
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 170

Kaito truly hadn't expected that the person following them all this time was the blonde kid, Deidara.

Deidara, when you think about it, was a ninja with exceptional talent. He was two or three years younger than Itachi Uchiha, but his strength was immeasurable.

Though his methods of attack might seem somewhat limited – relying solely on clay bombs – his battle style was perfect for large-scale combat. If he had been around during the war era, Deidara would have been a nightmare for every village.

That's not to say he didn't have any natural enemies; the lightning-style ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village had his number.

Regardless of that, his abilities were undeniable. Anyone who faced him on the battlefield would feel chills down their spine.

It could be said that he was simply born in the wrong era, leading many to misunderstand or even dislike his actions.

But Kaito had little to do with Deidara. Strictly speaking, when the young ninja had joined the Akatsuki, Kaito was on the opposing side. Even without his association with the Akatsuki, Deidara hailed from the Hidden Stone Village.

Kaito's relationship with the Hidden Stone wasn't great, especially since he had recently shown no mercy towards them. He was curious as to why Deidara was seeking him out.

"Why is it you?"

Kaito raised an eyebrow, his tone calm but his chakra turbulent. He asked directly, "Why are you following us? Aren't you with the Akatsuki? And I know of you, Deidara, the disciple of Ōnoki. Are you here for revenge?"

Of course, Kaito knew Deidara wasn't there for revenge, otherwise, he would have attacked from the sky.

Deidara had never shown any malice, which was why Kaito hadn't confronted him about his intentions.

"You know of me? That makes things much simpler!"

Deidara looked at Kaito with intense enthusiasm. This passionate gaze was somewhat unbearable for Kaito, and it felt familiar.

It was reminiscent of the look he got from Shisui Uchiha and Fugaku Uchiha a year or two ago when he helped the Uchiha clan temporarily escape the restrictions of the Konoha higher-ups. Back then, Kaito even wondered if he'd failed some art exam or grown a beard, causing such reactions.

He could understand the reaction from within the clan, but from outsiders? The only explanation Kaito could think of was that Deidara was an eccentric individual.

Though it might seem rude to think this way, Kaito genuinely didn't like being looked at with such a gaze by another man.

"Speak your mind and don't come any closer."

Kaito stopped Deidara, who was attempting to move closer, and said with a frown.

"You still haven't told us why you're following us. Don't forget, someone like you is quite dangerous to me."

"Dangerous? What danger?"

Deidara looked genuinely puzzled, his gaze still fervent, but he halted in his tracks.

"I'm not a match for you. Even if I can fly, so can you. If I wanted to escape, I wouldn't be able to. What harm could I possibly cause you?"

Upon hearing this, Kaito couldn't help but roll his eyes. Was this kid just too young and naïve to understand certain things? Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be around eleven or twelve. Perhaps he hadn't been educated adequately.

After all, not everyone belongs to the Nara clan, and Ōnoki might not have been the best teacher, right? Otherwise, why hadn't Kitsuchi become the Tsuchikage?

Then again, it's possible that Kitsuchi wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Some individuals might be competent as ninjas but not as decision-makers.

Kaito wasn't sure if Kitsuchi was one of those, possibly preventing him from becoming the Tsuchikage. Either way, his daughter with those impressive legs had assumed the position.

"You really are an idiot."

Kakuzu couldn't bear it anymore. Even though his words annoyed Deidara, he still voiced out.

"Did you come here intending for us to eliminate you? Since you recognized him, you should be aware of his status in Konoha. His presence in the Land of Earth signals the possibility of war. If we hadn't seen you willingly following Akatsuki members, you'd be dead by now. What's your purpose in coming to us now, to show off or seek death?"

"Aren't you just the head of Konoha's security division? What's so surprising about that?"

Deidara, visibly irritated, glared at Kakuzu before turning to Kaito with a puzzled expression. "I know your information, but what's the big deal?"

Alright, this guy was truly beyond help.

Kaito and Kakuzu exchanged glances, silently agreeing on Deidara's naivety. At the same time, they were both considering taking action.

