
Chapter 16

Before he could even turn around to ready himself, Hyto was sent tumbling through the air, his whole left side looked to be in excruciating pain as it was torn asunder. But then, he turned into a poof of smoke, and in his place was a badly splintered log.

The Raikage was genuinely shocked, as he was positive that he hit Hyto before he had a chance to use substitution jutsu. But, he couldn't think on that long as his monstrous instincts kicked in and he used his impossible reflexes to narrowly dodge an arrow aiming for his heart.

What the Raikage didn't expect was that Hyto was already well aware he was facing a cheat character who even when they were dead and brought back to life with nowhere near his full strength, he still nearly wiped the floor with the allied shinobi and was only stopped because Naruto got lucky and deflected the Raikage's attack back at himself.

Unfortunately, unless you have plot armor in a show that was literally named after you, doing something like that was nearly impossible. And though Hyto was strong, he was still a normal teen who was nearly taken out by a cranky old lady who played with puppets.

So, for Hyto who could see his goal but was still far from it, and was being chased down by the personification of a lightning God, he had to pull out all of the stops. The stone arrow that was shot at the Raikage, burst into the known counter to the lightning element, wind, in the form of wind blades to be exact.

A slew of wind blades shot out, shocking the Raikage again as he was actually cut multiple times by the attack, even leaving him with a nasty scar down his hardened face, and a shallow, but jagged scar along his chest.

Sure, Hyto could've just dove in the ground and hid, but that only works for normal Shinobi. The Raikage was seriously like an impossible calamity and only lost because he was the antagonist. But this was now reality for Hyto, and if he dove into the ground, he would be slow moving and running away blind. Not only that, but the Raikage, who took down a Tailed Beast by himself with his bare hands, would more than likely just spam some jutsu to kill him underground.

So, not being a muscle head, battle maniac, an idiot, or just plain suicidal, Hyto dipped the second he shot that arrow and bolted for the bordered that was still agonizingly far away.

Just as he was beginning to have hope of actually getting away, Hyto heard a crack of lightning behind him as the sense of impending doom nearly consumed him. Once again, before he could react, Hyto was blasted away from the border, and crashed into the ground, forming a massive trench, effectively terra-forming the whole plain.

Hyto laid in the trench, not even able to scream out in pain due to large chunks of his body being heavily damaged or just turned into mush, including his lungs.

Luckily for Hyto, through the years of being on a bloody battlefield, he learned that his healing factor could be sped up if he channeled his chakra to the damaged areas. The problem was, after such a long chase, Hyto was running low on chakra and he was currently facing the ultimate boss.

"I have to admit, no one has ever been as annoying in running away as you. Dealing with all of those traps and clones were quite irritating, and your one of the first people to damage me so much, but that is all over now." said the 3rd Raikage as walked closer to loom over Hyto, blood still dripping from the new scar that was now adorned on his face, making him look that much more menacing.

Hyto wondered just what kind of monster he was to go through all of that and not look the least bit tired. But, if he was going to die anyway, he wanted answers. So, with his shaky hands, Hyto unclasped his majin mask and pulled back his hood, shocking the Raikage as he stared into Hyto's glowing golden eyes.

The Raikage was genuinely stunned, as he stumbled back in disbelief.

"What trickery is this?! If you weren't so low on chakra, I'd think I was in a genjutsu. How do you have my brother's face and Kaiko's eyes?! Wait...now that I think about it, you even have her clan's bow.... How?" the Raikage asked in a hushed voice, surprising Hyto with his reaction.

"I was raised in Konoha as an orphan. One day, I unlocked my chakra and finally unsealed the scroll that was found with me as a baby. It had a later from a women name Kaiko Rasugi stating that I was her and Bato's son, and the next heir to the Shimo Daimyo throne. She also said that you killed my father and more than likely her as well. I just want to know, why? Why kill your own brother, just for falling in love? Even the Hokage has told me the same thing." Hyto asked, wanting to know the truth of why he was forced to be an orphan.

When he heard this, the Raikage's eyes constricted and arcs of lightning roiled off of his body. He was angry, livid even, but Hyto couldn't figure out why.

"Boy, if this is some sort of sick joke, even your soul won't live to see the afterlife. My brother Bato...has been dead for well over a decade. He died defending our men from a skirmish with Konoha, but failed. And Kaiko, Kaiko is my wife and the mother of my two sons, Ai and Bee! I would never kill those that I love! I don't know what type of game you're getting at, boy, but you better clear it up, now!" said the Raikage, the sky thundering as if in response to his apparent anger.

Hyto was completely shocked, for most of his life, this was the story he was told, from the letter his mother wrote, to the Hokage knowing of it and even confirming it as well. But the Raikage had no reason to lie and his anger seemed real as well. Then, as if he had a brain blast, the one answer finally came to his mind.

"That old fucker, Hiruzen really tricked me for all of these years... To think, I practically won the war for this bastard..." Hyto thought out loud, laying on his back as he stared at the dark clouds of the sky.

He was tricked and now too tired to fight back to live through this fucked up situation.

