miniature candle. Opposite this miniature candle stood an old wrinkled figure. The main features of this figure were the missing left arm, long gray strands of hair and terrible scars all over the body. This is the honorary elder of the Uchiha clan - Uchiha Makato.

"The Uchiha clan... one of the oldest clans in this world... Each generation has inspired terror throughout the shinobi world. Every Uchiha is a shinobi with limitless potential and no weaknesses. Talent, doujutsu, technique... We've always outperformed the rest of the scum who call themselves shinobi..." Makato spoke slowly. Behind him, three young figures sat obediently with their eyes closed, attentively listening to the old man's every word.

"Your parents... They... died a miserable death, worse than the death of cattle sent to the slaughter! If it were my will, I would kill them with my own hands... The weak and helpless have no place in our clan... such as they dishonor our clan." His voice was filled with fury and uncontrollable anger, causing the young figures behind him to flinch in fear and the old man's suffocating aura. Then the old man turned around with a hint of madness in his eyes. Notably, his left eye was cloudy white, while his right eye had a Sharingan activated with three tomoe.

"You three are my only grandchildren, and it is my duty to raise worthy shinobi from you who will glorify our clan. Now I won't make the same mistake twice... I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Yes, grandfather!" As if receiving a command, the three youths shouted and bowed in unison. But what is surprising is not their discipline, but the fact that all three of them have activated sharingan with one tomoe. Seeing this sight, Makato smiled in satisfaction.

"Whatever it is… Ichiro, come here."

"Yes, grandpa." Not daring to make the old man wait a second, Ichiro was instantly in front of Makato, kneeling on one knee with his head bowed down.

"The Kusanagi sword has always been passed down from generation to generation. Your father dishonored not only his clan, but also the glory of this sword. It's your turn to inherit this blade. You are one of the outstanding talents of the Uchiha clan. A gifted genius not only in ninjutsu, but also in kenjutsu. Your character is stubborn and ruthless, your spirit is strong, and active participation in the war only tempered you to be strong as a rock. It's time for the glory of the Kusanagi sword to shine again." Makato spoke in an impressively reverent voice as he drew a dark-sheathed sword from his belt.

"Thanks, grandpa." After receiving the sword, Ichiro humbly returned.

(Ichiro 12 years old)

"Kenshin, come here…" The sudden mention of his name slightly confused the young boy in the middle, but he didn't dare disregard the order even a moment later in front of the old man, as if copying Ichiro's manner.

"Kenshin…" The old man said with a deep sigh.

"You are as talented as your brother, but you have the character of your mother... You are too compassionate and gentle for an Uchiha... Take this medallion in memory of your mother. I hope you grow up and harden your heart, for that will be your undoing." Unexpectedly for himself, Makato addressed his grandson in a soft and warm way.

(Kenshin 9 years old)

With his head down, Kenshin went back into line. In less than a second, Makato's gaze was focused on his last grandson.

"My dear Ryu…" This time it was Makato himself who approached him. Ryu's eyes were turned towards the old man as he looked at him greedily.

"Proud, greedy, shrewd and... brilliant. It's all you... My beloved grandson. You are like a copy of him. As one who fought shoulder to shoulder with him... no, as his most loyal follower, I see him in you! Like him, having discovered the sharingan at the age of 5, you are like his reincarnation, coming to save the decline of the Uchiha clan. You are the hope of the entire clan, for it is you who will soon inspire fear in the entire shinobi world!"

Resonating with his past gentle demeanor, Makato was now obsessed with bigotry and pure insanity...

(Ryu 5 years old)

"The world has come to face Madara-sama's horror again!"

"Glory to Madara!"

"Let's restore the Uchiha to its former glory!"

In the pitch darkness, candles were lit one after another, showing the figures of the radical and fanatical members of the Uchiha clan...