However, before they could act, Deidara spoke up again.

"As for those guys earlier, I'm not close to them. They asked me to come with them, and I agreed. They won, and as a ninja, I naturally have to keep my word. That's why I went with them. Isn't that normal?"

Kaito and Kakuzu found it hard to maintain their composure at this reply.

Should they say that this kid was hopelessly naive, or that he was the epitome of innocence?

Regardless of either possibility, Kaito didn't feel like explaining any further. He directly asked, "So, since you agreed with them, why didn't you follow them? Instead, you came to me. Did you lose your way, or..."

At this point, Kaito paused slightly. His expression changed as a realization hit him, turning slightly grim. "Or did you guess we'd come this way, so you came here directly to meet us?"

"I had intended to go with them, after all, I am someone who keeps his promises."

Deidara noticed the look in Kaito's eyes, a look that made him somewhat uneasy. But he didn't flee, instead, he continued explaining, "But later, there was a fight, right? I kept my promise by following them. Now they've fled without caring about me, so naturally, I'm not foolish enough to continue following them. As for Iwagakure (the Hidden Stone Village), I don't plan to return. There's nothing for me there, nothing I can do. So, why should I return? Therefore, I don't consider myself part of Iwagakure anymore, and since those guys abandoned me, I don't intend to seek them out either. After much thought..."

At this point in his explanation, Deidara, ignoring the bewildered looks from Kaito and Kakuzu, enthusiastically declared, "It's better for me to follow you guys! After all, I've nowhere else to go. I can just follow you back to Konoha! And you truly embody the art I've always pursued. Only by following you can I realize the art of my dreams!"


Deidara's fervent expression truly left Kaito and Kakuzu stunned beyond words.

For a moment, Kaito truly doubted how this kid managed to graduate from the Ninja Academy, and what Ōnoki was thinking when he chose him as a disciple.

Could this kid actually be... completely clueless about the real world?

Seeing Deidara's unbridled enthusiasm, Kaito was momentarily at a loss for words. The boy indeed had vast potential, but bringing him to Konoha could spell trouble if people from Iwagakure found out.

After all, Kaito couldn't explain how he ended up with the boy, especially since he had used the Susano'o technique, which would definitely be on record in Iwagakure.

If not for the variable that Deidara presented, he wouldn't be concerned. He could easily pin the blame on Itachi Uchiha. Without one of his Mangekyō Sharingan, whether Itachi could still use Susano'o was a big question, especially since he wasn't Shisui Uchiha.

Considering Obito Uchiha , who, without one of his eyes, had never used Susano'o in his entire life, this was all a game of probabilities. Blaming him wouldn't matter either.

Even if Itachi Uchiha later uses the Susano'o, could Kaito simply pin the blame on Obito Uchiha?

"If Itachi can use it, then let's see you use it! Unless you plan on taking Kakashi's eye," Kaito mused.

But now with Deidara thrown into the mix, it's doubtful that Kaito could easily deflect responsibility. Even if he wasn't afraid, it would be a hassle.

Furthermore, Deidara is a genuine threat. The kid spends his days engrossed in bomb-making research; that's not a good sign.

"If he started launching his attacks in Konoha, I, as the head of security, would have to throw him into the Konoha prison for some reflection," Kaito thought.

Being with him seems like a path leading to certain doom, right?

And Deidara's claim that Kaito represents the art he pursues is laughable. While Kaito does specialize in large-scale destructive techniques, he isn't a bomber. At best, his forte is Fire Release, which has a very low chance of causing an explosion.

Unless someone aids him or his technique directly strikes the ground, there's a very low likelihood of an explosion. What 'art' is Deidara talking about pursuing with him?

"Could it be when I used the Susano'o to fend off Hashirama's Wooden Dragon and caused a mushroom cloud, that's when he wanted to follow me?" Kaito pondered.

It seemed to him that only during his fight with Hashirama Senju, when such a scene unfolded, could there be a chance of attracting someone like Deidara.

