
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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308 Chs

Chapter 250: The Panic of Yaga Masamichi.

"What's going on?"

The principal of Tokyo Metropolitan Cursed Technique Lapse High School, Yaga Masamichi, looked at Hatake Satoru next to Gojo Satoru with a shocked face. Fortunately, he was familiar with Gojo Satoru, otherwise he really couldn't tell who was who.

"This is my brother."

Gojo Satoru hugged Hatake Satoru's neck and showed a very intimate look, smiling at Yaga Masamichi.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, Satoru, who is this guy, why does he look so similar to you?"

Yagamaki Masamichi asked seriously.

"I told you, this is my brother."

Gojo Satoru spread his hands and said, looking like this is the truth.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is only you in this generation of the Gojo family, where did you get a brother?"

"This is really my brother, his Cursed Technique is exactly the same as mine."

As soon as Gojo Satoru finished saying this, several puppets rushed towards Hatake Satoru from all directions, but these puppets stopped strangely when they got close to Hatake Satoru.

Seeing this scene, Yaga Masamichi looked at Gojo Satoru with even more incredulous eyes, as if asking, what is going on.

"I just said that, his Cursed Technique is exactly the same as mine, your curse attacks can't break through my Limitless technique."

"Is this the welcome way of Tokyo Metropolitan Cursed Technique Lapse High School? It's really unique."

Hatake Satoru slowly opened his mouth and said.

"I damaged these little toys, there should be no problem, right?"

"This won't work, Hatake, this is the principal's precious thing, every one is very difficult to make, if you destroy all these things, the principal is likely to fight you to death."

Gojo Satoru stopped Hatake Satoru's behavior and said.

"Is it? That's really a pity, I really want to see what the structure inside is, whether there is a remote control device inside."

"Hey, kid, don't insult my Cursed Technique."

Hearing Hatake Satoru say this, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became suppressed, and the source of this suppressed breath was Yaga Masamichi.

"So, do you want to show me the power of your Cursed Technique?"

Hearing Hatake Satoru say this, Yaga Masamichi's momentum that had just risen instantly wilted, he didn't have the strength to be an opponent of someone with the same Cursed Technique Lapse as Gojo Satoru, if the other party didn't hold back for a moment, then his life would be over.

Although he is not afraid of death, he hopes that he can die in the battle with the curse spirit, not in this kind of playful fight with the Jujutsu Sorcerer.

"Let's forget it, I don't want to fight with the younger generation, it's too damaging to my face, if it spreads out in the Jujutsu World, it will damage my reputation."

Even if he was cowardly, Yaga Masamichi refused with a righteous reason.

"It's okay, I'm not from your Jujutsu World, you don't have to treat me as a junior, and I also want to know, what kind of strength does the principal of Jujutsu School have, can directly lead a person like Gojo Satoru."

Yaga Masamichi directly looked at Gojo Satoru, as if to say, what is your purpose in bringing this guy here.

"Hahaha, okay, don't scare him anymore, Hatake, otherwise, he will be scared out of his heart disease."

At this point, Gojo Satoru also knew it was his turn to appear, and he interrupted Hatake Satoru's plan.

"Then I'll give you a face and let him go."

Hearing this, Yaga Masamichi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Being stared at by someone with the same strength as Gojo Satoru, he would feel uneasy when sleeping at night.

"But Satoru, what is your plan to bring him back here?"

Yaga Masamichi asked. To him, this person who looks seven or eight points similar to Gojo Satoru is completely a dangerous person. No one knows whether he will be as forbearing towards the current Jujutsu World as Gojo Satoru.

If he can't forbear, then this Jujutsu World will definitely be turned upside down because of his appearance.

"Because with him here, I can rest assured a lot, and Sukuna's vessel, those higher-ups will inevitably not be able to help but make a move on him. By then, even if I'm not by his side, he can protect the Sukuna's vessel."

When he said the words "Sukuna's vessel", Yaga Masamichi's face changed again.

"Are you sure you want to keep Sukuna's vessel? I guess the higher-ups will never allow it. Last year because of Yuuta's matter, you have already offended the higher-ups once. Now that Yuuta has grown up, the higher-ups have no way to deal with him, but this Sukuna's vessel is different. And what if Sukuna fully revives, are you really sure?"

Yaga Masamichi asked seriously.

"Hmph, those old guys from the higher-ups have been displeased with me for more than a day or two. Even if I obediently do things according to their conditions, they will still be very wary of me.

And precisely because Sukuna's vessel now has no self-protection power, I want to bring Hatake back. With him here, I can rest assured.

As for the fully revived Sukuna, don't worry, even if the curse king from a thousand years ago really survives, I am confident to defeat him."

The last point, Gojo Satoru is completely confident.

"Well then, I won't care about this matter. But the appearance of a person like you can't be concealed. It's better for me to report it actively, and it can save some trouble."

"I don't intend to hide it either. After all, although we two look similar, people will always find a slight difference."

Gojo Satoru said.

"Ah, I guess the Jujutsu World is about to usher in a big chaos."

Yaga Masamichi looked at Hatake Satoru and sighed.

This also made him involuntarily have a headache, because the peace of this Jujutsu World has just stabilized for less than a year.

And the appearance of Hatake Satoru will not only cause chaos among the Jujutsu Sorcerer, but it can also cause turbulence among the curse spirits.

"Don't worry about this. If it's just me, it's indeed a bit troublesome, but with the two of us here, this Jujutsu World really can't get into chaos."

Gojo Satoru said confidently.

And Hatake Satoru was silent on the side, quietly listening to the two of them talking.

"Then take care of your brother, I won't care."

Yaga Masamichi waved his hand a few times, seeming to have some intention of driving guests away.

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to ask you in the first place. He is going to live with me."

Gojo Satoru showed a brilliant smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)


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