
Naruto: Changing Heart

As the young boy named Naruto faced the crushing weight of yet another rejection from his childhood crush, it felt like a relentless dagger piercing his heart repeatedly. Each previous denial had already chipped away at his spirit, but this hundredth rejection was a breaking point. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within him—pain, sadness, and frustration blended into an overwhelming surge of turmoil. In that pivotal moment, something inside Naruto snapped. His eyes, once filled with hopeful innocence, now burned with an intense determination. It was as if the fiery passion of a thousand suns ignited within him, fueling a transformative fervor. The torrent of emotions that had threatened to drown him now molded into an unwavering resolve. "No more," Naruto whispered to himself, the words carrying a newfound conviction. He refused to let rejection define him or hold him back any longer. This time, he would rise above the pain and emerge stronger. Every setback, every tear, and every ounce of doubt would be woven into the fabric of his journey. The young boy's resolve was now an unyielding force, propelling him forward on an unexpected and thrilling path. With each step he took, he was forging a destiny that would surpass the limitations society and fate had imposed upon him. Naruto vowed to transform his pain into power, using it as a catalyst to chase his dreams with unwavering tenacity. Little did he know that this turning point would mark the beginning of an extraordinary adventure—one that would not only test his strength and courage but also redefine the fate of an entire world. From that moment on, Naruto's life would be a tale of emotions, trials, and triumphs—a thrilling saga that would inspire generations to come.

Nethersteel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter | II |

The streets were busy as Usual, I peered through the crowd and saw the library in the distance. I went inside an alleyway, forming the Ram sign, I transformed into a 5'7 random civilian. I could not do the Clone Jutsu because it cost close to no Chakra, for reasons unknown, it seemed as though I could perform Jutsus better if they cost more Chakra. It was strange.

But this Jutsu, the transformation Jutsu I previously named... 'Sexy Jutsu' cost a bit fee, so I could perform it with enough effort. Maintaining it was not a big task for me, I had a very big Chakra pool... Very big. I did not know why, but I seemed to have some 'unique' aspects in my body as well... that's for later.

Disguised. I walked along with the crowd, soon, I entered through the open door of the library. There were tons of books, so many shelves along with it. I avoided any physical contact with the other people present there and drifted from one book to another.

It took me less than 10 minutes before I stumbled upon the book I wanted. I slowly took the book and read its title.

'Guide for Chakra Control and Chakra Rotation'

Skimming through the old pages of the book, I absorbed the knowledge like a sponge. I carved every vital point down to the last, minute detail. I got enlightenment, it seemed I was making several mistakes during rotation. Such as maintaining a uniform speed whilst molding chakra.

"Mister... I'm afraid to say the library is about to close. If you may..."

Huh? Confused, I looked outside through the glass window to my right. Shades of orange sunlight reflected off the melted limestone, then I understood. It was already sunset, I did not even notice the passage of time as I was glued to the book. Shaking my head, I placed the book back on the shelf and exit from the library.

My gaze wandered and fell on the pink sky above. Beautiful. I thought, smiling lightly. As the clouds passed through the eerie sky above, my eyes were attracted to a particular cloud.

A... a sun? I was surprised, since when did clouds form a perfect circle with flares like extra whites?


Someone rushed beside me. Snapping back to reality, I went into the same alleyway and formed back. Hah! It feels good now... It is not really comfortable when I transform. I walked back home, cautious so that I avoided any of the 'abusers' on my way.

Not everyone in the village cursed me like that man before, some only gave me strange stares, whilst others seemed almost unbothered. I had already carved the faces of the people I noted as dangerous in my mind, I was careful not to stumble upon them.

After taking turns and cuts to avoid them, I reached my apartment. Unlocking the door, I went inside and closed it.


I rubbed my stomach. I was hungry... Sigh.

Approaching the refrigerator, I opened it to see several instant noodles. Grabbing one, I closed the fridge and took a pot to boil the water. Having been boiled to optimal heat, I sat down on the chair and opened the instant noodle cup. I then poured the hot, steaming water and waited.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Time slowly enacted, as the clock beside me rang, I took a deep breath and enjoyed the smell of the food. I grabbed my chopsticks, split them, and closed my hands together.

"Thanks for the meal"

I whispered. I took a small sip before eating the noodles. As I gulped it, I no longer felt the enjoyment or happiness that I once used to have when I devoured them. I slowly ate, feeling empty and detached as the events again played like a nightmare. I drank the soup and tossed the cup in the dustbin and laid back.

How bothersome. These feelings... They were starting to hurt me. Sighing, I closed my eyes to remember some good memories... But all that clouded my mind was the abuse and hurtful words by the villagers. They were cruel and lacked any humanity or sympathy... Why would anyone do something like that to a child?

I've seen other kids of my age, and they don't get harmed... What separates me from the likes of them? What have I done to receive such indistinguishable hate?

Question after question came, with no certain answers. Who am I... Really? I asked myself. Was I some sort of incarnation of a Demon? Was I a ritual subject? Was I prophecized guy who will destroy the world or something? Was I the son of some Rogue Nin? or was I just a normal kid like any other... I didn't know.

But I wanted to know! I wanted to know what caused everyone to give me those... stares, those hateful stares that haunt me every night. Those stares that give me nightmares every single damned day!

I calmed down. Nothing would get better if I just get angry. No, I should rather control these emotions, it was best if I had none. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes to meditate. Remembering the steps in the book, I slowly rotated Chakra through my veins to calm my mind and relax.

A cold feeling washed over me, I felt like I was underwater, surrounded by a veil of

darkness. My feet felt wet... Wait... Wet?

Puzzled, I opened my eyes.