Of course, it's also possible that Deidara was inspired by seeing Itachi using the Sharingan in such a dramatic way. Maybe upon witnessing Kaito's strength, Deidara's inner artistic inspiration sparked, which made him decide to follow without hesitation?


Kakuzu, having heard Deidara's words, didn't even wait for Kaito to respond and shook his head.

"Why are you like Sasori, always talking about 'art'? You'd be better off with them. At least you'd have someone to discuss 'art' with. What do you hope to gain by following us? And as I've said, your identity is a liability to us. If you don't want to be a Rock ninja, then join some rogue ninja group."

"Aren't you a rogue ninja?"

Deidara glared at Kakuzu, focusing intently on the forehead protector he wore.

"From the Hidden Valley, huh? How are you any better than me? If you can follow him, why can't I? As for them, I did promise, but if they ignored me, that's on them. I also don't plan on returning to Iwagakure. The old man there is too boring, and I can't do anything there. That's a huge blow to my art. Following you would elevate my art and grant me some freedom. What's wrong with that? Whatever you, a Hidden Valley rogue, can do, I can do as well. Don't underestimate me!"

Deidara's words almost made Kakuzu laugh out of sheer disbelief. He realized this kid really had a screw loose.

Having lived for so long, Kakuzu naturally attached great importance to intelligence, especially as a bounty ninja, he needed to collect more information.

He was indeed familiar with Deidara's background. Realizing this, he wondered how the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki, ended up taking such a peculiar individual as his disciple.

Kakuzu didn't know what Deidara's art was, but he was aware that Deidara seemed to have a talent in the art of explosion; it was safe to say that Deidara was an explosion maniac.

Sadly, since Kakuzu had been in Konoha recently, he hadn't gathered more intel. For instance, he was still unsure why Deidara was at the border.

However, he was familiar with Deidara's infamous acts in Iwagakure. The deeds that left the villagers furious and Onoki probably cleaning up after him many times.

Did Deidara really plan to pull the same antics in Konoha? Wouldn't that make life difficult for Uchiha Kaito, the head of the security division?

These thoughts occupied Kakuzu's mind, but he chose not to speak. He was well aware that the decisions were not his to make; Kaito would decide on everything.

All he cared about was money. Everything else wasn't his concern.

Meanwhile, Kaito was deep in thought, pondering on how to handle Deidara.

To be honest, Deidara's sudden desire to join him both surprised and made Kaito cautious.

He knew of Deidara's unwavering passion for his art and everything Deidara did in the Akatsuki. He felt that Deidara shouldn't betray him.

However, one can't be too careful. After all, Kaito had just killed many shinobi from Iwagakure. He needed to tread cautiously.

But if Deidara truly sided with him, it could be a boon!

Considering the future, Kaito genuinely desired to overturn the entire ninja world. He indeed needed a diverse range of talents.

Kisame was an ideal ninja and a war machine. So, Kaito did not hesitate to invite him.

Although Kisame refused, given an opportunity, Kaito would try again.

In essence, Deidara was a war machine on par with Kisame. His explosion techniques were tailor-made for war. Kaito could easily imagine, in the future, if he decided to attack a village like Sunagakure, Deidara could truly shine. He could make the war much easier and simpler.

"The most troublesome part might be how to place this guy. He's not the type to stay put. Someone will need to keep an eye on him."

Kaito thought, frowning slightly. But then his eyes settled on Kakuzu.

At that moment, Kaito had an idea...


"So, this idiot will be with me from now on?"

As they continued towards the Land of Bears, Kakuzu glanced back at Deidara, who was walking while continuously molding his clay with his peculiar mouth-hand. He asked with a grim face.

Kakuzu didn't really need to darken his expression since his face was already dark enough. But his mood wasn't great, mainly because Kaito agreed to let Deidara join.

Whether Deidara joined or not wasn't a big deal for Kakuzu, who was just there to earn money. He wasn't going to foolishly oppose his boss's decision.

However, knowing Kaito's plan to let Deidara accompany him left Kakuzu uneasy.

