
Chapter 10

Recently, the only constant in Team 7's life had been training. Naruto and Sasuke typically divided their training into three categories: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Sparring. While things were fairly manageable with the first two, sparring with Takeshi was always a true ordeal for the boys. Even a five-minute match against an experienced ANBU, who did try to hold back, was extremely difficult to endure.

Heavy breathing could be heard from Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, who were barely able to stand on their feet. Naruto was openly sitting on his knees, staring at the ground. Drops of sweat mixed with blood slowly dripped down his face from a bruise on his right eyebrow. Sasuke didn't look much different from him, managing to stay upright only by sheer willpower as he half-sat on one knee with his Sharingan activated. However, after a while, his eyes returned to their normal state due to exhaustion and excessive use of chakra.

"Techniques, strength, and speed must be honed by one essential factor: experience. Understanding different situations will allow you to defeat enemies who are stronger than you. You'll be able to see things in battles that, when inexperienced, you wouldn't notice. Sasuke, what did you learn from this fight?"

"Sharingan… can't read the movements of those who are significantly faster than me. It was as if you just vanished from my field of vision, and I couldn't do anything about it."

"That's correct. It's good that you can accept your weakness. And what about you, Naruto? Did you understand anything?"

"I… I'm not sure. It feels like no matter how hard I try, I still can't land a hit on you."

"Then maybe next time, try waiting for the attack before you strike. You can predict attacks not only with the Sharingan but also with the experience you gain from fighting. That's precisely why we're doing this."

When it came to Ninjutsu, the biggest issue in this small group raised a primary question.

"Uh… sensei? Why do I have to cut some stupid leaves while Sasuke gets to learn cool fire techniques?!" Naruto asked with a small note of jealousy, to which Sasuke smirked triumphantly. Someone was clearly feeling too proud of their achievement…

"Because without basic control of the Wind element, you won't stand a chance of learning those very techniques. So, you'll start learning Wind techniques only after you complete this stage. It all depends on you."

"Hmph! I'll definitely finish this in a couple of days!"

Most shinobi usually take months to master such basics, but Takeshi was confident that the boy would take at most a week. Give or take a day.

"You're worried about him…" Takeshi calmly commented, observing how Sasuke watched Naruto and his clones, who were trying to grasp some truth while holding leaves in their hands.

"Why would I worry about him?"

"He looks up to you. He wants to become stronger than you. I can see it in your eyes, from your expressions, and even from the way you occasionally clench your fists. It betrays your tension."

"Can ANBU read people just by looking at them…? Ugh," a heavy sigh escaped him. "I just… feel pathetic."

"'Pathetic'? Why is that?"

"If I lose to Naruto, then…"

"'How will I be able to kill Itachi,' right? I get where your thoughts are going. So, here's my question for you, Sasuke. Why do you assume that Naruto is weak?"

"He's dumb and…"

"Being dumb doesn't make someone weak. It makes them more predictable. But does that prevent you from being friends?"

"I… I have to get my revenge. Nothing else matters."

"And right now, I sense doubt in your voice. Alright, I won't press you any further. All I want to say is that you shouldn't turn rivalry into dark envy and hatred. After all, Naruto's fate isn't the best either, but he's doing everything he can to resist it. I even asked Naruto to share any new techniques he learns with you to avoid this conflict."

"He… he's going to share his techniques with me?!" Sasuke raised an eyebrow in confusion, as if trying to determine whether this was a joke or not.

"Maybe you didn't know, Sasuke, but when it comes to learning Ninjutsu, Naruto has enormous potential…"

No sooner had he said this when a victorious shout echoed from Naruto's clones, causing all of the summoned clones to suddenly vanish.

"Damn it…! I warned him not to dispel them all at once!"

Naruto suddenly jerked for a moment, then abruptly collapsed, slowly falling face-first to the ground. Takeshi managed to grab him by the collar just in time and carefully laid him on his back. He checked his pulse and breathing. Normal.

"What happened…?" Sasuke quietly approached, his face projecting coldness, but there was a slight concern in his voice.