"Hiruzen is responsible? You expect me to believe the words of a desperate boy?" the Raikage asked, stepping closer to Hyto menacingly, only Hyto didn't react in fear like he thought.

"Look, I got fucked over for being naive and I'm too tired to fight back. I don't even know what is the truth anymore thanks to you. So, if I'm going to die, I'm going to do it relaxing." Hyto said, wishing he had a cigarette to smoke and a stiff drink as he lived his last moments.

Hearing this and seeing his reaction, the Raikage found himself calming down, as he actually believed his words. Then, looking past his anger, realized that not only was Hyto not dying, but he was regenerating as well, which was a rare kekkei genkai his brother, Bato, did in fact possess, making Hyto's claims of being related to him in some fashion, that much more credible.

But, the situation was just too confusing, as he knew there was no way his wife could have been with his brother, as not only was he already married to Kaiko long before Bato died, her and Bato always seemed to have hated each other. No, something wasn't right, and he started to feel as though this whole situation was too constructed.

The Raikage walked up to Hyto, grabbed the back of his head, and brought his face level with his, looking deep into his eyes for any signs of a lie.

"Tell me again, is what you said the truth? Did that old fool really tell you that was what happened?" the Raikage asked, his tone leaving no room for any lies or games.

"For the last time, yes! The scroll they gave me said it, and he told me himself! Here, read the damn letter yourself!" Hyto said, pulling out the letter from the Rasugi Clan scroll and giving it to his uncle.

Snatching the letter and skimming through it, the Raikage's eyes constructed in anger as he tore the letter to pieces in anger.

"Hey! That was the only letter I had from my mother!" Hyto screamed, anger fueling energy back into his body that started regrowing at a faster rate.

"Fool, you were deceived! This isn't Kaiko's handwriting! That bastard dare do this to my wife's name!" the Raikage roared as black lightning crashed down from the sky.

"What... It isn't her? Then... Who is my mother?" Hyto asked, genuinely confused by this turn of events.

"I don't know all of the answers, yet. But one thing is clear, you were fooled by the Leaf, boy. Not only that, but your life was given as a bargaining chip so that I would stop all aggression on Kumo's end and sign a peace treaty. Someone from the Leaf is how I got the tip about your location inside the bar. Someone wants you dead, and they tried to stain my hands to do it. If you were wise, you would take all of your people, and escape from that old man's clutches as soon as you can. No one can hold the position at the top like him without getting his hands dirty." the Raikage said before he turned around and started walking away, confusing Hyto to no end.

'Wait... So he isn't going to kill me? And just like I thought, I was really betrayed by my own village.' Hyto thought to himself, as the pain from betrayal nearly overshadowed the pain he felt in his mangled body.

"I'll investigate things on my end. If what you say is true and you live through the escape from the Leaf, I'll be in contact." the Raikage said before he disappeared in a bolt of black lightning.

As the rain began to fall around him, Hyto simply laid on his back staring at the sky once more. Once again, his whole world view was just turned on top of it's head, and he had no idea what was the truth anymore. The part that horrified him was, he was actually believing the Raikage the more he thought about things.

In all of the fanfics and even the show, Hiruzen had always been the master manipulator. And even being cautious of his behavior before, Hyto still fell for his tricks in such a spectacular fashion. Even if it all wasn't true, Hyto still needed to get him and his clan away from Konoha as fast as he could. But, where could he go? Thanks to his efforts in the war, most of the world hated him. The only place he could think of was the place that was said to be his true homeland all of his life. The Land of Frost.

After laying and regaining his strength for nearly an hour, Hyto finally rose and made his way to the Konoha border where a small force of a few chunnin and jounin were waiting for him. Too emotionally and mentally drained to mention how this force was way too small to ever do anything against the Raikage, Hyto said nothing the whole way back to Konoha.

As they passed through the gates, several Anbu landed and bowed slightly to Hyto.

"Hyto Rasugi, the Hokage has requested your presence immediately." said one of the Anbu, not leaving room for any discussion.

Hyto had to fight to not grimace at the order, and decided to just play along until he heard what the Hokage had to say for himself. At the Hokage's office, the Anbu knocked and opened the door when they heard Hiruzen tell them to enter. Inside of the office stood Hiruzen, Danzo, and the other elders. Despite his exhaustion, Hyto still noticed the hateful glare from Danzo, and grew suspicious of him immediately.

"Hyto, I'm so glad to see you have arrived back safely. I don't know how this situation came about, but rest assured I have my best shinobi on the case. We'll get to the bottom of all of this." Hiruzen said assuredly, and Hyto had to fight hard not send the whole Hokage Mountain crashing down on all of these traitorous old crones.

He thought long and hard on this, and has finally made up his mind. Though it was potentially risky, this was the best course of action for him to take. Dropping to his knee before all of them, stunning all who were there, Hyto looked back up at Hiruzen, who wore a sad expression, as if he already knew what was coming.

"Lord 3rd, for years I have given my all in service of the Leaf, but in light of recent events, I humbly request that you accept my letter of resignation from your service. Given my position within my clan and the service I've already provided to the village, I feel this decision is reasonable." Hyto said, eyes full of determination.

