
Chapter 42 : Promises(4)

Nara Shikaku walked through the gate to his house, a lazy look on his face. When he saw the Bringer of Hope, Naruto wasn't surprised that all he received was a raised eyebrow. But he couldn't fool the blond, even without his empathy, he could read the man just from his eyes. They were the eyes of a tactician, and they were calculating every possibility for the reason the Hokage's famed Shadow was in his compound, hanging around his son and his friend's daughter.

Naruto brought his head down slightly, the closest thing to a bow anyone but his god would receive from him. "Shikaku-san, Shikamaru has invited me into your home." He began, Shikaku not showing the slightest of emotion – on the outside. "Is it okay for me to be here?" He asked, never taking his eyes away from the Nara. Shikaku just stood there for a moment, not saying a word, and then put his hands in his pockets and walked forwards.

"Sure, why not." He said, acknowledging the other two present with a nod of his head before he entered his home through the main door. Naruto smiled, having felt Shikaku's message clearly. It wasn't a surprise that he knew the Chakra Burst Code he and his jiji used. The man was a genius after all, and something as simple as decoding a secret language was child's play for him.

You're always welcome among the Nara.

It would seem that Shikaku respected Naruto as much as Naruto respected him.

When the Uzumaki rejoined the Yamanaka and young Nara, Ino giggled. "You actually waited for Shikaku-san to get home?" She asked, confused why he would do something like that.

Naruto gave her a small smile. "You'll get it sooner or later." He said cryptically, before following Shikamaru into his house, Ino following close behind.

Week two – Sarutobi Asuma.

Naruto was walking home, a satisfied look on his face. He had just had a fantastic meal with Team Ten, celebrating a wonderful two weeks together.

When Naruto joined Team Ten to observe Asuma's teaching methods, he was a little hesitant at first. Asuma wasn't the biggest fan of his, so it was really anyone's guess how productive his two weeks with the man would be.

Fortunately, Asuma knew how to look past his personal feelings and do the job he was assigned to do, like all shinobi should. It had been an awkward first couple of days, but after Naruto started to join the genin for the exercises, and even help out with their training, Asuma had made the blond feel more comfortable.

Like with Gai, Naruto had learned more than just teaching genin. He had spent two weeks with a genius, and had sharpened his mind because of it. He understood how the Nara genin looked at the world, and took what he could from it. He was already an intelligent person, and spending his years with Saru had made him a pretty good strategist, but Shikamaru was definitely in a league not many people could claim to be in. The speed of his thought processing was off the charts, faster than anyone the Uzumaki had ever met before. When he made a plan, there was never just one, but hundreds of them. He would have counter-moves for counter-moves, and was always prepared for anything.

As for teaching genin, like he predicted, he learned a different way of doing it. With Gai, he learned that hard work and determination made greatness, and it did, but that wasn't the only way to achieve it. Asuma had taught him that sometimes, you needed to work to an individual's strengths. Not everyone learned the same way, and it was okay to give the people who needed it more attention – on occasion.

He also learned that being a little gentle didn't mean that a person couldn't live as a shinobi. Choji was not a violent person, and didn't like to fight at all if he could help it, but after the little talk he had with the Akimichi, he knew he had what it took.


Naruto had asked to speak with Choji alone after the training session they had that day. When Naruto brought him to the top of the Hokage Monument, Choji was a little confused.

"Umm, Naruto-san…" Choji started slowly. "I don't think we're allowed up here." Naruto could feel the Akimichi's nervousness.

Naruto was standing on the head of the Lord Fourth, his father, facing the village he protected with his life. "It's fine, Choji." Naruto began. "We won't get into any trouble, I promise." Naruto had the second highest clearance in the village, if anyone even tried to tell him to get down he'd laugh in their face.

"So what do you want to talk about?" The genin asked, eating another chip from the bag in his hands.

"I wanted to tell you a story." Naruto said softly. Choji didn't understand, so Naruto elaborated. "I want you to listen to this story, and then I want you to seriously think about what I've said afterwards." Choji still didn't understand, but nodded his head anyways.

"Sure, Naruto-san." Choji replied politely.

Naruto began. "This is the story of a monster." He took a deep breath. "When he was still just a child, his people beat him. They scorned and shunned him for something he never did. He lived his life stuck in a nightmare, and no matter what he did, he couldn't wake up."

He could feel Choji's heart. The genin really was too gentle. "He lived like this for the first six years of his life, all alone, and stuck in his constant bad dream. Most would think that he would hate these people for what they did to him, but then most people would be wrong. It was quite the opposite actually, because the monster had one thing no one else had."

Choji was very interested in this story. "Empathy, the ability to feel the emotions of those around you; this monster had the gift of empathy. It's said that, once you completely understand someone, you can't help but love them, and this monster had fallen in love with the very people who hurt him, because he could feel their pain. They wept every time they saw him, and even though it wasn't his fault, they treated him like it was. So he decided to never resist them when they wanted to project their anger on him, because he knew that he was the only person who could take it." Naruto didn't know if the boy was going to tear up or not, but it looked like he would any moment now.

"It all changed though when he chose to become what everyone called him." Naruto gave the village a small smile. "He chose to be a monster, to take another's life. This person was a foul, tainted demon, who was taking what did not belong to him. A little girl, with a heart as pure and gentle as yours. He was going to sentence this child to a life of servitude. He chose to save the innocent, and slay the demon." His smile darkened. "With the demon's death, the monster had felt awake. He was free from his nightmare, and had finally understood what he was born to do." He finally turned his gaze from the view of the village to look right into Choji's eyes. "The monster was born to protect Heaven. He was charged by god to keep the shadows of Hell from the light of Heaven, and that meant that he had to kill even more."

