Nathan Hunt, orpah and entrepreneur. Who never knew his parents, and never cared to look for them. Died and reincarnated, where? You already know that.
Matsuo's shadow clone with transformation jutsu, this time a version that lets you make the shadow clone have the same form as you'd like without the flaws of transformation jutsu. Though there were unique flaws to this version, actually more flaws than the original, but that didn't really matter. They were unique so they won't be seen at an instant.
In the bedroom there was a duo of the akatsuki, Matsuo wasn't expecting it, but it wasn't bad. Kazaku was there, and another was some rando, probably used as a bounty by kazaku 'This is even better, Kazaku is someone easily swayed by money.' The clone now reffered to as what it was impersonating.
Abyss gave the family head also in the room their ryo, Matsuo had built up a bit more money with a organ harvesting operation on death row criminals. He was only able to get out a functional liver after 10 tries, may those great men rest in peace for their help in his medical knowledge
Abyss started to monolog "You know, I have an exess of ryo, far too much of it. Too the level where I can give away millions of ryo for pet projects, or to get something that I want." He pointed to Kazaku "That's where you come in, there's a city that has what I want inside it but won't let me look for it. Even after offering more than a dozen million ryo notes, now let me ask you something. Do you like money?"
"Of course I like money!" Kazaku said, offended "Great, let me make you a deal. 100 mill, and you raze that city to the ground. While I watch, after you're done I'll start searching. And I may give you even more if you listen to some other jobs I give you while you're doing that job. At a minimum of a million ryo per job."
"I'll do it!" Kazaku accepted immeadiatly, the amount was too big for him to refuse "Great, the city is called zhoki." He took out a map "This is the city I want burned to the ground, I mean razed to the ground, sorry for the mix up," He put away his map "I'll be there in 10 days right when the sun goes down the horizen, also." Abyss took a few bills of ryo out of his pocket, going up to more than a million ryo "Take this as me showing that I'm not bullshiting."
Abyss thought for a moment "No, that isn't enough. I'll tell you something that you'll like. Aether doesn't originate from this place." He then poofed into smoke.
As always, Matsuo was running at the speed of not sound, that would make to much sound. He couldn't even run at the speed of sound, nobody could in this world. How did he know this? none of the characters ever created a sonic boom, something created by going faster than the speed of sound, in the anime or manga in his memories.
Though the idea of madara making a sonic boom sounded awesome, it was way to dangerous. But at that moment he thought of the goal he gave himself of beating up six-paths madara as if he were a child 'maybe beat up madara before six-paths power up, then see if he should be gifted six-paths power.'
Matsuo was becoming arrogant again, well... You need that to be able to play with someone elses life as if they were a puppet, although he hasn't done anything at that level yet.
Matsuo threw his pride down the gutter for a moment 'What should I actually do after getting that egg? Have some fun in a brothel?' The brothel part was a rhetorical question, but it did show his lack of plans, no. he lacked a big evil scheme.
'The big eye of the moon plan made by black zetsu, that should be my role model in the level of evil sheming.' After this city destruction, he would get a scheming 101 and evil scheming 101.
Though Matsuo looked down on black zetsu 'If anything went out of perameters it would comepletely collapse, its basic in making plans to account for unforseen circumstances.' Actually, he looked down on everyone in this world. Though he didn't really realize it, the fact that he knew a lot about every major character made him arrogant.
Who wouldn't become arrogant if you know a lot about the official future sponsored by destiny? Remember, destiny likes the story to stay the way it wants it to be. It auto corrects anything it can, even the thought process of the people under its control.
Like with Tsunade and Naruto's adventure to bring her back, lets say... Only Jiraiya came, both of them would speak in ways inside of their personality's boundries and work together in getting rid of Tsunade's 'Blood is bad'-phobia. If that wouldn't work, then. Wow, a terrorist attack, or something else happened! In the heat of the moment, or in a calm and collected state, Tsunade Senju came over her blood phobia! Because, uh... Her brother, or the person she loved would do that. Maybe, who knows, maybe its her aphrodisiac drugged body that lets it happen. You'd be surprised the legths destiny uses to keep on track.
It scares me, once, when I went against destiny to change something. The person I loved turned into a nyphomaniac, it traumatized me. I got over it though, yes, definitely... I need alchohol.
Matsuo just needed to be the core reason the city turned into a waste land and he would get his egg, so buying out the akatsuki wasn't a problem or against what the system wants. But he needed a shadow clone there, and his cryptic hint to Aether would make them do the job.
