
Naruto: Fiction Challenges

This is a series of Fanfiction ideas that I have had, the base concept that I want to share so that others can read the ideas and if they are inspired to write and share their own versions, I will be adding more eventually, my ideas just keep coming~

PsyChotiX556 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Challenge idea 9: Captain Konoha

Setting: SI/OC insert

Starting time period: just before Canon starts

MC/OC/SI: a year older than the Konoha 12

Chakra nature: Fire, Lightning

Fighting style: Taijutsu (Judo, Boxing, Kickboxing)

Possible relationships: Ino, Open

Concept idea:-

A soul reborn into the Naruto world having lived a hard life before, regrets his past life and instead in this one wants to protect those precious to him, he will be the shield they can hide behind.

During his reincarnation, he spins the wheel of powers and worlds, landing the Naruto world as his destination, and for his powers, gains the Super Soldier serum from Marvel, gaining all the benefits of Captain America.

Enhanced speed, reflexes, strength, endurance, agility, stamina, metabolism, immune system, Physiology, recovery, mental capabilities, senses and longevity.

During his training to be a shinobi he learns of the summoning seal that can be placed on items in order for him to summon them to him, (How can Ibiki summon the giant Cat iron maiden or how did Minato summon the shrine Naruto was placed on during the nine tails attack) and once he gets his shield forged of chakra metal, (Konoha Themed) he puts the Fūinjutsu on his shield to be able to summon it instantly.

Future ideas:-

Befriends Naruto during his years at the academy

Graduates a year early

Becomes assistant teacher of team 7

Trains Team 7 ahead of what Kakashi teaches them- Drill instructor from hell~