There was no doubt about Deidara's potential and strength. But the problem was that this guy clearly wasn't right in the head!

Deidara's overenthusiastic approach to explosions often gave Kakuzu a headache. To Kakuzu, Deidara seemed naive to the point of foolishness with his obsession for explosions. Moreover, with Deidara's constant tinkering with explosives, Kakuzu often wondered if one day the former might accidentally blow himself up. Even with Kakuzu's multi-hearted resilience, dealing with Deidara was stressful.

"Well, while he has some quirks in his personality, he's still young," Kaito commented, glancing back at Deidara's antics with a smile. "He's only twelve. There's hope for him, right? Plus, with future solo missions and potentially leading others, wouldn't having this kid with you be beneficial?"

In Kaito's plan, once Kakuzu became trustworthy, he would naturally take on more responsibilities. Kaito wasn't handing out money for nothing. Known for his generosity, Kaito never begrudged the substantial sums he provided Kakuzu. In the future, Kakuzu would be moving in dangerous territories with numerous missions to tackle. So, why not have him mentor the youngsters from various clans, including his own? After accomplishing tasks under Kakuzu's supervision, these kids could wait safely while Kakuzu handled negotiations, and then they'd return to Konoha together.

Moving forward, Kaito envisioned that the children of shinobi clans would be competing with those of civilian shinobi. If they didn't fully exploit their advantages, it would be a great loss. As someone deeply connected to his clan, Kaito felt a strong obligation to ensure its holistic growth. If needed, he could simply offer more money to Kakuzu. They would never be short on funds, and the wealth would only increase. Buying Kakuzu's loyalty with money was a brilliant investment.

The relationship between Kaito and Kakuzu was mutually beneficial, ensuring that neither would shortchange the other. As for Deidara, describing his potential and value as a weapon of war was almost impossible. Given his skills, Kaito found it hard to refuse the youngster. After weighing his options, Kaito decided to let Deidara accompany Kakuzu. While Kakuzu could handle solo missions, unexpected challenges might arise. With Deidara's addition, their team's security would naturally increase.

Considering the money spent on Kakuzu's loyalty, it wouldn't be a stretch to ask him to keep an eye on Deidara. And if it became necessary, Kaito could always increase the pay. As for Deidara's restlessness, Kaito believed they could strike an agreement: research in Konoha but no actual explosive testing. However, during missions, bandit groups, robbers, and foes of their employers could all serve as experimental subjects for Deidara. After all, these operations would occur outside the Land of Fire, mostly against enemies or scoundrels. Deidara could have his explosive fun, possibly making Kakuzu's job a lot easier.

Kakuzu might not necessarily think this way, but Kaito definitely did.

The idea was to find someone for Kakuzu to converse with and also someone he could mentor – like Deidara.

Kakuzu once had a partner, but that unfortunate soul was now being used as a lab rat in Kaito's laboratory, subjected to various experiments.

In the original narrative, Kakuzu had a certain bond with Hidan. However, Kaito's ruthless actions had disrupted that relationship before it could even develop.

Having Deidara as a companion for Kakuzu seemed like a good choice, someone he could talk to during their travels.

Furthermore, Kakuzu was a seasoned shinobi, having lived for so long. His ninja expertise and life experience were profound.

At the very least, Kakuzu was someone who could match wits with Kaito, all thanks to his vast experience. By mentoring Deidara, maybe he could rectify some of the latter's character flaws.

The hope was that Deidara could become a bit less naive and foolish. However, Kaito wasn't expecting any significant change. After all, changing someone's personality isn't something one can simply command.

"I hope he's salvageable. You've really burdened me with a handful," Kakuzu sighed in resignation, shaking his head in evident distress.

"Don't worry. Even though there were unforeseen circumstances in the Land of Earth, you'll still get your 500,000," Kaito remarked, uttering words Kakuzu always loved to hear. "On top of that, you know how to handle the kid since he's a newbie. I'll need you to guide him and rectify some issues. So, an additional 500,000."

"Just 500,000?" Kakuzu was elated with the first half of Kaito's statement, but the latter half had him frowning. Was that all?

