
Naruto: Challenger system

Nathan Hunt, orpah and entrepreneur. Who never knew his parents, and never cared to look for them. Died and reincarnated, where? You already know that.

Mauritany_DL · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Book of power

Matsuo woke up in a hotel in the land of lightning, on the table close by there was a piece of paper with a fragment of a story written in kanji. Matsuo, who had changed his name, had learned kanji to show japanese business people that he respected their culture. It was also exotic enough to be intresting, and it was paying of in this world.

Kanji, written with the right technique were called words of power. It of course, used chakra. All of this was inside of the book given by the system two years ago that he had burned after memorizing. After learning everything it had to offer the system offered another mission, weirdly the system was giving a lot more descriptions since then.

[Challenge: Write a novel length book with woords of power.

Description: As a beginner fuinjutsu-er that can't even write passible words of power, practice by making a book with words of power like a lot of apprentices of fuinjutsu masters do. You can sell them too, so training and money making. Isn't it nice?

Reward; fuinjutsu seals 101, bonus (Based on quality)]

Although it may not seem that difficult, it's pretty time consuming. Its also really good for the fundimentals of making words of power, and money too. A book of power is a pretty expensive luxury good, they make a projection of the story. Think of it as adapting a novel or short story made of words to an anime or live action film not restricted by reality, the higher the quality of the words of power the better the adaption. Only adapt fuinjutsu user can actually turn their books of power into 3d renditions, Matsuo can't at least.

His stats right now were pretty high for his age, but it was at most double the average up and coming ninja his age. He only recently got his chakra control talent to a six, every single time he set up that mission he first did everything he could to progress further. He failed a bit, when he failed the mission he needed to wait a month to try again. You can calculate his average failures on the subject if you divide 5 by (12 - the time he took to train in two years halved). Which is ... for each mission on average, of course he was close to getting his next challenge.

He put on inconspicious clothing, and jumped out the window stealthily. He quickly ran into an alleyway and used transformation jutsu to become an adult male cloaked figure, he used a self made jutsu to change his voice more authenticly to a gruff tone. This was the persona he used to the merchant he sold some short stories to, he had a few pieces of paper held together with string. These were some short stories of the past in the form of books of power.

Matsuo intentionally kept them lower quality than his 'quick cash' level, as if an aprentice made them, it also made it quicker to make. This was his cover story, he was a broker that a fuinjutsu master used to sell his apprentice's books of power, that they made to practice before actually making seals, for some extra cash. He didn't use a name for this persona, for confidentiality, not that he didn't bother giving it a name.

The village he was in right now was close to the village hidden in the clouds, it was believeable that a master didn't want any one to follow the trail and find out which master got some new students. It was actually a really common practice for fuinjutsu masters until their apprentice got to a certain level, especially if they were a genius hidden in the slums. Slum born geniuses weren't actually as rare as you'd think, most master fuinjutsu-ers look their first if they want an apprentice. They don't complain at burning the midnight oil, or their master taking a cut of their winnings while they're learning from them. They're highly profitable, so they are more desireable.

Matsuo was planning on getting a few of them after he actually mastered his craft, well, if he mastered it. It took really long to make a book of power, not only because chakra needed to regen, but also if you tried to put more than you can handle or go faster than you can handle with your chakra ir either needs to be done over or an explosion happens. If you mix the fact that for higher qualities you need more chakra and more intracate words of power, it takes a long time.

Since he wants a high quality book of power he's been going extremely slowly with the full novel he's making, he's got the entire story thought out. It was a magic circle kind of world, with mana hearts and all. He may have also, 'borrowed' Madara's appearance for the main character. He put some hand movements and eye powers that naruto didn't have, yet. You can never be sure, its a shonen show, ok.

His non chakra skills are pretty high level, his high talent skills are around lvl 5-ish. If he had them for a while like kunaijutsu is around lvl 8~ or so, while kunaijutsu is lvl 10 by now. Kunai jutsu can't lvl up any more till he chose what direction he would take for it, but he hasn't chosen one for the last year. That specialized taijutsu hasn't even got one of the thousand needed to be defeated, specialized skills don't hinder or help the normal skills.

Skills were where his power came from, he's a jack of all trades, in some places he had specialized. But those are few and far between, and you won't find a big enough weakness in him that its worth it to exploit. He also made sure his fundementals are at least lvl 6 or higher, he also turned some of his own jutsu into skills. Though he hasn't gotten nature transformation or form transformation so far, if he did he would rule the skies with incredible ninjutsu.

He was also wondering of ways to get edo tensei, the allure of great fire anhilation was great. He also had a book on iregular handseals he got from the system, when he used them for the first, he already saw ways to use them on a large scale.

But back to making money, he arrived in a back alley. he opened a door, when he entered he saw a luxurious room. When he entered a servant waiting there said "Please follow me sir." Since this wasn't their only time meeting they didn't make any small talk, after going through an underground passage he saw the familiar luxurious mansion's interior.

He met with the old merchant he's been doing business with, he knew he was getting around 70% of the amount the merchant was selling them for to collectors. While the amount of books of power he makes is low the amount of money he makes is, well...

The old merchant looked through his wears "These are higher quality than last time." Matsuo shrugged "Don't ask me, I don't have big connections with the client. I'm just a broker man, don't expect me to know the details." This was all reasonable, its a brokering 101 not to ask questions if the client pays well. The old merchant said "Here's the pay for this one." He took out three-hundred-thousand ryo out, Matsuo took it without complaining, the pay was reasonable for the quality. If he got a full novel out he would get at least ten-million ryo, if a real master made one it would at least be a billion ryo.

He quickly left without asking questions, what he got just now would be enough for the next few months. He was one of the richest individuals in the city, the old merchant doesn't count because he comes from the ninja village.

This time instead of walking calmly he started to jump with his chakra, after fifteen handseals. He started to jump at chunin levels while only taking a bit of chakra, if someone didn't have his talent this would take around a hundred handseals.

You need a strong foundation if you want to leap ninja ranks like him, he had a strong foundation due to stuffing as much training in his day as possible.

Right now he's side stepping his need for talent in comprehension with the skill function, but the difficulty of getting new skills at his level is getting higher and higher.

Right now he's also trying to get a better sharingan progression talent, but it isn't actually that hard.

[Challenge: steal a basic ninjutsu from another with the sharingan.

Reward; 1 point in sharingan progression talent]

The problem, its hard to get into the cloud village. It would be way easier to enter konoha, its leaders are with hiruzen so the will of fire is strong and hiding the bad stuff from their eyes. So they don't have people register when they enter and leave.

Of course he was going to enter the leaf once more, instead of wasting his time getting into the cloud. Matsuo still had his old academy uniform, most people don't wear them though. But its an easy way to make other academy children trust you, so he perpared it after he got the mission.

He just had to pay an entrance fee to enter, then he would choose how he got them to show him their jutsu. All he needed to do was get the novel done, after that he would leave. He would of course not break the bridge with the old merchant, some quick cash from him wouldn't hurt him.

Time skip, yea. A good time skip is beautiful, sorry to dissapoint with a sub-par one. Sike, I don't care.

Mauritany_DLcreators' thoughts