In Matsuo's walk over to the city he wanted destroyed, he changed Aether's face reveal face a bit more rightious and made all his goals more rightious sounding. He was now the hero of the story, while Abyss was the villain.
He would show a connection between the two, it would work pretty well. Just have two shadow clones talk, that's it. That would be enough for Abyss to create a connection with the akatsuki, a connection with the akatsuki would be great for challenges.
Matsuo read all his 101 books, the martial one was intresting and the wine one was un-magical/supernatural. He had 10 days to set up the conversation script between Abyss and Aether, not too difficult.
'Hail harashima or whatever he was called for not making shadowclones have automatic and unstopable body language functions! If he did I would break his legs, if I met him. Also, I would make sure he could feel pain.' And so, Matsuo started to sketch out every little detail of an emotion's body language for both characters. Mostly melancholy, and a missing of home. But also a heroic feeling of duty for Aether, remember, Aether was a villain in his head but due to a choice made on feeling turned into a hero trying to protect this planet from Xenomorph.
Then the days passed, with Matsuo doing a few more organ harvesting operations. None succeeded, seems that the liver harvest was a lucky break. Of course the body language was made too, made it a bit free style too.
He also needed some more acting experience, he doesn't do emotional stuff. It's troublesome, but he needed to do it now. But where would he get this type of experience, become one of two estranged brothers. Then figure out their backstory before he starts, all their friends and how he interacts with them.
It would be annoying to do himself, but he has money and info on broker code. So of course he used money to solve his problem 'Wait a minute,' Matsuo thought 'I have a system, why do I have to train!?' And payed the system a hundred million ryo for a easy boost in acting experience, though he spent way to much 'It is what it is.' He thought, and also 'Gotta spend money to make money, and to live.'
Though the fact that he was no longer a billionare was sad, he pumped himself up 'After this you can become a multi-billionare!' What a poor, poor soul.
Matsuo journeyed to the city and corrected some errors in the script he didn't see before, he was always the straight faced lie type of liar/actor. Though he took some speech seminars in collage, pretty much an offshoot of acting. He learned a lot of tricks on playing with the minds of others, well more like making them more comfortable with talking to you.
He never had time to go to higher level acting classes, time is money after all.
When he arrived at the city he killed one of the high ranking officers and took his place. He started making openings that coinside with Kazaku's modus operandi, it seemed like almost no one would ever find the weaknesses so no one complained.
'I should do at least this much for the mercanaries I'll be exploiting for a while,' Matsuo sighed 'I'm such a good person.' While shaking his head.
Matsuo thought to himself 'But that's enough, if they can't even do this then I should just replace them with my own organization when or if I make one.' This was like a test, sort of. He wasn't too sure about the akatsuki's strength, he hasn't had many interactions with them.
The next greatest general of this age, he liked this appearance so he was going to use it again, retired for the night. He was going to use this identity at the blood fest, but that's in 6 days 'I'll keep using this persona for a while I guess, the patrols won't shift without my micro managing for the next few days. I'll use this as my practice for emotional acting, making everyone on board with my new patrol paths with a big emotional speech sounds good.'
When he woke up the next day he made a giant speech to see if he could pull at some heart strings, he wasn't really that invested in it so no preperation. This was said with "I don't know how to say this in the right way, so I'll just say this." While seeming tired and with dark circles under his eyes.
"I know everybody doesn't like, my reforms. But its all for the city, for our families, our friends, for our own lives." The general paused for a moment "Although all of this seems pointless, even a slightly higher chance to defend the city and our livelyhoods is welcome in all of our books." The general made a self depricating smile, hiding sadness "Well, it is for me at least. I'm a coward afraid of death," The general then frowned with a tear "Not someone who deserves to lead an army."
His straight posture started to hunch over as he talked, while he leaned against a stand "I just don't want unnecessary deaths due to my choices, but I guess saving the life a civilians instead of comforting our soldiers was my mistake." And then he walked off depressed, when he turned the corner he was ashamed of himself.
'Fuck, I wasn't able to do a good speech. Although the general's nervousness seemed real and self-deprication did too, it doesn't have that feel, no, touch of reality.' He was berating himself, so low quality, the heart strings weren't pulled at. Matsuo had one thing to say about this performance when the shadow clone got canceled 'F-.' He said it as if giving a score as a teacher, he was dissapointed.