"Per month," Kaito added with a smirk. "But I expect to see some progress within a year, or I'll have someone else take over."

"No problem! I guarantee significant improvement within a year!" Kakuzu's eyes gleamed with anticipation. Such a consistent income was very enticing.

"Of course, if you can wholly refine him within a year, I'll give you an extra year's payment," Kaito continued, concerned Kakuzu might drag out the progress for his benefit. "You can see it this way: the quicker you mold him, the more you'll earn. And in the future, you can also mentor kids from Konoha's clans, and I assure you, each child's payment will be substantial."

Kakuzu was astounded by the enticing vision painted by Kaito. He felt incredibly fortunate to collaborate with him. Wasn't this much more lucrative than working with the Akatsuki?

Earning so much money just for guiding a youngster, and not even having to share the earnings - it all belonged to him. Kakuzu felt that he had made the wisest decision in choosing to work with such a generous employer.

Kaito, looking at Kakuzu, could tell that he was completely sold on the idea. He didn't interrupt Kakuzu's mental calculations of how much he could earn. After all, no matter how much Kakuzu earned, it would still be less than Kaito's earnings.

Kakuzu was a formidable ninja, capable of taking on a Kage in single combat. He was strong, experienced, and had seen much of the world.

Having him teach the younger generation would be immensely beneficial, even if they only learned a fraction of what he knew. If Kaito shared this news with the heads of other clans, they would probably be more than willing to pay such a price.

After all, finding a teacher of Kakuzu's caliber was no easy task. As long as Kakuzu was willing, the other clans would likely spare no expense.

However, when he turned to look at Deidara, who was still playing with clay using the mouth on his hand, Kaito was suddenly struck by a thought.

Could that mouth on Deidara's hand do anything else besides chewing clay?


After settling Deidara's status, Kaito and his group began their mission.

Though some less-than-serious thoughts crossed Kaito's mind, he dismissed them. In his past life, he had accomplished his dreams with his own two hands and had even been a bit boastful at times.

Seeing Deidara in such a state when he was in a good mood naturally reminded him of some absurd thoughts.

But Kaito didn't dwell on it. His present life was vastly different from his past one. He took these thoughts as mere jokes and didn't get hung up on them.

Their pace was swift, and once Kaito realized that there was no need for Deidara to walk on two legs, they moved even faster.

"Hey, boss, this is tiring," Deidara complained, looking rather drained as he sat atop a white clay bird.

After all, this Deidara was not yet the future Deidara. Even though he was undoubtedly a genius, he was only twelve years old, and his chakra reserves naturally couldn't compare to his future self.

Kaito wasn't familiar with the workings of clay manipulation, but through his Sharingan, he could decipher some of its secrets.

It was more like a transformation of chakra properties. The clay relied on chakra activation and coordination to trigger internal energy changes, ultimately resulting in an explosive effect.

Even if the explosive effect wasn't activated, maintaining the clay's form and movement still consumed the caster's chakra.

Kaito now understood why, in the original story, Deidara didn't always travel on clay birds while accompanying Sasori.

One concern was the fear of being exposed while flying, and another might be the excessive energy consumption, which could hinder future battles.

Observing Deidara slouched there, Kaito even noticed that the mouth on Deidara's palm looked so exhausted it seemed like it was sticking its tongue out. The scene was comically entertaining. However, having undergone rigorous training, Kaito's expression remained calm and collected.

"Don't worry. As someone from the Land of Earth, you should be more aware than us. We're almost there, just hold on a little longer," Kaito remarked casually. Then, his curiosity getting the better of him, he inquired, "By the way, aren't you Ōnoki's disciple? With your notable talent, didn't he teach you his Dust Release?"

"Dust Release?" Deidara touched his chin, pondering the question before replying, "The old geezer never mentioned teaching me that technique. Even if he intended to, I'm not certain I'd want to learn. The art I admire and pursue is explosions. Can Dust Release explode?"

Can Dust Release explode?