"Ugh, I only had to praise him behind his back, and he immediately pulls something foolish. This…" Takeshi pointed at the blonde's limp body, "is the result of brain overload from the information passed on by his clones. One of the risks of using Shadow Clone Jutsu. Best case scenario—this kind of 'shutdown,' worst case—brain damage. Although… the latter is unlikely to happen to Naruto."

Sasuke turned sharply away, stifling a laugh into his fist. The unexpected dark joke hit him too effectively, and he didn't want to show himself in that light.

Takeshi walked over to where Naruto had been training and looked at the ordinary leaves, which now had faint slashes.

"And he was so thrilled for this…? Well, he probably just realized how Wind Chakra works," Takeshi mused aloud. "With this, he'll quickly finish mastering the Wind element."

"So, what are we waiting for?" Sasuke asked impatiently, seemingly realizing that with Naruto's progress, he might surpass him and wound the pride of the last Uchiha.

"Nothing. Now, Sasuke, you're in luck. When it comes to Fire, I'm quite the 'expert,'" he said with a sarcastic tone. "So, I might be able to teach you a few powerful techniques…"

Training in Taijutsu, or hand-to-hand combat, was one of the aspects that Sasuke Uchiha didn't particularly need, given that he already had his clan's style. Unlike Naruto, who essentially had no style of his own.

"Judging by your personality and fighting style, you're a hardheaded, straightforward, defense-neglecting idiot, Naruto."

"Hey! That's pretty harsh, you know…"

"You're not even denying it. Accepting this fact already makes you less of an idiot. There's one style that will suit you perfectly. The problem is, it requires some understanding of how you should strike, but in time, you'll definitely figure out what's expected of you…"

"Uh… could you at least give me a hint?"

"A 'hint'? Have you forgotten that you're no longer in your academy classroom? As long as you don't learn to think for yourself, you'll never become Hokage."

"Argh! How did you know about my dream?!"

"I'm ANBU. It's my job to know everything about you. Now, let's get back to training, and please, Naruto. I understand it's hard for you not to interrupt me, but at least try to show some respect. If it helps, you can silently raise your hand, like in the academy, and after I give you permission, I'll answer your next question."

"Sorry, sensei," Naruto said, hanging his head slightly, a bit embarrassed. He was used to speaking and acting before thinking.

"Forget it. Now, where was I? Ah yes, I'm going to give you a very simple set of movements. But there's one crucial condition for mastering it: each of these movements must be practiced a thousand… no, two thousand times a day."

"W-what?! Are you serious?!" Takeshi paused for a moment, which quickly answered Naruto's question. "I… again, huh? Heh heh heh, sorry," Naruto said, scratching the back of his head with an uncertain laugh. "I just don't get it… Why do I have to repeat the same movement two thousand times?!"

"I'll let you in on a little secret about one of my fears. I'm not afraid of someone who has mastered a thousand techniques or knows a bunch of martial arts moves. I fear the one who has perfected a single strike and a single technique their entire life."

After 28 days, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha had become significantly stronger, more experienced, and more confident. This was evident just by looking at them. Although Takeshi trained them as effectively as possible, he forbade the two from sparring against each other using the knowledge they had gained.

"Please understand. You are the last descendants of your clans, and just by existing, you hold immense value to the village," Naruto raised his hand. "And stop giving me that look, Naruto. Instead, go read up on your clan in the public library before asking another question," Takeshi said, causing Naruto to lower his hand, embarrassed. "I can't allow you to fight each other at full strength. You certainly wouldn't be able to hold back and would lose control of the situation, and I simply can't allow that."

"Well… on one hand, I'd like to try out everything I've learned, but Wind Chakra turned out to be a pretty dangerous thing, and I'm not sure I should use it against Sasuke," Naruto said with an uncertain, sad smile.

"Do you think I'd let you injure me with Wind Chakra?" Sasuke retorted, still as arrogant and confident as ever.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about," Takeshi sighed wearily and shook his head. "You're allowed to spar, but only using 'Taijutsu' and nothing else. Is that clear?" Short nods confirmed their understanding. "Good. I've given you everything I could in less than a month, but before we finish, I want to teach you one last lesson. The most important and necessary one for a shinobi."

