
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: Suiton

As i woke up from my sleep, i stared at the ceiling for a long time, 'Men, what i wouldn't do to get a full 13 hours of sleep.'

Brushing that thought aside, i got up to do my usual routine, i showered then brushed my teeth.

I got out of the bathroom, heading to the saloon, it was a good week honestly, the week vacation after passing the graduation was good, now 6 days remaining to get back to the center.

As i was walking down the stairs, i saw my father talking with my mother while hugging her from behind in the kitchen. I changed my course to talk with them, i greeted "Morning, Okaa-san, Otou-san."

They turned back to me, well it was my mother who turned to me with sweet smile, while my father had his head posing up in her head with a sleepy smile and closed eyes, guess he was tired, they responded ""Morning Izaku.""

I sat beside the table, i wanted to talk a bit with my father, i asked him about something, i asked "Otou-san, i would like to ask you something that been bothering me for a while, can i?"

He turned to me, this time he detached himself from mother , and said with a raised eyebrow, "What is it?"

"Well i had this jutsu that been handed to me by my teammate, it was a Suiton jutsu. The problem is, that when i tried to use it, i tried for at least 20 times with only slight movement from the water as a result, while the Katon jutsu that my brother gave me was apprehended after 1 day, and perfected after 1 week, why is that?"

He raised his eyebrow, pondering the response to give, he said "I am really surprised you didn't know the reason, well wait here for a moment, i will come back," he took off from the kitchen, waiting for about 10 minutes, then returned with a blank paper, he handed it to me, at which i took it then face palmed my self. He chuckled a bit then said "Well i guess every prodigy can make mistakes huh?"

I sighed and placed the paper on the table, i knew what to do with it, pour a bit of chakra, then see my affinities, i really forgot that detail about chakra.

Well not the time to cry over spoiled milk, i tested it, i poured a bit of my chakra in it, then saw my paper cut in half, they ignited in a big flame then turned it to ashes, guess my affinities is wind and fire huh, i slammed my forehead in the table "I am dumb."

My father chuckled a bit, i looked up, my mother had her mouth in a O shape, and a raised eyebrow as well as my father who had this amused face.

My father said, "Well, it seem you got a strong affinity for Fire, and a small one for wind. As from your mother who is wind and me who is Fire."

I sighed, "Well, i have my response to my question now," i looked at my father, "guess it will be a pain trying to get it done, aren't it?"

"Well, like you always say's, no pain, no gain, right?"

I sighed, "Yeah right, can you help me with it though?"

He hummed, with this thinking pose, a hand in his chin, he said "Well, i can take a day off i guess, i've been pushing myself too hard i guess," He then nodded, "yeah, after breakfast, let's go at the lake, we'll try this out."

We ate breakfast, talked a bit, but it was mostly quiet, then we headed to the lake location.

It was a basic 'try this' 'try that' and perfecting on how to use it, then my father suggested to copy it with my sharingan, i asked him why is that, like it only copies the Mudra's needed. But he retorted my response that the sharingan not only can copy the targeted movement, but also the amount of chakra used, the pathway for the chakra to circulate, and how to circulate it.

I used it, i copied my father's movement, and i remarked that it also influence how my chakra moved, how many i used. While i read everything in the compound, i couldn't find the book and the information concerning the sharingan.

So my jutsu worked, i saw my perfect clone beside me, looking at me like he saw a ghost, i as well with my widened eye. We talked a bit for 5 minutes, still stupefied by the development, while my father looked at us in amusement, with crossed arms, he said "Don't make him your friend, talking with yourself will have you an mental disease."

We looked at him, with a questioning look, we were about to say something, but the clone melted, while me i felt myself drained.

I was about to collapse, but i didn't, i saw my father catching me up, we sat beside each other, he continued, "Well, it can cause you a split of personality, some veteran didn't want to speak about their problem with stranger, so they tried to make a clone, who behaved differently to make it less like they talked to their self, a lot of them developed a split of personality."

I hummed, then said "I understand, i will try to not make 'myself' as a friend, anyway, why did i feel drained, wasn't it a C-rank Ninjutsu? same rank as the Katon one."

He nodded, "Well Izaku, it was because your main affinity was Fire, that's why it didn't drain you, but when you use another affinity in copying it, without training to get your body used to that affinity, it drain you as much as like you used a B-rank Fire jutsu or higher ."

I nodded in response, we sat there in silent, contemplating the lake before us. It was not the typical awkward silence, no, it was pretty pleasant to be with your father.

The quietness broke as my father said "Do you remember your past life?"

I looked at him, "Why is that?"

He shrugged, still looking at the lake, he said "Well, i got a report about you using hand signs like the back of your hand, were you in the military or something?"

I raised my eyebrow, i changed my gaze to the lake, i got this distant look in my eyes, i said "Well, i remember some things, but a big part of it were like black dots, if i try to remember them, my head hurts," i was silent for a moment, then said "My life was pretty normal honestly, i lived with a lovely father, and a lovely mother as well. I had everything, i was pretty spoiled in my young age, but it didn't affect my attitude surprisingly. I was pretty kind back then, too humble, and shy, not too much, because i had many friends."

