
Naruto: Fiction Challenges

This is a series of Fanfiction ideas that I have had, the base concept that I want to share so that others can read the ideas and if they are inspired to write and share their own versions, I will be adding more eventually, my ideas just keep coming~

PsyChotiX556 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Challenge idea 8: The Power of Shadows

Setting: SI/OC insert

Starting time period: just before Canon starts

MC/OC/SI: a year older than the Konoha 12

Chakra nature: Yin (Dark)

Possible relationships: Ino Yamanaka, open

Concept idea:-

Reborn into the Naruto universe OC finds himself being reborn as a member of the Nara clan, with his intelligence boosted due to his Nara Bloodline and his clan's affinity for Shadows, just what will he accomplish.

Non-lazy Nara's can be very dangerous opponents, especially when they have so many media to draw ideas from to create new Jutsu.

After all Shadow is just a few steps from true darkness, and darkness by extent can swallow everything, so with a Nara who isn't limited by being lazy and has drive, just how far can he go.

Future ideas:-

Multitude of new Shadow Jutsu, inspired by other anime and fiction

Possible unique summon contracts with ravens or crows as they match the darkness theme