
Naruto: Fiction Challenges

This is a series of Fanfiction ideas that I have had, the base concept that I want to share so that others can read the ideas and if they are inspired to write and share their own versions, I will be adding more eventually, my ideas just keep coming~

PsyChotiX556 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Challenge idea 1: The Battle Medic Shinobi

Setting: SI/OC insert

Starting time period: mid way through the third shinobi war

MC/OC/SI: same age as Kakashi

Genin at 9

Chunin at 10

Jonin at 13

Chakra nature: Earth

Summons: Salamander

Fighting style: Taijutsu, Chakra Scalpels, poison

Possible relationships: Anko Mitarashi, Hana Inuzuka, Shizune

Concept idea:-

OC/SI is reborn into the Naruto world as a civilian born academy student during his first day as part of the Konoha Genin Corp with no Sensei to teach him and no team holding him back from doing his own thing he makes a plan on how he is going to live his new life.

Knowing that combat isn't the most important thing, he instead follows his ambition of healing, seeking out lessons in Medical Ninjutsu to become an Iyro Nin, he also trains his body so that he can survive the riggers and trials of war, learning subtle skills to make him a hidden danger for any opponent who tries to target him thinking him an easy mark.

While out in the field as a Genin, running messages and continuing his medic training, he keeps up his training deciding he needs aid in the field he performs the summoning jutsu only to be transported to the land of the Salamanders where he is contracted to their clan, brining a big boost to his skills and talents. Through them he begins to develop a multitude of poisons and antidotes, which bring him enough recognition to get a field promotion to Chunin.

Future ideas:-

Massively aids the village and gains renowned after the Kyuubi attack

Becomes head Medic at Konoha hospital

Intervenes in the kidnapping and prevents the death of the Kumo Nin, resulting in gratitude of the Hyuga clan, gaining their backing for the future

Uses favor with the Hyuga clan to implement new medic training program, utilizes Hyuga Dojutsu in the hospital to look for illnesses and so on

Examin's Itachi and reveals his illness, begins treatment

Completely revolutionizes Hospital staff to take pressure off him and staff

Confronts Hokage over Itachi's actions and his illness

Recommends, Sakura, Ino and Hinata to the Medic program, Possibly becoming their part time Sensei