
Naruto: Challenger system

Nathan Hunt, orpah and entrepreneur. Who never knew his parents, and never cared to look for them. Died and reincarnated, where? You already know that.

Mauritany_DL · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Beateruto at school!

Matsuo bribed the lightning village to have him set-up as a transfer student from their ninja school into konoha, he of course promised to act like a total asshole and cause chaos. He also said that his 'adopted child' was violent and would beat other children excessively, he also said he looked and sounded like the seventh hokage's son, he also had enough strength to show his overwhelming prowess.

Matsuo showed off his 'son' as a shadow clone and Beateruto made a small mountain collapse with a single punch. The father made sure to have them say that Beateruto was a problem child that the lightning village couldn't solve and wanted to use to show how the will of fire was rubbish, and that they should 'hide' the fact that he was a problem child and accuse them of turning him into a child beater with the will of fire. Or if they press the issue, that the will of fire couldn't solve.

They quickly agreed readily since it wouldn't bring any real downsides since they were always not too friendly with konoha, and the chance of making friends with konoha and humiliating konoha for free were too hard too pass up when you add on that cash prize.

So Beateruto had shown a perfectly normal introduction speech "I want to become the raikage! I also like dragons! But sadly, snakes are the closest creatures to them. I am curious about the world and want to make my own jutsu! But I don't know how to do the three basic jutsus well enough to change them..." Beateruto ruined the mood like an overactive child would, he walked to his seat in the back while downtrodden as if remembering something he didn't want to reminisce.

Beateruto asked about that old nin-ja-oh thing from the past which his father talked about when he was young, it was canceled. The company that made it went bankrupt, its copyright was just sitting in the open, waiting for someone to pick it up.

That picture scroll thing had little substance behind it, small games with a few gimmicks that get old after a few rounds, its mostly cool cards. Nin-ja-oh was a community of people who wanted to brag with rare cards and actual gamers, and a few other groups.

Mysteriously some old guy bought the rights to an old card game the next day, a week later it became a trend after buying out some of the popular kids in the ninja scrolls world to try it out.

It slowly grew into a cultural phenomenon, the old man finally got a profit in half-a-year. And the entire time Beateruto was a good kid, but then Boruto saved another kid...

Beateruto appeared the next day and beat him until he landed in the hospital, the beating only hurt a lot and didn't bring anything to serious onto his body. And Beateruto had no black marks on his record, no one believed Boruto that he was beaten up by the model student.

Such time passed and ninja scrolls collapsed in on itself, and old man Matsuo 'Ryuuji', yes. The people who knew Matsuo thought about the chance of him being Matsuo 'Ryuuji', and concluded that it wasn't possible since he took things seriously.

Though he seemed to take great interest in scientific ninja tools and a bingo book ninja guy which he didn't know the name of using something called 'Corpse clone jutsu' or something like that. He seemed to have an obsession on the level of money he would spend to get his living body.

Madara, he took up the mantle of Beateruto's child beater mode's friend.

As such time passed once more, and Beateruto made many more appearances on completely unrelated battles after Boruto saved a kid.

And so at the graduation party he beat a child overwhelmingly, he asked for Beateruto to use his full strength. And so after 7 times being asked 'Are you sure?', with one punch his arm was turned to a bloody mist. This was also a small 'Test' to make sure he was even able to survive the real deal, he failed miserably.

He chose to become a genin quickly then chose a hard mission and tried to have his teammates go 'missing in action', for their crimes of being generic. He failed 38 times, and finally caused their deaths. Then he killed the jonin following after him, she was extremely annoying.

Beateruto cried about how she sacrificed herself since a missing-nin attacked and was stronger than her. He cried a while longer than completely got over it on the flip of a dime, giving a feeling of dissonance.

He did a bunch of missions solo, but everytime he was told to enter a new team he first said that he wasn't ready, if that didn't work he would join reluctantly talking about how they were just ____ of his old team. If all of this didn't work, he would kill them all once more through a shadow clone.

This repeated over a few months until the chunin exams, The tests were sort of entertaining, but they were anti-climactic. The real Mastuo wasn't to bothered since it was conflict at all, since he actually came to watch with his real appearance he'll be reffered to as Matsuo for his real body. If you haven't figured out how I refer to people based on the identity they were using.

The Matsuo identity was a clone, since it was a little dangerous with that identity. That shadow clone just jumped into the hokage booth from above with a swing as if it was nothing and said nothing at all, well he did "A wild great Matsuo appeared!"

he was questioned on who he was by everyone except the two big bosses, but he said in an angry "I just said it, are your ears for decoration! It's Matsuo! Use your ears for once in your filthy lives!"

A quick stab of a kunai shut them up, only when they realized the big boys weren't attacking did they sit back down. Matsuo took out a truth-seeker and made an intracate thrown, this was all with one arm. The truth-seeker was a fake that could only stretch, truth-seekers were only for the main body to play with.