"Cool! What is it?!" Naruto, as usual, radiated curiosity and his ever-present bright smile.

"Hmph," Sasuke's grunt had a note of interest.

"This… let's call it resistance to Bloodlust. You see, despite your newfound strength, neither of you has real experience in life-or-death combat. Your encounter with the Mist Swordsman doesn't count because you had someone to intervene for you, to protect and assist when needed. But there will be times when you can rely only on yourselves. To survive and protect those you care about, you must go through this difficult and unpleasant experience. So, prepare yourselves. All you have to do is endure it and do what you believe is right in the situation."

Naruto and Sasuke simultaneously took fighting stances, anticipating their teacher's move. The black-gloved hand slightly shifted the white mask to the side, revealing part of Takeshi's face and his left eye. In an instant, the air around them trembled under the unimaginable weight of his bloodlust. His pupil turned red, and a faint red aura shimmered around him. A terrifying smile spread across his lips, further increasing the fear, paralyzing them with the realization of how powerful their opponent truly was. Their hearts pounded wildly, their hands trembled slightly, and their bodies, as if paralyzed, refused to move.

Suddenly, Takeshi drew his kunai and, with a swift motion, hurled it at Sasuke Uchiha. At the last moment, Naruto managed to step in and deflect it with his own kunai.

"W-what's wrong, Sasuke? Scared?" Naruto teased with a crooked smile and an odd glance cast over his shoulder at his partner. His blue eyes now had vertical slits, and fresh blood marked his lips, caused by a sharp bite to his tongue.

"You're barely standing yourself, idiot," Sasuke replied with a triumphant huff and a trace of wounded pride in his voice, stung by the fact that Naruto had been the first to break free of the paralysis.

"Yeah, but at least I figured out how to move, unlike you. Ready?"

"You didn't even have to ask."

Quickly, they both formed hand signs at the same time and…

"Fire Style: Dragon's Breath!"

"Wind Style: Gale Force!"

The combination of the two elements transformed the ordinary stream of fire into a terrifying cone-shaped spiral of flames, engulfing a considerable portion of the training area. However, the one who had been their target calmly stepped behind them and, just as quietly, placed his hands on their shoulders. Both of them flinched and jumped back, but the ominous aura of bloodlust had vanished, meaning only one thing…

"Well done. I expected nothing less from you. It's important not to succumb to fear. Don't run away. Don't panic or freeze, awaiting your death. Fight for your life. Fight for those you care about. Even if the odds of victory are slim, you must survive. For your 'Duty,'" he said, giving Sasuke a brief glance. "For your 'Dream,'" he added, shifting his gaze to Naruto.

"Thank you, sensei."

The synchronized words, the respectful bow, and the silence that followed spoke volumes. Naruto and Sasuke had never met someone so strong and wise, who had taught them so much in less than a month. They couldn't have responded in any other way. It was the least they could do at that moment.

"Well, my work here is done. Rest up, check on your teammate Sakura Haruno, and be ready for the Chunin Exam. It won't be easy, even after all this training. So? Did I show you what a truly experienced and strong team leader like Hatake Kakashi should be?" From behind the trees, Kakashi sheepishly scratched the back of his head, his one visible eye giving a guilty smile.

"Yeah… I admit, I got a bit lazy," Kakashi confessed.

"A bit lazy?!" Naruto exclaimed in outrage. "All I learned from you was how to walk up trees! Meanwhile, from Zero-sensei, I learned to walk on water and improve my already poor chakra control."

"I'm sorry. I'll try to do better."

"You really should try harder, Hatake Kakashi, because I don't want to have to repeat this experience, and I'm sure you don't either," Takeshi added.

"Sensei," Sasuke's gaze turned to Takeshi instead of Kakashi, "why did you decide to help us? You never explained your reason."

"Didn't I already say? You are important to the village, and that's all you need to know. Nothing more. Nothing less."

"I… I want to thank you with more than just words."

"Forget about it. I don't need anything you can offer me."

Takeshi seemed to understand where this was going.

"Then can I stay on as your student after the exam?"

Just as Takeshi had suspected. Someone clearly didn't want to return to their previous teacher, likely due to a bad impression from the past.

"That's not for me to decide."

