

These two were actually her children, born to native humans!

Even tigers don't eat their own cubs, and Kaguya's heart softened, letting her children live.

What happened next was clear.

Under Kaguya's protection, the two brothers grew into leaders among the local inhabitants. Eventually, through a series of events, they discovered their mother's true identity as an alien!

"My mother is an alien! How can we tolerate this?"

Driven by righteousness, they decided to kill their mother!

With the help of the toad sage's natural energy, the older brother, Hagoromo, accomplished this feat!

Thus, he became known as the Sage of Six Paths, the progenitor of the Ninja World.

This is the origin of the Naruto world.

Ye Liang knew that all chakra originated from Kaguya's lineage. Due to their deaths, chakra was distributed to all the people on Earth.

But the amount of chakra in each person's body is fixed. It exists in every corner of the body but is blocked by the meridians.

The practice of ninjas is to gradually unlock these blockages to access more chakra potential.

Ye Liang wasn't sure if he had chakra. His abilities were granted by the system, not by stimulating his potential. Ninja chakra practice takes years, beginning in childhood.

Ye Liang didn't have this time.

He once considered using a special training method to temporarily open his meridians and access his chakra, but this wouldn't work.

This method was known only by Might Duy and was called the Eight Gates.

Unfortunately, Might Duy had been sent to the front lines by Naruto...

The only remaining option was to learn the technique of absorbing natural energy, like the Sage of Six Paths.


This is the Earth's original energy, taught by the toad sages. But there are also the White Snake Sage and the Slug Sage who know Senjutsu.

The Slug Sage's location is not mentioned in the original series, but the White Snake Sage could be tried.

In Boruto, the protagonist Boruto entered Ryuchi Cave, home of the White Snake Sage, to save his companion Mitsuki!

Ye Liang vaguely remembered where Boruto entered Ryuchi Cave. Although it's a sacred place that requires an invitation, Ye Liang wanted to try.

He's a protagonist in this world!

"Haha, let's start with you," Ye Liang laughed as he lay in his room.

"Ye Liang! What are you laughing about? Can't you sleep?" Anko complained.

She found it strange. Ye Liang, usually carefree, was suddenly immersed in reading about chakra, deep in thought as if studying.

"Oh, woman! You only sleep every day, doing nothing productive."

"As if you're really reading!"

"Of course! Reading brings me joy!"

"Books are the ladder of human progress!"

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration!"

"Experience teaches us; reading gives us knowledge," Ye Liang fired off a series of quotes, leaving Anko speechless!

"Uh... what does Ostrovsky mean?" Anko was confused, never seeing Ye Liang so studious before. But his words seemed reasonable.

"It's a type of particle, really illiterate."

Accidentally spoke too fast!

"Oh, I see..."


At midnight.

Ye Liang went to the small woods near the Valley of the End.

In the original series, Boruto found Ryuchi Cave near this forest. Not only Boruto, but also Mitsuki and Kabuto entered the cave.

Boruto hasn't been born yet, and Mitsuki hasn't been developed. As for Kabuto, Ye Liang was sure he was still in the orphanage...

In the previous life, Kabuto was sent to the orphanage during the war, trained, and later sent to the front lines as a spy, catching Orochimaru's eye and becoming a powerful figure. But now, he hadn't had the chance.

Orochimaru was imprisoned...

Of course, Ye Liang didn't expect to find Ryuchi Cave easily!

After searching the woods, Ye Liang used the enhanced Body Flicker Technique to check every corner but found no clues to Ryuchi Cave.

"Could I really have no destiny?"

Ye Liang doubted himself for the first time. As a traveler, even without a destiny bonus, he should have some adventure bonus...

But he found no clues despite searching thoroughly.

"Am I really unlucky?" Ye Liang felt dejected.

But he quickly regained his resolve!

If he didn't become stronger, he would be killed!

Despite not having a strong mindset, he felt the urgency in a crisis!

Ye Liang began to think deeply.

He thought for an hour.


"That's right! Boruto saw Ryuchi Cave after encountering a mist. Wherever it is, Boruto didn't stray far!"

"In other words, Ryuchi Cave is still in this forest, but it's hidden, perhaps by the environment or some other means."

Ye Liang understood!

As a modern person, he believed in science and the law of conservation of mass. He also believed that the Naruto world, being scientific, could be explained!

With a sudden move, Ye Liang prepared to use Shinra Tensei on the forest.

"A bag of rice carries several floors..." he roared, slowly floating into the air.

Shinra Tensei's power increases exponentially with accumulated energy.

Since he couldn't find Ryuchi Cave, Ye Liang decided to destroy the forest to reveal it!

He gathered his strength and released all his chakra in one go!


A large portion of the forest, nearly half of Konoha Village's land, was cleared by Shinra Tensei!

"Haha, this method is absolutely feasible!" Ye Liang quickly sat cross-legged to recover his chakra.

He had destroyed a significant portion of the forest in one go. At this rate, it would take about twenty full-strength Shinra Tenseis to clear the entire forest. Considering recovery time, this would take about a month to complete.

Ye Liang went to Konoha to buy some stamina pills and began his plan.



For a month, the forest echoed with roars. Fortunately, there were no forest protection laws in this world, or Ye Liang would have been imprisoned...