The main character from Dark Souls ends up in the Naruto universe. No Harems!!! Hey everyone, it's me, Vandalizer. I just want to let you know that this fanfic will be posted on this account. This is my co-author's account. I'll add a link to my patreon later, but for now, enjoy the free version.
The boy turned out to be very clingy, noisy, and restless. Takeshi, of course, knew that his action would attract the boy's attention, but to such an extent... — ...Do you go to the shinobi academy? Do you know any cool techniques? — "Stop," he finally decided to interrupt the boy's monologue, turning around and holding out his hand, — "Enough talking nonstop. Just because I helped you doesn't mean we're friends now," — this statement clearly upset the child, and a sad gaze fixed on the ground, — "After all, we're unlikely to ever cross paths in the future..."
— Ah... why did you decide that? — asked the troublemaker.
— I will be training soon. Separately from the others.
Takeshi didn't want to foolishly tell everyone that he might be sent to train with the secret ANBU organization.
— Ah, I see. Then why did you help me? No one has ever helped me before...
"It's all clear now..." — as Takeshi walked with him on the open street, he noticed the glances directed their way. In some, he read indignation, confusion, disapproval, and even hatred. He'd bet anything that the boy might not see them, but surely feels them.
— Alright, kid. What's your name?
— Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! — exclaimed the blond.
— You're so loud... — Takeshi tiredly commented aloud, — I'm Takeshi. Just Takeshi. Naruto, want to sit somewhere not too crowded? Know such a place?
— Sure!
"...And he's terribly trusting," Takeshi noted to himself, following the cheerfully striding boy. Not that he disapproved of this quality, but as long as he remembered, he himself rarely trusted anyone. They came to a small playground next to a lake. There, one could notice a solitary tree with swings hanging from it. He calmly sat down by the tree and slightly closed his eyes, enjoying the moments of silence and peace, the cool breeze passing over his face and tousling his hair. Such moments were priceless.
— Um... are you planning to sleep here?
— No. Just sit next to me, — Uzumaki complied with this request without any questions, — Let's just have a heart-to-heart? I'm new in the village and I've noticed some oddities about you... — during this phrase, the boy became embarrassed, and his eyes fearfully turned to the ground, — As I already said, today might be the first and last day of our meeting. Maybe I can't help, but I can give advice. You might not tell by looking at me, but I'm a wealth of knowledge and have a lot of life experience.
— Honestly, I... I don't know why everyone treats me this way... — Naruto responded sadly.
— Unfairly, negatively and despite you doing nothing wrong?
— Yes. How did you...?
— I just notice details. So here's my advice to you. Take it very seriously and remember it for life. It might make you something greater... Never pity.
— What...? — someone clearly didn't understand the meaning of the words and foolishly asked.
— I said — never pity yourself. Never pity others for their choices. They hate you for "something" you didn't do, so don't let their emotions break you. Do not pity your body. If you want to win — you must push yourself to the limit. Even if it destroys you, you must get up and continue. Blood and pain will be proof of your resolve. Of course, there will be those stronger than you. Faster than you. More talented than you. And to surpass them, you must do everything they do, but several times more... Defeats are inevitable, for they give us experience and the drive to get better. It will be painful, terrible, upsetting, but such is life. Accept it or reject this path and find your own.
Naruto moved away from Takeshi, stunned. When he spoke that speech, his eyes were frighteningly empty and deep. As if the abyss itself looked at the boy through those dark blue eyes. As if in the reflections of his eyes, he saw himself. Broken, weak, and... lonely.
— I... I will try. I want to become Hokage, to be recognized!
— How petty, — Takeshi stretched disappointingly, standing up and gazing towards the sun, — Hokage is just a title. Recognition must be earned. No one in the village will change their opinion about you, even if you become one. And to become Hokage, you need incredible strength. Remember, shouting about it to everyone is pointless, as everyone will only laugh and mock your dream.
— I will become stronger!
— That's a more appropriate shout. Anyone can become strong, but Hokage can become only a few. If a weak person shouts about such a dream, he only discredits the title with his exclamations. Tell your dream to friends you trust and only mention it to others when they recognize you as strong. Alright, I've talked too much. Goodbye, Naruto. Maybe our paths will cross again someday. Who knows... — he slowly headed towards the shelter, while Naruto's excited voice called out to him.
— Takeshi...! What do you dream about?!
— I... I no longer know. Things like a sword, best suited for killing. Maybe I'm the same?
His world turned him into a weapon. A sword without a sheath. Paranoia and tension, awaiting attack. Nervousness and madness. Death, which had taken him countless times, changed him. Made him a man without fear. Because it's so simple — to start over.
Despite the fact that the Hokage externally resembled a frail old man, the brunette never doubted his strength for a second. It was felt by the power of his soul. The question is, what kind of person is he? Does he have the right to trust him?
— Well hello, Takeshi-kun. So, what do you think of the village?
