
Chapter 285

Regarding how to deal with the Raikage, Kaito felt that this question was actually really unnecessary to ask.

Because the Raikage was in their hands, killing him was not a technical job.

All they needed to do was to have the Anbu prepare some slow-acting poison, ensuring that it would take effect when Kaito and the others made their move, and then everything would be simple.

Of course, if they did that, they couldn't return the body to the Hidden Cloud Village.

After all, a simple investigation would reveal that there was something wrong with his body.

By then, if Konoha wanted to pretend that they weren't the ones responsible, it's unlikely that anyone would believe them.

However, a Fourth Raikage whose injuries healed very slowly wasn't something that Kaito was too worried about.

Originally, even when Kaito did not have the eyes and strength he possesses now, he was able to defeat him and Killer B.

He even severed one of his hands and captured him alive to return to Konoha.

Now Kaito was even less worried about these matters; he even felt that some things might not even require his personal intervention anymore.

Shisui's growth this time was truly fast enough, even if Kaito, due to his own needs, had not let him engage in too many high-intensity battles.

But Shisui himself, relying on his talent and strength, forcefully activated the third stage of Susanoo, and even performed quite well in the final battle.

This made Kaito start to think about whether he could let Shisui encounter the Fourth Raikage.

The prosperity of the family cannot depend on him alone being powerful; this was a principle that Kaito always remembered.

He could not be a bodyguard for everyone, nor did he have any intention of being one.

People must rely on themselves, and Kaito could at most provide a suitable environment for those worth nurturing.

Protecting someone could be done once or twice, but it definitely would not be for a lifetime!

With this in mind, Kaito turned his head to look at Jiraiya: "Regarding the Fourth Raikage's issue, I plan to let Shisui handle it."


Upon hearing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but frown slightly, then he slowly said.

"Shisui is very strong, and his record in the Anbu is also outstanding.

But the problem is, that's the Fourth Raikage, are you sure..."

"I'll be watching from the sidelines. Unless there's a trend of things getting out of control, or he encounters some major crisis, I do not plan to intervene."

Kaito interrupted Jiraiya before he could finish speaking.

"This is part of his training, and also for nurturing talent for the clan and Konoha.

Besides, Shisui is a member of the Anbu. I believe he can handle the situation even better, right?"

Kaito's words left Jiraiya unable to rebut. Although he always felt that it would be most prudent to have Kaito take action, he also knew that not everything could rely solely on Kaito.

After a moment of thought, he also nodded and said: "Just make sure you have it under control; I'll leave this matter to you."

Shisui was unaware that Kaito and Jiraiya, in their casual conversation, had already assigned him a daunting task.

Of course, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't curse Kaito and Jiraiya for being inhumane.

And the Fourth Raikage was even more clueless that his fate had already been so neatly arranged by the two men.

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage was having a staring contest with Onoki, the Tsuchikage, and neither of them probably expected to encounter each other here.

What's more, it was quite comical that both of them were wrapped up like rice dumplings.

After all, both were extremely dangerous individuals; if their chakra was not sealed, who could guarantee they could withstand them going berserk?

In the original story, Sasuke had also been treated like this, even having both of his eyes sealed.

"Hmph, I didn't expect to meet you in a place like this."

The Fourth Raikage looked at Onoki with extreme disgust, and finally, he snorted disdainfully.

"It seems you have failed, I wonder how many ninjas you have lost this time?"

"Oh, isn't this the Third Raikage's son? I was wondering why he looked so familiar."

Onoki also had no intention of backing down and spoke with extreme sarcasm.

"I must say, you and your father are really alike, both in looks and intelligence.

And are you more formidable than your father? I heard that you even brought along the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki."

Onoki's words immediately made the Fourth Raikage glower in anger. If they weren't bound so tightly, the Fourth Raikage might have stood up to attack right then and there.

Although their bodies were covered in chains that sealed their chakra, using their bodies to ram into someone wasn't impossible.

Especially someone like the Fourth Raikage, whose physical strength was unimaginable, he might actually be able to kill Onoki with a body slam.

It seems the Anbu knew about his destructive capabilities, hence the extra careful binding.

Now, the Fourth Raikage could only sit obediently on the bed, hardly able to do anything else.

"What's wrong, did I say something incorrect?"

Onoki was also in a very bad mood, now encountering someone who shared his misery.

Moreover, it was someone he extremely disliked, so he chose to go all out.

"Although I failed, at least I lost on the battlefield.

But you, sneaking around like a rat, came here to spy for information.

Are you waiting for Konoha and Iwagakure to be beaten to a pulp so that you can take the opportunity to enter the fray and pick up the pieces?

Your brain is just like your idiot father's, filled with muscles instead of brains, right?

You should be thankful you encountered Konoha and not me, otherwise, I wouldn't mind sending you to reunite with your idiot father!"

"How dare you say that, you led so many and still failed, you really are regressing the older you get."

The Fourth Raikage was really infuriated by Onoki, directly retorting angrily.

However, what he didn't expect was that Onoki simply glanced at him as if looking at an idiot, and then slowly, deliberately spoke.

"Yes, I failed, but at least I didn't end up with a severed hand or lose our Jinchuriki.

And even in defeat, I did so with honor, not like you, sneaking around like a rat.

Honestly, you really should reunite with your father rather than continue to bring shame upon yourself in this world."

Onoki, having lived for so long, has always had a talent for scolding people.

Under his relentless badgering, the Fourth Raikage's rage truly reached its peak.

Especially since Onoki, that damn old man, kept attacking his father, and also implicated that he was the reason Killer Bee got captured.

These were things that intensely provoked the Fourth Raikage, matters that made him extremely angry.

He now fell silent, gathering all his strength, wanting to stand up and give this old man a good hit.

Since they were both without chakra, the Fourth Raikage did not believe he couldn't kill such a decrepit old man!

However, just as he was about to start moving, the door suddenly opened, and two figures walked in.

Upon seeing their current state, one of them let out a slight smile, and spoke in a teasing tone.

"It seems like you two are getting along quite well."

The Fourth Raikage and Onoki's faces turned very ugly upon hearing this remark.

Especially when they noticed who the newcomers were and who spoke, both of them fell silent.

Because the two were none other than the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, Jiraiya, and Uchiha Kaito, who was truly responsible for capturing them!

They actually had anticipated the arrival of these two, since for Konoha the war was already over.

It was only natural to meet with the two unfortunate captives after the end of the war.

After all, Konoha now wanted to get what they desired from them, such as benefits and other interests.

It was all negotiable, although for them it was a great humiliation.

But even if they wanted revenge, they would have to wait until they returned to their own village!


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