He looked down at me, with a raised eyebrow, then it turned to an amused smile, "Well not anymore."

My left eye twitched, "Maybe because of the fact that i am not a kid anymore, Otou-san," i sighed, i continued "I had a sibling, a little brother born when i was 5 years old, we grow attached together, he was the most carefree person that i even seen, sweet kid. But at my 12th birthday, my father died at his deployment somewhere in the world," I quiet down a bit, then said "well it was supposed to be a simple mission from what my father said, but later on i found out that my father was in a secret mercenary group serving my country. His death devastated my brother, especially my mother, add to this that later on his young age, he was being bullied. I as well was bullied, but it did stop after i just snapped and heavily injured my bullies at the age of 14. Anyway, as a brother, i honestly felt ashamed to not protect my brother, so i got him into a martial art that i regretted not doing it at my young age because of my mother, a pretty brutal one, we call it the boxing art. The finances was pretty bad, it was only mother who can work and get money, and the higher studies were expensive, so i decided to stop and start working at the age of 17." i stopped talking for a bit, this time it was longer, "But after that, i don't remember anything. Just some flashback there and there, but anything else, nothing until my special force training, i don't know why i did this, but i did it for a very good reason. And at the time, we were in a world war, 77 from the last world war, i don't remember after finishing the training, same case as the last one, black dots."

We were quiet for a long time this time, my father consuming the information he just got, while me i was just waiting for his response, he finally said "Well, it was a long time of peace, what happen?"

I smiled, i knew he tried to avoid more questioning, to get my head off the past and not trying to open past wounds, "Well, my country was attacked by an warmongering power. At the time, my country was divided, we lost lands as well as the state in question. So we made a pact with them, the molotov-ribbentrop pact, we call it the pact with the devil. The warmongering state lost the last world war, and because of that, they lost lands, and a big amount of poverty ensued, and it caused to the population to develop hatred toward the winners who took everything from them. So they decided to take control and reclaim their past greatness, they took lands with diplomacy, then took it with force, they mobilized at least 1 million men,"

I was interrupted by a surprised father, "1 million? how could they produce that much shinobi? or is it civilians as canon fodder?"

I shook my head, "My world does not have chakra, only science, and because of that, weapons developed at a terrifying margin, and it caused the 1st world war to be deadly. 40 million casualties."

He snapped his head at me, with wide eyes "40 million !? what kind of weapon do you guys have to cause that?! and how could your world have that much population?!"

I chuckled a bit, "Well, it's sadly the truth about my world, a world where a 5 years old can kill easily a 30 year old veteran with a simple shot. Anyway, the state in question attacked us in surprise, with us expecting them to not attack us thanks to the non-aggression pact, but like i said, it was a pact with the devil. So the war lasted about 1 year, and we thought that we were losing, but did not stop fighting, and thanks to that we pushed them back. For 5 years, the whole world was united to fight 3 common enemy, 3 great power who menaced multiple ethic group to extinction, they committed multiple atrocities as ethnic cleansing, so we won. But at what cost? 70 to 85 million peoples died, and 20 million from my own country."

A heavy silence fall in the atmosphere, a few moments later, my father said "So that's why you were in peace for that long huh?"

I nodded, "But that did not stop conflict between 2 superpower."

He looked back at me, "Superpowers?"

I nodded, "Yes, superpower, not a direct war, but a cold war. A war where that benifits the whole world, where technology is being developed at a high rate, health care being upgraded, famine being taken care of, and every aspect of society to be greater than it's rival. My own country became a superpower, and another became one as well. Our two countries were different in ideology, they then hated each other, but the last war was costly, so they became rivals."

"It must be great at the time right? i mean your country and others helping each other as well as being rivals and the improvement to be better then the other, thus resulting in a better life, am i right?"

I sighed, "Right, but not only the civilian good were taken care of, but also weapon of mass destruction."

"What are those?"

"Well, a bomb that can destroy a whole country in one detonation, and release a mortal poison that can affect the land for about 1000 years before it return to normal, so you do imagine what will happen if there was another war?"

He was silent, then said "The end."

I nodded, "Right, the end, so that's why no one dared to attack, or else the world is doomed. so fast forward, my country lost the cold war because of the revolution, and developed the same ideology as our past rival country, and it proved to be better. We developed at a high rate, but the drums of war returned. I don't know how and why it happens, but it happened."

We sat here for a moment, enjoying the company of each other, but it didn't last long.

We were talking for 2 to 3 hours straight, so we took off to home. We talked with mom, helped her, and finally the day ended, so i started planning my training schedule to master the cloning technic.

A good day honestly.


Alright, this time, i was really absorbed by it, so i wrote more than usual. Anyway, thanks for reading, and don't forget to review the story or point out the flaw and problems here, as well as fav the chapter in wattpad if you liked it.

2242 words!

See y'a!