
Naruto:God level Reward System

SUMMARY After staying at home for a month, in addition to playing games, watching live broadcasts, and watching videos, I eat and sleep every day! The bored Masao was going to review the classic anime “Naruto”, however, he passed through as soon as he opened the video. Moreover, a god-level reward system is also bound! The first reward: ①【Increased talent by 100 times】 ②【Chakra up to 100 times】 ③【The power of one tailed beast 】(i.e. one-tailed beast Shukaku chakra) The second reward: ①【Talent increased by 1000 times】 ②【Chakra increase up to 1000 times】 ③【The power of two tailed beast】(namely Matatabi Chakra) … So far, Masao has started a legendary life in Naruto World!

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs

Chapter 38

At noon, the sun is high.

When toki and his party came to the bridge, the workers here fell to the ground with serious injuries.

In addition to the injured workers, there are also a group of people standing here. At this moment, they are staring at toki and the others with a vicious expression.

The leader is a short, fat, middle-aged man in a suit and tie, looking out of tune with the group of desperadoes behind him.

There is no doubt that he should be the top rich man, gato!

His gaze shifted from the injured workers on the ground to gato, and Tazuna said with great anger.

"gato, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Does this question still need to be asked!"

gato sneered, and then said: "I said that this bridge is not allowed to be built, but you just didn't listen. You went against me over and over again."

"So, I'm here today just to make a complete end!"

"Tazuna, as long as i kill the you, I see who else in land of waves would dare to resist me."

Hearing gati words, Tazuna was very angry!

Because his godson, Inari's stepfather, let gato beat him alive.

"Oh, by the way, I will remind you casually before you die."

"I have sent someone to your house. If nothing happens, they have already taken your beautiful daughter away at this time."

"Hey, I like this kind of young woman with lingering charm!"

Hearing this, Tazuna was taken aback.

Immediately, a hideous color suddenly appeared on his face, a pair of calloused hands clenched tightly, staring at gato firmly.

When gato saw this, he said, "Uncle Tazuna , don't worry."

"I have left a note. Naruto will stay there to protect the mother and son when he wakes up. One or two of them are not his opponents."

Hearing the words, Tazuna sighed heavily. If there were no toki words, he would have rushed to fight gado to death and death.

On the side, Kakashi and Sasuke were shocked when they heard this, as if he could be the prophet.

"toki did you know that gato would do this in advance?"

For Kakashi's doubts, toki also explained: "Teacher Kakashi, I just did this to prevent it."

"Insidious villains like gato may threaten us with Uncle Tazuna family, and even if they lose in the end, they will be able to retreat."

"toki, you are still thoughtful."

Kakashi had to admit that toki was excellent, and he was able to consider things so thoughtfully the first time he went on a mission.

As for Sasuke, he naturally admires toki more and more!

And jealousy is also slowly diminishing with this time and again astonishment. I believe it will disappear if it doesn't take much.

Scattered in nothing.

"Tazuna , you can't escape today, just take it to death!"

After hearing gato words, Kakashi stood up directly.

He shoulders Konoha's mission, and once Tazuna dies, it will definitely affect Konoha's voice.

As Konoha Shinobi, he naturally can't let this happen!

"Mr. Tazuna , don't worry."

"With me, no one can touch your hair today!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, gato eyes finally fell on him.

"If I'm not wrong, you killed zabuza"

gato place only came now, because he had always waited for the news not to be cut, but after waiting for several days, there was no news of the latter.

So he sent someone to investigate!


Moreover, I also chose a treasured geomancy place!


Kakashi didn't conceal it. He has always been upright and honest, and he has no secrets.

Of course, except for [icha icha Paradise]!

Hearing the words, gato snorted coldly: "That trash, it's better to die!"

"Even if he completes my entrustment, I have no plans to pay him."

"You killed him, you did me a great favor!"

Obviously, gato was very upset because of the attitude of not cutting, which caused gato to want to kill him a long time ago.

Moreover, he has always regarded wealth as life!


In the end, gato will definitely kill him!

But gato tricks are okay against some weak ninjas, and if you don't kill such a master again, it is undoubtedly self-defeating.

He should be fortunate that gato and others removed it early!

Otherwise, without waiting for toki and others to do it, he has now been sent to the underworld to report without being cut.

"Well, I have no time to talk with you anymore!"

"Since you are here, you can only be blamed for your bad life."

When the voice fell, gato waved his hand, and a drink sounded.

"Kill them, don't keep anyone alive !"

After receiving gato order, a group of desperadoes behind him took out their weapons one after another.

Knives, metals and sticks, everything!