"The Hokage…?" Sasuke's tone was more of a statement than a question. "I see," he said with a brief, determined nod.

"Hey, hey, Sasuke, could you at least show some respect in front of the teacher?" Naruto chimed in.

"And what has he done to deserve me calling him that?!" Sasuke retorted, his tone irritated, his hands clenched into fists. "There's someone here who actually cares about my duty."

"Sorry, sensei. I tried," Naruto shrugged and gestured helplessly toward Kakashi.

"It's fine, Naruto. It's my own fault," Kakashi admitted.

"Uh, Zero-sensei, can I ask one last question? It might sound strange, but… haven't we met somewhere before?"

"Maybe we have, but that doesn't matter. It's not something you should worry about. Our farewell has already dragged on long enough. Perhaps we'll meet again, Team 7." With a hand sign, Takeshi disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

Over the past month, Sakura Haruno had finally decided to train under a medic-nin that Takeshi knew. Her memories of their last mission, where they had encountered the Demon Brothers and Zabuza, convinced her that in such situations, the boys could handle things without her. It was hard and sad to acknowledge her own weakness, but she managed to accept it. She wanted to be closer to them. Closer to Sasuke Uchiha. To be completely honest, it was mainly because of Sasuke. Her inner self encouraged her to make this decision, driven by thoughts of bizarre medical examinations involving Sasuke Uchiha's body… Someone was clearly letting their imagination run wild when making this decision. In reality, the training with the medic-nin was extremely unpleasant, involving the literal dissection of human bodies and organs. However, to her teacher's surprise, despite the uncomfortable experiences for the young and slightly naïve girl, she kept coming back for the next lesson. Fortunately, Sakura absorbed the theory well and could analyze things better than most teenagers. That was something that couldn't be taken away from her…

Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office…

"We've received important information from our spies, Takeshi. It seems my former student, Orochimaru, will be present at the exam."

"What does he want?"

"It's unclear. Perhaps he wants revenge on me for the past," Sarutobi said nonchalantly, shrugging as he placed his favorite tobacco pipe to his lips. "After all, he was a candidate for the position of Fourth Hokage, but the choice fell on the talented Minato Namikaze. There are many reasons…" The old man chuckled, leaving Takeshi slightly puzzled.

"What's so funny?"

"Whatever my student's goals may be—they're petty. That's the irony and humor of it, Takeshi. Don't worry, I haven't lost my mind just yet."

"Perhaps we should summon Jiraiya?"

"He wouldn't be able to convince Orochimaru to stop whatever he's planning. He lacks the power for that. Let him continue his duties in intelligence and espionage. As for future events, report on the results of the training."

"Team 7 is now close to an 'S' level. They only lack a bit more experience, and soon few will be able to stop them. I've done everything I could to ensure Sasuke Uchiha begins to feel a sense of attachment to the village. He does care about his team. At the very least, he feels camaraderie and rivalry toward his teammate Naruto Uzumaki. I've also done everything possible to prevent their relationship from turning negative."

"Hmph… and what about Naruto?"

"He's stable but still a bit insecure about himself and his surroundings. Despite his lack of intellect, he has excellent combat instincts. He hides behind a smile and fears opening up to his team. Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno still don't know that he is a jinchuriki and wants to become Hokage. Though, Sasuke did learn the latter from me, but that's a minor detail."

"Is that so? That's good. Have you managed to discover anything that wasn't previously revealed?"

"I did uncover something interesting. Naruto Uzumaki's seal. I found one fascinating detail in its complex structure. Sealed within it are the chakra and soul fragments of two people..."

Before he could finish, the Hokage's hand dropped to his face, and a heavy sigh escaped his mouth.

"Even after their death, they decided to watch over their child?" the question was directed at no one in particular. "It seems these are the souls of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki."

"I suspected as much," Takeshi nodded in affirmation. "I can tell you even more. I can also separate part of a person's soul and chakra and seal it voluntarily, though it wouldn't be as strong as Naruto's seal, but…"

"A sealing scroll…?"


"Hmph… then I have a small request, Takeshi. I want to make a similar scroll. No one should know about it, and only the future Hokage should ever see it."