This question left Kaito uncertain about how to respond, and even Kakuzu facepalmed in exasperation. Was the only thing on Deidara's mind explosions? Wasn't he afraid of blowing himself up?

Fortunately, Kaito had an answer. After a moment of thought, he began, "Pure Dust Release doesn't explode. Apart from your Explosion Release, few techniques can directly do so. However..."

Pausing momentarily, he then slowly said to Deidara, "For shinobi like us, witnessing a massive explosion during battle is nothing unusual. Such explosions are far superior to the ones you pursue, both in impact and strength. Aren't you in pursuit of art? Art isn't something you can easily attain. It requires meticulous refining, and in a fleeting moment, a sudden spark of inspiration leads to its creation. The explosions you produce, in my opinion, hardly qualify as true art; they merely satisfy your sensory stimulations. However, don't abandon your path; perhaps someday, within the explosions you deliberately craft, you'll discover what you truly seek."

Kaito's words were persuasive, reflecting his personal understanding. In his past life, he might not have had an artistic sense, not having been a student of the arts. Nevertheless, as someone with a background in liberal arts, articulating arguments and making points was second nature to him, and it seemed Deidara was easily swayed.

He thought carefully, and it seemed that Kaito's words did make some sense. Is art that one deliberately pursues considered true art?

Moreover, the most valuable art seemed to align with what Kaito said – it's that fleeting, spontaneous feeling that arises unexpectedly, right?

Deidara rested his chin on one hand and began to ponder deeply, reflecting on Kaito's previous battle. Kaito had merely controlled the chakra giant wielding a blade, yet in that moment, the terrifying interweaving energies erupted, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

"That is true art!"

Deidara mused inwardly. He seemed to grasp what Kaito meant, but soon became wary.

"You're not trying to use this as an excuse to send me back, are you? I don't want that. A ninja must keep their word. I said I'd follow you, and I will!"

"Do you think you're Naruto? Following the 'my ninja way is to keep my word'?"

At this moment, Kaito felt he had met his match. In truth, he never particularly enjoyed dealing with overly naive individuals. While interactions with them could feel refreshing, at times their pure-heartedness and simplicity were utterly baffling.

Kakuzu understood Kaito's sentiment. Even though he maintained a composed expression, there was a hint of schadenfreude. But upon thinking of the young troublemaker possibly accompanying him in the future, he sighed in resignation, anticipating challenging days ahead.

"I didn't say you had to leave," Kaito sighed in exasperation, rubbing his temples. "While you're researching your clay bombs, why not consider studying Dust Release?"

"The power of Dust Release is beyond what you can imagine. I don't know why Ōnoki hasn't thought to teach you. Due to your Explosion Release, you possess both Fire and Earth Releases. If you put effort into mastering Wind Release, then you'd have the foundation to learn Dust Release. Plus, I can tell you that with Dust Release, you'll have a chance to seize that fleeting inspiration. After all, only with a powerful foundation can you generate even greater force, right?"

Hearing this, Deidara nodded. However, after nodding, he furrowed his brows again.

Everything Kaito said seemed to make sense, but upon deeper reflection, Deidara couldn't shake the feeling that maybe Kaito wanted him gone.

He had absolutely no information on Dust Release. If he wanted to research it, he could only obtain it from Ōnoki. But could he return to obtain it?

Clearly, he couldn't. If he went back, he wouldn't be allowed to leave again!

He vividly remembered how he felt while in Iwagakure – devoid of freedom and constantly hindered in his pursuit of art.

Even if he decided to attempt learning Dust Release, whether the old man would teach him was an issue. And even after learning, whether he could experiment with it was another concern.

So, returning wasn't even an option he'd consider. Thus, he had only one choice left.

"I'll first try to figure out Wind Release on my own, and then ask Boss Kaito about Dust Release. After that, I'll find a way to develop it myself. Yes!"

Deidara didn't realize that he had unknowingly been lured into a trap by Kaito.

Kaito was also unaware that Deidara had taken the bait so quickly. He had merely intended to guide Deidara, partly to keep him from exploding things too eagerly.

