
Naruto FanF: Bratva

The pain was excruciating at first. Alexender had been shot and felt the worst pain that a human can feel in their body. Then, it started burning like there was a hell in his abdomen. But after a moment, there was nothing. Only numbness thanks to his adrenaline. Despite the pain, he kept fighting for the sake of his unit and the mission. Even if he was the last operative left, he would complete the mission. In his attempt to avenge his fallen comrades, he fell into a trap. There were numerous contacts waiting for him, ready to finish him off the moment he entered the perimeter. A mere second, there was a moment when he thought the mission would be successful. he thought his comrades wouldn't have died in vain, and he could finally return home to take care of his little brother. He could even start a family and close his life in peace with someone who accepted him. But it was all just an illusion. A teams of French legionaries were pointing their newly acquired HK14 rifles at him. They were shouting in a language that three years ago he would have just laughed at their accent. Alexender tried to take out his stolen Glock to fire his last bullets, but he couldn't feel his whole body. Looking down, he could see six to ten bullet holes in his abdomen. He fell backward, his vision blurring as the life began to leave his body. Even though he couldn't feel anything in his body, he felt regret, anger, and sadness that he couldn't complete the mission and return the promise that he made to his little brother. Tears streamed down his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to come. "Damn, that hurts." "Welcome Alexander Kuznetsov, i have a proposal to you" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realistic naruto oc fan fiction, realistic level up (even if have senju-uchiha blood) and hopefully good fights. I don't own naruto as well as the pics i will use So basically a soldier got reborn in naruto

Rejnid · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 14: Relief

The three Uzumaki's froze in their tracks, their eyes darting between Izuku and their captured comrade. Izuku's grip on the Redhead tightened, his Tanto dangerously close to his throat.

At that moment, his teammate used the opportunity to swiftly get beside Izuku.

"Let him go, and we'll spare your life," one of the Uzumaki's threatened, his voice laced with venom.

Izuku snorted, not fooled by their empty promises. He knew that they wouldn't hesitate to attack him the moment he released their comrade.

"Nice try, but I'm not that dumb," he replied, his eyes locked on his enemies. "Now, what about you let us go, and then you get to return the kid to his family, eh?"

Izuku glared at the Uzumaki ninja, his grip on the Redhead tightening even more. "Spare my life? You have no idea who you're dealing with," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

The Uzumaki ninja didn't seem intimidated, however. They continued to advance on Izuku and his teammate, their weapons at the ready.

Izuku gritted his teeth, his mind racing as he tried to figure out a way to escape. He knew that he couldn't keep holding the Redhead hostage forever, and if he let him go, the Uzumaki would surely attack them without hesitation.

Suddenly, he heard a loud explosion from behind the Uzumaki, followed by the sound of kunai and shuriken being launched.

Izuku used the opportunity to stab the Redhead that he held hostage to the neck with a senbon, effectively rendering him motionless in the process.

Izuku quickly tossed the Redhead's body aside and turned to face the source of the explosion.

He was relieved to see the remaining Operators rushing towards them with weapons drawn and ready for battle. The Uzumaki ninja were caught off guard by the sudden arrival of the reinforcements, and they quickly found themselves outnumbered by Izuku and his team.

Realizing that they were outnumbered and outmatched, the Uzumaki ninja reluctantly retreated, disappearing into the shadows as quickly as they had appeared. Izuku let out a sigh of relief as he sheathed his Tanto and deactivated his Sharingan. They had managed to survive the ambush, but it had been a close call. He knew that they couldn't let their guard down, not even for a moment, if they wanted to make it out of the Uzumaki stronghold alive.

"Usagi, you good?" he asked, turning to his teammate.

Just as he said that, the operator who had fought with him collapsed, and someone snorted with a hint of mockery, "Damn it, Usagi is cold out now."

As Izuku turned to their saviors, he saw Washi with an injured CSA agent and his teammate accompanied by Neku with an another injured. "I guess the others are..." he spoke grimly.

"Yes, unfortunately they're KIA," spoke Neku.

As Washi's teammate approached Usagi, he poked him, "Usagi, You good?"

"Fuckin' alive," Muttered Usagi with evident struggle to speak in his voice.

Izuku rushed over to the fallen operator, checking his injuries. "We need to get him to safety," he said urgently.

"6th Forward Post to 5th Forward post, do you receive?" Spoke Washi to his radio.

A voice crackled over the radio. "This is 5th Forward, we read you. Over."

They had no time to waste. "We have three injured operators, 7 KIA and one MIA. Requesting immediate extraction. Over."

There was a moment of silence before the voice on the other end replied. "Acknowledged. How're the three, type of wound? Over."

Izuku quickly relayed the condition of the injured operators to Washi, describing their injuries in detail. "Two are in critical condition with multiple stab wounds and one is chakra exhausted," he said, his voice urgent.

"Copy that, we'll send a medical team to extract them as soon as possible. Hold tight, Washi. Over," the voice on the other end replied.

The other Operators quickly sprang into action, creating a makeshift stretcher out of one of their Scroll and carrying all the Injuries towards the exit of the stronghold. As they made their way through the dimly lit corridors, Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They had managed to survive the ambush, but he knew that they still had a long way to go before they were truly safe.

Finally, they emerged from the stronghold and into the night air. The moon shone down on them, casting an eerie glow over the barren landscape. Izuku took a deep breath, grateful for the fresh air and the feeling of freedom.

"Anything outside?" Washi asked as he carried the injuries with his teammates.

"Guys, I sense movement in the forest. Our Redheads partners has arrived." muttered Neko, as she eyed the forest while making a concentration seal.

Washi nodded in response to Neko's report before asking again. "How many?" he asked, his hand hovering over the hilt of his Tanto.

Neko closed her eyes for a moment, focusing her senses on the surrounding area. "I can sense at least five," she replied, her expression serious.

Washi nodded grimly. "We need to move fast. 5th Forward post, we have incoming enemy forces. We need that extraction now. Over."

The voice on the radio crackled with static before responding. "Understood. ETA for extraction is ten minutes. Hold tight. Over."

Izuku's heart sank at the thought of having to face yet another battle. He glanced over at the injured operators, silently wishing for their safety.

"We need to find some cover," he spoke up, "We can't afford to be caught out in the open."

Washi nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surrounding area for any sign of cover. "Let's get back inside the bunker," he said, pointing towards the entrance of the bunker. "We can make our stand there, it's narrow and best for holding a number of enemies."

The group quickly made their way towards the corridor, their movements swift and silent. Izuku could feel his heart pounding in his chest as they approached the cover, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

As they reached the entrance of the Bunker, Washi motioned for the others to take a formation in the corridor. Izuku quickly scrambled to the side of his superior, his eyes scanning in front of him for any sign of movement.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each passing moment filled with tension and apprehension. Izuku could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he waited for the inevitable attack.

Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps reached their ears. Izuku tensed, his hand reaching for the hilt of his sword.


If I get 2 reviews, you get a chapter more.

Same thing if I get 4 Power stone.

Next Update will be in two or three days.