
Naruto: Corrupting my Naruto

Author: SolaceViolet
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 2.6M Views
  • 40 Chs
  • 4.6
    68 ratings
  • NO.200+

*advance chapters free until 31st October 2024 on p*treon: SolaveViolet Reincarnating in Naruto was less than an ideal condition. Being an orphan was a major setback. And not being able to use chakra, that was fatal. I was not someone who could work restlessly like Guy and Lee, nor was I interested in putting my life at risk for making money. I could as well become a shopkeeper and become rich with all the knowledge of the modern world I had, but I was sure to die if a rock fell on me. So I looked at the lonely blonde boy with whiskers, and then at myself being mocked by other little shits for not being able to use chakra. So I decided. Naruto needs a friend, and I need a savior. I will make my Naruto the strongest, and I will support him throughout his life in return of protecting me. I will corrupt him be not being able to live without me.

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Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

[A Naruto Fan Fiction] Make the best of what you have, they said... But what I am supposed to do when the best I have are red-eyed freaks, a child who's supposed to be the jailor of the most dangerous being in the world, a snake bastard with serious boundary issues, and a whole world of super soldiers with licences to murder. And you know the best part? None of them like me so much... Oh shut it, old man! Take that Will of Fire and shove it up your— Yeah, this second swing at life isn't panning out... --------------------------------------------------------------- What to expect: - Gradual strength progression. Meaningful growth. The MC is a normal guy dumped into the Narutoverse, starts out weak and has to work and struggle for everything he gains. - "Slow" paced. My writing style is a zoomed-in look camera that follows the protagonist. It might seem slow, but I ensure something is always happening to progress the plot forward. - Gritty and often bloody fights and actions scenes with a focus on taijutsu—you'll see individual combat, team fights, and large-scale battle. - A different take on the Narutoverse. The world is full of superhuman mercenaries with liscenes-to-kill—that along with the protagonist's struggles paint the world in a much darker light. - Additions and expansion to the "chakra" power system. I consider myself a conservative when it comes to adapting the power system—and aim to retain the original feel while highlighting the best parts. - The Outsider's Resolve version of Narutoverse uses the [Naruto Manga] as the base—with additions from anime, books, and even Boruto (though very less likely). --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/w5dJ82SfMr --------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: https://www.patreon.com/fictiononlyreader --------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARATION: This story is also present on: FFN, Ao3, SpaceBattles, SufficientVelocity, and ScribbleHub RoyalRoad [to be verified] --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OCs. The cover pic was commissioned from Kodah.art on Instagram

FictionOnlyReader · Anime & Comics
285 Chs


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This fanfiction has developed in a good way, I mean I like it where you show Naruto's strength and emotional development in detail and I think the storyline is right , the storyline should be tagged 'slice of life' which I know and then don't forget the development of the side characters which makes me appreciate your work, good job


It's a manipulative book about grooming a 3 year old child for the benefit of the MC. Take advantage of Naruto's innocence and make him emotionally dependent on me. It delivers exactly what was promised. And it might sound bad, but it is not as bad as it sounds. I thinks. Writing is average. Plot feels a bit rigid and brain dead somethimes like how she manipulate the uchiha and the explantion is becuase she was a kid. But all in all, a good read. And I am giving 5 star to support the Author. A girl who reads webnovel and also write fanfictions? Marry me please!!! No seriously give me your IG at least. lol


I haven't read a novel with a female protagonist in a long time... but this novel is pure gold PS: a great novel needs an equally good protagonist (and here she breaks it all)


Fresh, nice concept, great idea.Please don't drop it


fresh story concept, interesting story, smart MC......I like your story, good job writer...... don't drop this story don't drop this story don't drop this story don't drop this story


Reveal spoiler


This is great.love the stiry style and the idea. just please don't deop this author sama.


Review at Volume 3.5, chapter 109. Writing quality is good, with not many grammatical and spelling mistakes. Story development is GOD tier. The butterfly flaps its wings, and it is interesting and realistic. It even filled a major plothole in chapter 109. Character design is great. She doesn't remain constant, put develops in the story due to an event. Update stability is quite good. I doubt it will be dropped. World background is GOD tier, considering it is Naruto. Overall, a must read. I am actually liking it on par with Goddess of Ice fanfic, which I considered to be the peak till now.


Unfortunately, I found out that the main character was a girl and gave up on this fanfic. I've only liked one story with a girl protagonist in my entire life.


deleted reviews................ and paid promotion................. instant 1 starrrr.................................................................


This novel is really good.


I love it, it has great quality writing, consistent updates, concept of story development is better than some fanfic, the character design is good too, and of course the world background is Naruto, one of my favorite anime/manga of all time.


Thoroughly enjoyed the starting chapters but the novel soon gets boring. Nice concept but not so good story progression.


bruhhh.!!! i was reading it! i was on 44 chapter where izumi was confronted by orochimaru but u changed the sequences!! from where should i read! i am frustrated bro!


I really like this story as it introduce lots of unique perspectives and realistic(fitting how everything works in Naruto) which is not some non existenting power system or forced relationships and intactions. Although I was not satisfied with ending of volume 2, author immediately fixed all issues related to that with first chapter of volume 3 and made story reach a higher quality and more perfected in all aspects wise and most importantly Shiori's character development made this novel really captivating for because world of Naruto is cruel if you do not change or should I say develop more you can't achieve your goals and staying medicore means you will be not able achieve your goals and dreams so current develop of Shiori is in right path for me. Thanks for writing this story author, I wish good luck for you in writing your stories and waiting for more. I was reading this story from beginning and waited for writing a review till it reach a good amount of chapters and all I can say is this story is one of the best Naruto fanfiction which doesn't have repeated things.


Very good fanfic, and thank you author for making this fic, I really like it. 555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555


the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius, the idea for the story is genius


Complete the story. Continue uploading new chapters. Complete downloading new chapters.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Que genial. Me gusto mucho este capítulo doble. Aunque hubiese deseada que Shiori no fuera ninja, pero bueno. Tengo una idea súper loca. Que tal si Shiori al recuperarse solo pueda usar chakra espiritual. Es decir el elemento Yin. Ahora viene mi idea. No sé si viste Inuyasha, pero es más o menos lo mismo. Shiori logra controlar la energía espiritual y en eso descubre una habilidad para ver espíritus (no humanos o fantasmas). Luego de eso se pueden hacer muchas cosas interesantes. - Crear un contrato con ellos (me lo imagino como las serpientes voladores de Kikyo. Estás tendrían la habilidad de absorber chacra natural o de personas y entregárselo a ella). - Estos espíritus serian para un estilo defensivo. (La idea es que ella pueda protegerse también) - Después de eso que aprenda a crear barreras. Eso se podría hacer utilizando fuinjutsu y tambien a estos espíritus.) - dato interesante: la espada de itachi es una espada espiritual. Así que debería existir un mundo espiritual en naruto pero nunca se habló de eso. Desarrollar algo así sería interesante. A raíz de todo esto, me gustaría me Shiori no fuera ninja, pero bueno. Espero que sea máximo alguien de apoyo. Algo así como Kikyo. Ella era poderosa, pero no fuerte para pelear.


very interesting concept. I haven't seen a naruto fic where mc is not gonna be a ninja. I feel like this opens up so many new pathways and I look forward to it.


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