However, Kaito now wasn't in the mood to ponder that much because they had already reached their destination...


The handover went smoothly. The convoy of Nara and Akimichi had long been in place, and they didn't wait long for Kaito and his group.

Although they were puzzled as to why Kaito had returned with an additional blond youngster, they were all smart enough not to ask such questions. After delivering the necessary items, they waited on the periphery for Kaito and the others.

Kaito's trade was also efficient, as the Third Hoshikage had been waiting. He seemed a bit irritable.

Ever since he parted with Kaito, he had been waiting for news. After waiting so long without any word, he had lost hope.

But a week ago, he received a message which both alarmed and worried him. To ensure no issues arose, he had arrived early with his men.

However, he hadn't expected to wait at the border for a week, and how could he not be irritated by this?

They had to be cautious, considering they were in Iwagakure territory. If caught, it would be troublesome.

Of course, the chances of that happening were not very high.

Due to the ongoing war, it was actually easier for ninjas to hide themselves compared to peaceful times.

Yet, there's always some probability, and they couldn't be too careful.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting," Kaito said, noting the evident displeasure on the man's face. While Kaito didn't care much about what the Hoshikage thought, he was still their main client, so Kaito decided to be polite.

"Some unexpected events occurred in the Land of Earth. Maybe you'll receive news about it in a few days."

"Iwagakure?" The Third Hoshikage raised an eyebrow but didn't continue to question. "Well, thank you, Lord Ito."

"It was just a regular trade after all," Kaito replied nonchalantly, not forgetting that he was currently going by the name 'Ito Makoto'.

Taking the scroll handed over by the Third Hoshikage, Kaito immediately passed it to Kakuzu.

Kakuzu skillfully used his chakra to inspect the contents of the scroll. Upon realizing how much money was inside, for a moment, he genuinely wanted to take the scroll and run. It was filled with gleaming gold. Despite his vast experience and worldliness, Kakuzu was taken aback by the massive amount.

Indeed, to make such a huge fortune, one must have considerable resources behind them. Otherwise, earning even a fraction of this amount would be impossible.

Taking a deep breath, Kakuzu nodded to Kaito and then handed the scroll back to him. However, Kaito shook his head, indicating Kakuzu should keep it. Afterward, Kaito and the Third Hoshikage left to have a private discussion.

Their conversation wasn't extensive, mostly revolving around details for their next transaction. The Third Hoshikage was now fully confident in Kaito's group's capability. The substantial weaponry and resources they brought spoke volumes. Moreover, the Hoshikage hoped that such trades could continue. The shortage of basic weapons and supplies was indeed a significant issue for him. With Kaito able to provide so much, how could he not be pleased?

After quickly agreeing on a date for the next transaction, Kaito left with Kakuzu and Deidara.

Before departing, Kaito instructed Kakuzu to hand over the scroll to Shikaku and Chōza's convoy, asking them to bring the money back and convert it to cash. They had their methods, so naturally, it was best left to them. Even though Kakuzu could handle these matters, Kaito preferred the money to be 'cleaner'.

"On our way back, Deidara curiously asked, "Were you selling them something? That guy, he's from the Star Village, right? That small village doesn't seem to have much of a future."

"Heh, you actually know about them?" Kakuzu was in a good mood, thinking of the share he would receive.

"Of course, the old man forced me to study much about the ninja continent, so naturally, I know." Deidara replied dismissively, "That village relies on some meteorite for training. The old man said it's self-destructive. They cherish it, but it's basically worthless."

"Surprising, Ōnoki's insight is quite accurate," Kaito chuckled upon hearing Deidara's comments.

Indeed, Kaito also felt that relying on a radioactive meteorite for training was harmful. Yet, they still did it. Although Kaito understood their predicament, such desperate measures seldom lead to good outcomes.

Shaking his head lightly, Kaito wasn't in the mood to discuss it further. He was waiting for Deidara to recover so they could continue their journey on his clay bird. However, as they were walking, they all felt a chakra targeting them and instinctively stopped in their tracks...


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