"This us an outrage! Boy, you are nothing but a tool for the village! How dare you make this request?!" Danzo bellowed, tapping his cane on the ground in anger.

"Exactly! Konoha has expended great resources into you, and you aim to leave us high and dry?! Despicable!" Yelled Homura.

"Fuck you, you geriatric bastards! The only ones to know my exact location was the Hokage and you Elders! No one else! So tell me, which one of you are the one to use me as a bargaining chip to the Raikage so he can kill me, huh?!" Hyto yelled, unable to hold back his anger any more.

Hiruzen and the others were dead silent, as the implications of what Hyto just said were enormous. If what he said was true, that meant there was a traitor in Konoha and the held a high ranking, trusted position as well. The whole balance within Konoha would be undone were any of this to get out.

Sure, they could easily just kill him and be done with it, but there was a whole squad of ANBU who just heard what Hyto said with their own ears. And given that fact that they aren't robots or could even be planted spies, means that if this wasn't handled carefully, word could get out and become detrimental for the stability of the village.

With no words that could truly excuse what they did, since it was clear that Hyto had somehow heard from the Raikage himself, the four just stayed silent as they thought on what to do next. Seeing their silence as an admission of guilty, Hyto only seethed further.

"Exactly! But, even though I was clearly betrayed and basically left to die, I did the impossible task of escaping the 3rd Raikage," Hyto said as he looked to Hiruzen, who only tipped the front of his hat down to hide his expression. "Even though the village I called home betrayed me, I'm still choosing to do things this way for the good of the village and leave quietly. Either way, my service in the name of the Leaf is over!" Hyto spat, barely able to contain his rage as flames burst from his body.

Silence consumed the room again as Hiruzen took a long drag from his cigarette and blew out a plume of smoke.

"Given the situation, I can understand your concerns. In light of your service and what you've been through, I will approve your early resignation. I only ask that you wait until things calm down from the war until I sign it. Is that reasonable enough for you?" Hiruzen asked, still not showing his face, but the sadness in his voice was clear.

Hyto was confused again until he pieced it together judging from the sneer Danzo was giving Hiruzen. Danzo must be the mastermind of all of this. And once again, Hiruzen is letting the one eyed bastard do what he wants.

If that's the case, Hyto was slightly relieved that Hiruzen, who he trusted, wasn't out to get him. He was just to weak to go against his old friend once again. At least that's what he wanted to believe, unfortunately, Hyto didn't have the luxury to be hopeful of others intentions.

"Hiruzen, you fool! This dark, Kumo bastard is clearly a threat to my- our village! For the safety of Konoha, I say we kil-" Danzo yelled before he was silenced by Hiruzen smacking his desk, nearly snapping it in half.

"Danzo, I think that is more than enough out of you! Can't you see that Konoha is losing a valuable young man today? And all you can focus on is trivial matters like trying to build your power! I've had enough! Everyone except Hyto, leave!" Hiruzen bellowed in a rare show of anger.

Danzo and the other elders glared at Hiruzen for him using his position as Hokage to order them around, as they slammed the door behind them.

Hyto was still unmoved. There was no way he could live in a village with those fools are in charge, and Hiruzen would never take the plunge and get rid of his old friends.

"I know it means nothing now, but I had hoped you would one day take over this position for me. You have done more for this village than I or any of us could ever thank you enough for. If I may ask, what are your plans now?" Hiruzen asked, finally raising his head to face Hyto.

"I plan on leaving the village with my clan and establishing a new home outside of the Five Great Nations. Old man, I'm not even 14 years old yet, and I have already killed more than whole team's of shinobi do in their lifetime. I'm tired of the petty politics, constant death, and the vicious cycle of revenge. From now on, I want to live to grow and protect my clan, not fighting for a village that supports those who mean to cause me harm just because I'm powerful and they see me as a threat." Hyto said meaningfully as he looked into Hiruzen's eyes.

Hyto had heard a theory in his past life that no geniuses could survive in Konoha for long. Sakumo, who was rumored to be more powerful than the Hokage randomly killed himself after failing a mission? Shisui supposedly killed himself as well. Itachi was forced to become a villain. Orochimaru did bad things, but he still left. Tsunade and Jiraiya wisely left before Hiruzen could target them as well.

This isn't even counting the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzimak clans basically becoming extinct thanks to Hiruzen's "mistakes" throughout his carrer.

Hyto would have to be blind to notice all of that, and not tie it to his current treatment of being offered up to the Raikage as a sacrifice. So, before Hyto became labeled as a villain or tagged for "suicide" next, he decided to do what future Tsunade and Jiraiya does and leave while he can.

Seeing that Hyto was mistrusting of him and the village and would likely not change his mind, Hiruzen let out a heavy puff of smoke while he slowly shook his head.

"It is a shame that it has come to this, as you have done much for the Leaf and clearly carry the Will Of Fire, but I can understand your concerns. After the army returns and it's confirmed the war is truly settled, I will approve your resignation and you will be free to do as you'd like so long as you don't endanger the Leaf." Hiruzen said, his cold eyes starting back into Hyto's confirming what he already suspected.

The 3rd Hokage was definitely the most dangerous of all of the Hokage.