"Understood, but I should warn you—it will be painful..."

The next day, when the Chunin Exam began, Hatake Kakashi handed Team 7 the documents confirming their participation. However, aside from information about the building and room number for the first stage of the exam, no other details were provided. Kakashi simply vanished in a puff of white smoke, leaving them alone. Sasuke sighed heavily at this, and Naruto tried to calm him down.

"Come on, Sasuke. Maybe he's just not allowed to give us any more information?"

To the brunette's surprise, Naruto's words made sense, but all Sasuke could manage was a begrudging and indifferent response.

"Maybe. We have to get through this. Together."

"Well, at least we can agree on that."

Takeshi silently continued to watch over Team 7 from the shadows. His mission remained unchanged. However, after the exam began, the Hokage had given him one additional order: if he encountered Orochimaru, he was to avoid killing him and, if possible, capture him alive. In Takeshi's opinion, even with his level of power, capturing a shinobi of Orochimaru's caliber was nearly impossible. The problem was further complicated by the fact that the Hokage had shifted his focus, assigning him to monitor the Jinchuriki of the One-Tail, Gaara of the Sand from the Village Hidden in the Sand. Gaara's unstable condition and the bloodlust that frequently surfaced were hard to ignore. Thus, if the Jinchuriki lost control during the exam, it would be Takeshi's responsibility, as one of the strongest ANBU and a "spiritual expert" of sorts, to stop him. The only exception to this would be if Orochimaru made his appearance and required immediate apprehension.

Many candidates passed the first stage of the exam, and seventy-eight individuals, or twenty-six teams, were allowed to advance to the second stage. The second part of the exam was overseen by the examiner, Mitarashi Anko, in the Forest of Death. This was where Takeshi could almost feel Orochimaru preparing to make his move. But with no clear sign of the former student of the Third Hokage, Takeshi couldn't abandon his current surveillance target. Additionally, another small ANBU unit was dispatched into the forest. It wasn't long—about three hours later—when a message came through Takeshi's earpiece about some unusual corpses. He needed to examine them personally to assess the situation.

A barely perceptible black streak, and Takeshi appeared beside three ANBU.

"Captain, we found them just a short while ago..."

"Let me see them."

Three corpses lay before him, each with their faces removed. The killings had been swift and precise. There was blood on the ground, but barely any on their clothing. It took Takeshi less than a minute to piece together a small part of the picture and understand the minor details before the second stage of the exam.

"He's here, disguised as a Rain Village shinobi. He even spoke with Mitarashi Anko…"

"Do you think she's in on it?! That ungrateful…!"

"Keep your thoughts to yourself. I don't believe Anko is involved. She wouldn't have been so foolish as to implicate herself this way. More likely, he's just playing with her. Are there any other traces?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"Then this is a waste of time. Where is Mitarashi Anko now? I'm more than certain her teacher will want to 'greet' her personally and likely explain his reason for being here."

"She should be at her station. Let me check," one of the ANBU pressed a button on his earpiece. "Mitarashi Anko, respond. Mitarashi Anko!" Silence. No response.

"...She's probably already figured it out. And I assume you have no other way to contact her, correct?"


"It's truly unfortunate that Konoha doesn't have better sensors. Alright, listen to my orders. Each of you will take three sectors of the forest and begin patrolling. North, South, West. I'll take the East. If any of you manage to track him down, do not engage. Just report and retreat. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Then disperse."

The three shadows immediately darted in different directions, while Takeshi, with a weary sigh, decided to handle the situation personally. The only technique that could aid him in tracking Orochimaru was called "Life Search." Since the Forest of Death was a vast area and his initial radius was relatively small, he would need to expand it. This, however, required much more strength and concentration. After all, he hadn't spent years meditating for nothing, enhancing certain abilities that demanded focus. He clasped his hands and assumed a meditative pose. His spiritual essence emerged from his body like a translucent film, moving at high speed through the area. He approached various red auras representing the living, and one small aura three kilometers away was slowly losing its vitality. This was Mitarashi Anko and her former teacher, Orochimaru. The blurry image of his spirit quickly returned to his body, and in less than a minute, Takeshi had reached their location. Mitarashi Anko had tried to kill him with a technique he had taught her, but she failed because it was merely an earth clone. Due to the mark on her neck, she was already collapsing to the ground, weakened and powerless.