Truth be told Matsuo and Beateruto fought against falling asleep, it was all generic. Though Boruto cheating was very entertaining, very entertaining indeed. The unfairness and people not realizing it was comedy gold, it was hilarious since it was real people and not fictional characters.

It was still pretty boring though, the main kids fights were completely irrelevant since, you'know. Shiki person's attack of doom.

Speaking of which, Matsuo knew almost nothing about him. Something about karma and red earth making you powerfull quick, he would ask for some just for the lols.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear! Boruto was getting owned by his father, then bang! Momoshiki appears!

Suddenly Matsuo poofs into monk clothes and gained the negative condition; baldness.

Matsuo let Momoshiki, who he thought was called something like Moshiki, so a weird look alike name. He thought of a way to hide his forgetfulness about his name, and he quickly came to a conclusion.

He let everything play out, until red earth came out.

Matsuo calmly walked out and said "Fellow doaist, this penniless monk feels that he has some fate with your red earth. Fellow doaist, could you spare it in your heart to seperate from your belonging for this penniless monk?"

When Momoshiki didn't answer Beateruto appeared above with a jump and yelled "Fellow doaist! When a penniless monk asks for for something and you don't answer they get mad!" And he used a rasengan after a second "Do not worry fellow doaist, you seem to be out of jutsu slots. Please accept this mere apprentice cultivator ninja martial artist's jutsu."

While the rasengan was absorbed Beateruto placed his palm somewhere else on Momoshiki's body, his arm. And stole some blood with a yoinking off of the bone "Fellow doaist, I think this doaist deserves some compensation for his benevolant acts. Call it 'karma' if you will, since that'll be your life line in a few days, max."

The great Beateruto fell down to the ground, he looked at normal Matsuo and waved "Hey dad!" Matsuo waved back "I thought I threw you into lightning land! Why are you here?"

Beateruto yelled "Oh, it was boring and peaceful! So I left!" Matsuo nodded approvingly, there was even a single tear of aproval that rolled down his face.

Matsuo looked at both Momo- and kinshiki, and said to the endless sky above "I so want to be an Otsutsuki, then I'd be resistant to the vacuum of space and I could do the chakra fruit stuff, oh! And I'd be free of the chains that bind me from that ada or eida chick, she dangerous!" Who's Ada?

The great Beateruto realized something 'Ada/Eida! That chick who is impossible to kill if your not of her blood or an alien! And can see through the past and present all over the world with her overpowered eye!' Thanks, how is she unkillable? 'The Ada/Eida that has a charming effect on the instincts of all humans!' Oh... That's bad. Real bad. Let me get my whiskey.

[Shenrigan redaction and alteration (lvl MAX)

Redact or alter the reality seen through the shenrigan of an individual or the entire shenrigan race-thing-kekkai genkai-bloodline]

The great Beateruto felt, Brup, more confident, and emptyness in his soul. He fixed all the things that 'are above charm girl's 'Level of existance'.'

The father son duo walked away conversing while both thinking of ways to kill, let's go with Ada, with what ever ways they could.

Both remembered the Xenomorphs, they weren't considered human and had no choice but to follow orders. Like they litterally can't go against what is ordered of them.

[Ada's current laditude is 58, 28.]

This was all in naruto laditudes for some reason, I don't know why ok. I'm too drunk to care anyways.

[Vial of Ada blood in inventory.]

So... Why is that needed now? Please don't tell me Matsuo has a necrophillia record.

In the caves a few shadow clones started to research and theory craft with the vial of blood, trying to find countermeasures and how to make her ability Matsuo's. That's good, that isn't necrophilic.

The same thing happened to the 'Momoshiki blood and flesh' container, this one for becoming an alien in body but not mind. About the whole alien situation, who cares? Not me, you can just watch it on the canon stuff.

Matsuo, now in his castle after a long day of nothing was doing something he didn't like. Planning, a Xanatos gambit in particular. It's a plan that always has the planner 'win' no matter what happens, the easy part is actually starting the gambit, the hard part is setting up all the stuff that could benifit.

But it just wasn't for Matsuo really, he enjoyed 'faking it until he made it'. It was easy and chaotic enough to be entertaining, he still remembered the bullshit that made Aether, that was peak bullshit.

It's a shame he couldn't do that anymore, yes... He couldn't do that...

At the Momoshiki raid a mysterious shadow-ey figure whose face was not able to be seen, stole the scientist's shinobi gauntlet and dissapeared intoshadow, in a shadow in another country it appeared and put down a cube.

This cube expanded into a rocket and covered the figure, the inside pure darkness. If you were inside of the rocket you could hear '1, 2, 3, lift off.'

I haven't gone through Boruto the anime or manga, so the update speed is going to slow down a lot. I'm going with manga since its faster.

Mauritany_DLcreators' thoughts