
Explaining new release types

Ok so kekkai mokai is a version of a chakra nature like magnet release is just a version of earth release but something like lava release is a kekkai genkai as it is a mix of fire and rock/earth.

all of the kekkei mokai,genkai,tota

(kekkei mokai): Magnet release,blaze release,ice release,dust release,metal release,crystal release,sand release,wood release,acid release

(kekkei genkai):boil release,lava release,explosion release,typhoon release,light release,dark/shadow release,yin/yang /yin yang release,sound release,gravity release,scorch release

(kekkai tota):storm release, plasma release,kinetic release

I will now explain all the kekkei genkei,mokai,tota

(kekkei mokai)MAGNET: release: is a verson of earth release that lets its user's control magnetic items like nickel,cobalt,iron and other magnetic things.

(kekkei mokai):BLAZE: release: is a stronger version of fire release these black or blue flames that are not able to be put out until the user is no longer putting chakra into the flames or is forzen bye ice at -100DF or -73.33 DC. The heat that these flames produce are from 500 DF to 9,000 DF or 269 DC to 4,982.22 DC. This flame has the same use as normal fire but is much bertter at every thing fire release is good at and it has no weakness other than ice at really cold temperatures.

(kekkai mokai) ICE: release is a version of water release used mostly in the same way that crystal release is used but it's cold being able to be as cold as 30.2 DF to -300 DF or -1 DC to -184.44 DC.

(kekkai mokai)DUST:release is a nature transformation kekkei mokai a version of earth To perform Dust Release, users form a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) out of chakra in their hands. The object expands once released by the user and moves astonishingly fast at its target.Anything that passes through it (or that is passed through by it) is disintegrated on a molecular level.Dust release is good at stopping everything but gravity,light,dark,sound, and is weak to nothing

(kekkai Mokai) METAL:Release.It allows the user to manipulate metal in many ways like hot or cold liquid metal or solid metal to make new types of metal as well as make other substances into metal.Metal release is also good in sealing jutsu being the six best.metal is good at stopping wood,ice,wind,typhoon,sand and is weak to fire,blaze,lava,water,ocean,dust,plasma,gravity

(kekkai mokai)CRYSTAL:release can convert any matter into pink, jade-green, red, or blue coloured crystals.From physical material to moisture in the air, allowing them to turn anything into a weapon. This extends to other physical natures, rendering earth, water, and wood useless against it.

When used on living creatures, targets can be crystalised down to the cellular level, imprisoning them so long as the crystals are in place and shattering them if the crystals are struck hard enough , killing them. Crystal Release users can also manipulate pre-existing crystals and crystalline structures.Crystal Release cannot crystallise raw energy or chakra, as they have no physical mass to crystallise, allowing those with good chakra control or the lightning or fire natures to counter it.

Crystal Release is also susceptible to a specific sound wave frequency: because crystal requires a very precise build-up of molecules, the proper sound waves can break down the build-up before the crystal can properly form so fire,lightning,storm,blaze,dust and sound release are good to stopping it.

(kekkai mokai)SAND:release can be manipulated to make anything out of sand it can also be mix with fire release or just heated up to make glass.It is also the 5th best element used for sealing jutsu.Sand release is good at stopping ice,fire,blaze,lava,scorch release but thats it is weak to water,boil,ocean,dust

(kekkai mokai)WOOD:release is a version of earth release and is great at brut force and is used mostly for just piercing and crushing the thing you want it is also good sealing being the second best elemant at sealing things.Wood is good at beating ice,water,ocean,boil,earth,crystal and weak to fire,blaze,scorch,lava,acid,sand,metal,explosion,typhoon,wind,and dust

(kekkei mokai)ACID:release an chakra nature version of Water Release. It grants the user the ability to produce and control various types of acidic liquids.it's also not the best at sealing being 22 on the scal of sealing jutsu.its good at stopping wood,metal,crystal,sand,magnetic,ice and earth and is weak to dust and thats all

(kekkei genkai)BOIL:release (Vapour Style) is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, a combination of fire and water. Whereas most kekkei genkai are largely identical between users, Boil Release has different forms depending on who's using it.Boiling vapour is created by Mei Terumī of Kirigakure. Its exeramly hot andis controlled by Mei and because it is steam from its Heat it can rapidly fill confined areas. It is dangerous to enemies and allies alike, dissolving/melting most substances after even brief exposure. In Sasuke Shinden, this form of Boil Release is also used by Futsu.Steam generated by heating chakra to its boiling point is used by Kokuō and its jinchūriki. The steam emanates from the user's body, either to melt their surroundings or propel them in a direction.

(kekkei genkai)LAVA:release is a nature transformation a combination of fire and earth. Lava Release has a variety of forms depending on who's using it like Volcanic ash that harden's the area or thing the user's ash's land on trapping or hitting something or someone,Vulcanised rubber, which is a strong rubber like lava substance that can be modified into a wall or other things,Molten rock both in solid and liquid states is another way lava release can be used.

(elemetal sealing best to worst)

gravity , wood , dust , ice , crystal , sand , metal , magnet , kinetic , earth , lava , storm , lightning , ocean , boil , water , typhoon , wind , plasma , blaze , fire , acid , yin yang , yang , yin , sound , dark , light , explosion release.