
Naruto: Fiction Challenges

This is a series of Fanfiction ideas that I have had, the base concept that I want to share so that others can read the ideas and if they are inspired to write and share their own versions, I will be adding more eventually, my ideas just keep coming~

PsyChotiX556 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Challenge idea 10: Elemental Sage

Setting: SI/OC insert

Starting time period: just before Canon starts

MC/OC/SI: Same year as the Konoha 12

Chakra nature: any

Fighting style: Ninjutsu

Possible relationships: Open

Concept idea:-

reborn into the body of a young boy/girl in the village of Konoha, she/he attends the academy, his/her family is of civilian roots, and so he/she like Sakura has minimal chakra reserves but next to perfect chakra control, being a fan of the series he/she naturally knows all of the tricks on how to train his/her chakra control and exhaust his/her reserves so that they grow larger over time, he/she will use his/her knowledge to become stronger than others, and become a living legend in this world, if Hashirama could do it, why can't he/she.

He/She will become a Sage, a master of his/her own element, and shake the world.

Future ideas:-

Paired with team 7

Water Sage (Healing)

Fire Sage (destruction)

Wind Sage (speed and detection)

Lightning Sage (Speed and power)

Earth Sage (Ultimate defense)