With a swift motion, he severed the left arm, leaving Orochimaru no choice but to switch to a new body. After the body switch, Orochimaru attempted to change tactics by substituting his body with a log and launching an attack with his sword. The elongated blade rushed towards him with great speed, but he merely sheathed his sword abruptly and drew it upward to parry the attack.

His opponent decided to use such a sneaky attack against him? Relying solely on his sword rather than himself? How it reminded him of his world, where all the "Chosen Ones" used everything at their disposal just to survive. They would flee, ask for help from others, and attack only from a safe distance, fearing for their pathetic and worthless lives.

"Hahaha, what a pitiful sight!" Another swift motion to sheathe his blade, an almost imperceptible movement, and a thin white web of lines surged forward, cutting through everything in its path. Trees, bushes, and even the ground were destroyed within a hundred-meter radius.

This time, his opponent simply fled, using an earth clone once again. He could have pursued him further, but there were two reasons he chose not to. First, he needed to regain his composure and self-control. If anyone from other villages or Konoha shinobi saw him now, it could lead to problems and questions regarding his sanity and the danger he posed to others. The second reason was that Mitarashi Anko, not far from him, was having a tough time and might very well die without his intervention.

"No slaughter, no bloodshed, unless I desire it. If you try to manipulate me again, I will never let you see the light of day," he spoke to the blade of his katana, which had the ability to communicate with its wielder's mind and manipulate his thirst for blood. The sword emanated a sense of childlike sadness, pity, and longing. It was like a child who only knew how to kill and nothing more. The Blade of Chaos accepted its fate, no longer emitting its black-red smoky aura, allowing its wielder to sheath it, dissolve it in flames, and return it to his soul. If the katana's wielder were weak in body and spirit, the sword could have driven him to commit ritual suicide, allowing someone more worthy to claim it in the future and continue the bloodshed...

Finding Mitarashi Anko was not difficult. She was lying not far from the battlefield, and judging by how her life force was leaving her body, there was very little time left. The cause turned out to be a mark on her neck that, in addition to draining her owner's chakra, was also sapping her life forces. It was within his power to simply burn out this parasitic mark, but removing this seal would attract too much attention to him again, so he needed to at least stop this process and stabilize her condition. In theory, this might sound simple, but the only thing he could do was to give part of his life force, and this process... was extremely unpleasant. It felt like splitting one's soul, as life force and soul are not meant to be shared with others.

His breathing was languid and heavy, cold beads of sweat ran down his face, his hand slowly covered her neck, and just as slowly, he transferred some of his life force to her. While this unpleasant process was underway, he sensed something strange in that seal...

"Part of Orochimaru's soul? Hah... this seal is not as simple as it seems," Takeshi vocalized his thought aloud, already finishing the "healing" procedure. Lifting her in a bridal carry, Takeshi headed towards the southern gates of the Forest of Death trial's start. He wanted to personally interrogate her in a private setting, but before doing so, he first wanted to attend to his own wounds, which he had received during the battle with Orochimaru. The broken mask was removed and set aside, his special vest and blood-soaked shirt were also quickly removed and neatly stacked opposite, and from an unsealed scroll, he pulled out a special medical ointment and bandages. These items were more for the sake of discretion, as the wound inflicted by that strange blade on his face and the wounds inflicted by the Blade of Chaos, as expected, were not healing, so a barely audible whisper of a prayer and his index finger ignited with a round white orb, quickly healing and sealing his minor injuries. He applied ointment and bandages over the supposed "injuries."

"Um... I... probably woke up at the wrong time, right?"

Takeshi couldn't understand why Mitarashi Anko felt embarrassment and some discomfort when he turned to the examiner. It was hard for him to grasp what she was feeling at that moment, and he did not want to probe her mind for answers. All that mattered now was his mission and obtaining the necessary information from her.

Subscribe to my Patreon; there are new chapters there that won't appear on WebNovel anytime soon! (I'm still gathering money for some tasty food...)