Naruto took in another deep breath. "It's hard for those who can feel compassion even for their enemies to take a life." Now, Choji understood. "But for the sake of peace, we shinobi have to sacrifice what we believe to be right or wrong, so that the civilians, the lifeblood of our home, can afford to keep the pureness of their hearts." Choji was seriously considering his words, and that was enough for Naruto. "Choji," Naruto said softly, "there is nothing wrong with being gentle or kind," he put his hand on the Akimichi's shoulder, "but you need to know that this life is one full of bloodshed and loss." Choji feared that even the Kamikage was going to tell him that he couldn't make it as a ninja, like everyone else. Naruto smiled, not the small, or the dark one he'd already given him, but a bright, genuine one. "And having someone like you by my side during these dark-filled times will be the best thing for our village."

Choji's eyes widened. The Bringer of Hope had just, subtly, approved of his gentle nature. "Y-you mean it?" He asked in shock.

"I never go back on my word, Choji. And you have my word; you will be a fine shinobi one day." The genin did tear up here. No one but his father and mother had believed in him, not even his sensei thought he'd make it to chunin. Asuma never said it out loud, but Choji could see it in his eyes, they looked like everyone else's.

Choji just nodded, keeping his head down so that Naruto couldn't see his tears.

"It's okay to cry when you're happy." The Uzumaki suddenly said. "It's when you cry out of fear when you become incompetent." He pushed the genin's head up. "Keep your head up high, Choji. You're a Konoha shinobi now, be proud of it!" Choji kept his head towards the sky, vowing to never lower it again.

Naruto smiled and nodded his head. He had started the process, now it was up to the cho to spread its wings.

Naruto started to walk towards the edge of the Monument, but before he could do anything, Choji stopped to ask him one last question. "Wait, Naruto!"

The blond looked at him from over his shoulder. "Yeah?"

"The monster, in your story… who was it?" The wild look Naruto gave him caused the Akimichi to gulp.

"Yours truly." Naruto said before jumping off the giant cliff. Choji's eyes widened both at the statement, and at the jump. When he finally gathered enough of his rational thoughts, he sprung to the edge, looking for the legendary shinobi. When he peered over, there wasn't a sign of the Kamikage at all, like he hadn't been there in the first place.

Naruto had Shunshined (Body Flickered) to the trees behind the genin to see what his reaction would be. When all he saw was burning determination, he smirked.

Konoha had just gained a soon-to-be powerful Akimichi.

And Naruto had gained another bond.

****End Flashback*****

Every time he remembered the look in Choji's eyes, he couldn't help but smile. It always made him feel good to help a comrade wake from their slumber.

During his recap of his talk with the genin, Naruto had made it to his apartment, right on time to see Yugao and Hayate walk in, giving off the emotions of strong sexual desires. The blond chuckled, and when the door closed behind the horny couple, Naruto made his way for the roof, giving the lovers their alone time.

Most brothers would find it gross that their sister was about to have intercourse, but it only made Naruto happy. Not in a creepy, perverted way, it just reminded him that they loved each other, and that she could still be with her loved one. Many people had lost or, like in Naruto's case, couldn't be with the person they wanted to be with, and the fact that Yugao and Hayate could still hold each other, could still express their love for each other, made him want to protect their bond even more.

When they made love, Naruto could feel the strength of their bond, and it never ceased to amaze him how strong it was. They were truly soulmates, meant to be with each other for all eternity, in this life, and the next. True love.

The roof wasn't comfortable, but he was used to lying on cold, hard surfaces, so it didn't bother him too much. He was on his back, his head resting in his arms that were above him, and he just watched the clouds, enjoying Shikamaru's hobby. It was late afternoon, and Naruto knew that he'd be up on the roof for a while, so when sleep tugged at his mind, he didn't resist it. A nap sounded perfect.

Naruto's eyes opened before she even made the jump up to the roof where he was napping. The sky was dark and the air was cooler than when it was before he closed his eyes. When Yugao landed next to him, he sat up, rubbing the soreness from his neck.

"Thank you." She said calmly. Naruto understood what she meant.

For waiting for us to finish.

Most people would at least be a little embarrassed in her situation, but after spending years together, she got used to her otouto knowing everything that went down around her, even when she had sex with her boyfriend, and understood that it wasn't like he was peeping on them or anything. Her brother was a very mature person, and sex became a popular subject between the two, either Yugao explaining that just because it was legal for him to have it didn't mean that he should, or her thanking him for allowing her to have it with Hayate even when they were on the job and covering for her. It didn't happen all the time, but when it did, she was extremely grateful.

"Mm." Naruto hummed his response. It wasn't a big deal for either of them.

"Are you hungry? Hayate's making dinner." The special jonin was an amazing cook, and because of that, made most of the meals they ate.

"Yeah." Naruto responded again. Yugao looked at him with worry in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" She asked, never liking it when he wasn't his usual self.

"No, nothing's wrong." Naruto whispered as he made his way to the apartment. "Just a bad dream, is all." He finished as jumped off the roof.

Yugao sighed. Bad dream, i.e. a dream about Terumi Mei. Whenever Naruto dreamt about the Mizukage, it was never a good thing, because it reminded him that they were always so far apart. They were from different countries, different worlds, and so far apart in age. It saddened him that fate had made it as hard for them as it could. Even so, the woman wouldn't leave his thoughts in peace.

Yugao dropped from the roof as well, and entered her shared home. She had at first disapproved of the relationship between the two, but now, after such a long time, he still felt for the woman. That had to mean something. That had to mean that he actually cared for her.

She just wondered if the woman still cared for him.

As Naruto found a seat at the dinner table, he couldn't help but remember his promise to his first love.


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