— May I be frank? — a short, slightly surprised nod. Probably surprised by such a straightforward approach, — It's a beautiful and peaceful village. At least, I haven't noticed anyone who seems unhappy here, but I also noticed one minor oddity.
— Let me guess. Uzumaki Naruto?
— Yes. Who or what is he?
— How did you guess he's "special"?
It was impossible to lie. A person of this level could read his lie, so he slightly embellished it with the truth. — I feel in him... something dark.
— Hmm... so you're also a sensor? You have quite a lot of talents, — as if voicing his thoughts aloud, the Hokage spoke, — Yes, Uzumaki Naruto is important to this village.
— Then why is he treated that way?
— Do not interrupt your elders. It's rude, Takeshi-kun, — he silently lowered his gaze to the floor, too unpleasantly cold a gaze was turned towards him, — It was a necessary measure. While I cannot tell you who he is to the village, I can only say that his fate was decided by the Konoha Council because if he belonged to one of the clans, they could raise their standing among the others and use him.
— I understand. Is there anything else you want to know about me?
— Tell me, Takeshi-kun, what do you think is the most important thing in the world?
— Purpose. Without a purpose, a person becomes an empty shell and regresses.
— Some claim that strength, power, or money is important, but without a clearly defined purpose, how to achieve all this? They won't get what they want. While you will be training with the others, you will be assigned to one of my sanctuaries, for training a special ANBU squad. If you are determined enough to complete the training course, you will definitely succeed.
Is he playing on his ego? Surely he wants to create an impression of his importance and necessity. This is exactly how recruitment happens for those who have lost everything in their life. For someone like him, such a speech should be impressive because any other reaction could lead to negative consequences.
"Yes, I'm ready," he managed to produce a semblance of sparkle in his eyes and a faint smile.
Accompanied by the instructor he already knew, he indeed came to some hidden bunker located under the village. A whole network of tunnels branched off into many corridors. It would have been easy to get lost if not for his guide.
"Listen, Takeshi. From this point, I will no longer accompany you, as I have my own duties. Don't try to find me among the other ANBU or learn more. It's useless anyway. Better focus on your training and try to become the best."
They stopped in front of a door marked "102." In the long wide corridor, one could see many other ordinary doors.
"This is your room. Soon your future captain will summon you all. He will be responsible for you. It's time for me to go. And again, good luck to you, Takeshi-kun."
Entering his room, the brunette was not disappointed by what he saw. A fairly standard five-by-five room, which contained everything necessary for independent living. A white bed with a blanket and a pillow, on which a black uniform was neatly folded. A regular wooden table and chair. On the table, there were a few books and a letter sealed with a red ribbon. Without much thought, he changed into his standard outfit and opened the letter.
"Your task is to read these books and absorb the material within a month."
He looked somewhat skeptically at the mere three books. The size of the books was barely more than a hundred pages each.
"Am I being underestimated...? Although, it's probably something else."
"ANBU Duties, Will of Fire, Theory and Control of Chakra."
The first book simply listed his future duties and prospects. After completing the training, he could be assigned under the wing of the Hokage's Personal Guard. Why exactly to him? Unknown. As soon as the opportunity arises, he would surely ask him in person. The second book intrigued him with its title. "Do people here also worship fire and draw strength from it?!" But as it turned out, this book was merely about a local belief that every action is predetermined by this so-called Will of Fire. No one had ever seen or felt this Will of Fire, just pure faith that human actions can be chalked up to the Will of Fire.
"What nonsense..."
His power of Fire was something much greater than mere words. In his world, Fire was the embodiment of life itself. It could be used in various ways, from a simple destructive spell of pyromancy to the forbidden magical art of resurrection, called "Second Breath." Where using "Charcoal," which resembled a clump of flame in shape, one could greatly enhance their strength. Fire became the source of external forces. Magic and Miracles began from it. The third book became the most valuable for his understanding, but judging by the polite knock at his door, he wouldn't be able to focus on it right now... The door opened, and a regular nameless ANBU appeared at the threshold, asking him to gather with the others in the main room for an introductory speech. Adjusting his leather bracers and black gloves, he went along with the others to the meeting place. The main room was spacious and decorated simply. It housed neither too many nor too few, but almost two hundred teenage candidates. He couldn't definitively label anyone "adult" by their appearance. It was clearly a place for training and sparring. A circular arena, various kinds of dummies and targets. In the center of the arena was apparently their future main instructor. A white uniform and a mask with a flame pattern were too conspicuous.
"Welcome. My name is Kato. I am one of the captains of the special ANBU squad, assigned to your training. I warn you that many of you will probably not survive the harsh training and trials, but those who complete this path can become part of our village. Become its Shadow and Protector. Find your warm and pleasant place. Twenty captains will be assigned to your training," he clapped his hands twice, and next to him, in a white puff of smoke, appeared two dozen unknown ANBU in masks, standing in a line. He pulled out a small stack of white paper from behind and distributed one sheet to each.
"Twenty squads will be created with ten candidates each. As soon as your name is called, just respond 'Here' and stand behind your future commander. Any questions?" Silence was his answer. "Alright, Squad #1!"
The nameless endured this boring but necessary procedure of distributing the crowd. Like on autopilot, upon hearing his name, he simply stood behind his future squad captain. He was in no way interested in the fact that she was a woman or what was in store for him. He just wanted all of it to be over quickly... "This boredom—it kills..." he sighed heavily, lowering his head down, scratching the back of his head. He stoically survived this process and now small clusters of squads; on different sides of the room, formed a small general circle for discussion. His squad commander was named Yugao Uzuki. The age behind the mask was unknown, and only her long purple hair was her distinguishing feature.
"Are you bored, Takeshi?"
"Terribly bored, captain. May I train?"
"Praiseworthy ambition," she responds cheerfully and with a spark of excitement, "You will train twice as much as the others until you die or your boredom suddenly disappears."
"Thank you, captain."
"You're welcome," she snorted slightly, then turned to her squad, "So, squad. Before we start, I looked at reports and basic information about you, but still, I would like to understand what drives you."
"She wants to know where to put more emphasis, huh?" Some spoke of Duty, of the great Honor of serving this village, some of money, and some, like him, were just brought here as ordinary lost souls. When it was his turn, he calmly and briefly answered.
"To survive."
"But you're not at war, Takeshi. You could have chosen the path of a merchant, couldn't you? After all, your father was a merchant..."
"My father was weak. That's what killed him."
He decided to stick to this version of his motivation. It was the most plausible and suited his current situation. Let them think that he is full of determination because of the loss of his father, whom he barely knew himself. It was just Death. Nothing extraordinary. People live. People die. Such are the rules of this world. Unlike his world, where nothing can die just like that. Things would distort, change, suffer endlessly, until they become shadows of their past selves and leave behind only a ghostly legacy. Names and faces would change, but the essence and their fate would remain equally horrible, unjust, disgusting...
Alright, let's not dwell on the sad and move straight to the most interesting part. First, we will train, train, and train again. First the body, then the spirit. One without the other will not make you a good shinobi.
**One Week Later**
**Report #1, Yugao Uzuki, Squad #12: About the Seventh Member of the Squad "Takeshi"**
In the first week of training, Takeshi showed incredible resilience and stamina. This helped him to perform the strenuous physical exercises. Some fainted or simply collapsed from exhaustion, but not him. Despite the initial report stating that his unique thinking and lack of emotion were due to psychological trauma, emotions still slip through. Irony. Sarcasm. Self-criticism. When it came to assignments, he seemed to completely disconnect from the world and carried them out without any questions. Even when his body reached its limits, he still stubbornly continued with the task at hand.
**One Month Later**
**Report #6, Yugao Uzuki, Squad #12: About the Seventh Member of the Squad "Takeshi"**
After completing physical training and practicing the basic exercise regimen, my squad was ordered to engage in normal sparring with each other. I noticed something very interesting. Takeshi has a supernatural intuition and reaction. He conducted each fight with his comrades as if he were reading his opponent in advance. He saw, felt, and reacted in ways that allowed him to win without significant consequences for himself. It's as if his opponent was initially powerless against him. He exudes "Experience." This is something that cannot simply be acquired or trained. It cannot be gained through talent.
**One Year Later**
**Final Report, Captain Yugao Uzuki, Squad #12: About the Seventh Member of the Squad "Takeshi"**
As previously stated, all squad members were trained in "the basics" to pass the final exam. I have no doubt that Takeshi will pass it, unlike everyone else. Over this year, Takeshi failed to find friends or comrades for conversation or cooperation. For him, only task execution mattered, and many in our squad did not approve of this approach. The social aspect of our squad was completely indifferent to him. Only training mattered to him. Despite everyone in our squad becoming stronger, I must note that Takeshi, although not the strongest in the squad, is the Most Dangerous among all I have seen. The main trait I have noticed in him during training sparring is adaptability. No matter the situation, he always found a way out. Even in fights against more powerful or numerous opponents, he did everything in his power to win. He sees in a few seconds what many cannot. We also discovered that Takeshi has absolutely no problems using any type of weapon. When asked "Where from," Takeshi simply shrugged and answered that he just somehow knows how to use them. I did not sense a drop of falsehood. Adaptability and Versatility. The perfect weapon. For this reason, I believe that after becoming a member of ANBU, Takeshi should be appointed to take the exam for the position of Captain.
**Personal Note.** From Takeshi always emanates a sense of hidden threat and danger. As if he is hiding something, and this something I cannot explain. It happens very rarely, and I cannot understand why. Once he becomes part of us, could you personally clarify who or what Takeshi really is, Mr. Hokage?
End of Report.