
Naruto Card Emperor (MTL)

Li Tong, a world-class top magician, died unexpectedly due to the explosion of his mobile phone while playing a mobile game called “King of Cards”. He traveled through the world of Naruto, but found out…why can I see the names of each of their identity, and prestige? Kill enemy Shinobi to drop cards? Ninjutsu Card! Gymnastic Card! Forbidden card! Secret card! Can you eat cards? Will you get the corresponding ability if you eat it? What is the equipment card? Can killing Uchiha Clan Shinobi drop Sharingan Kekkei Genkai cards? Killing the Hyuga Clan Shinobi can drop the Byakugan Kekkei Genkai card? What if I kill Kaguya? Naruto World Gamified! Prestige exchange! Ninjutsu strengthens! Achievement Rewards! Unlimited first kills! “With all due respect, I’m not targeting anyone, I’m just saying that everyone here is rubbish!” At the Five Kage Conference, Li Tong tapped his fingers on the table and said lightly.

Im_Cute_Umu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 46

Li Tong can see the identity information of this samurai.


Name: Kuromaru

Identity: Land-of-Iron defective samurai, wandering samurai, desperate.

Reputation: 1285

Relationship: evil intent


"Elf, is samurai's reputation calculated the same as ninja?" Li Tong asked quickly in his heart.

"Yes!" Kahuang elf quickly replied.

Li Tong is at ease, this sturdy samurai named Kuromaru has a reputation of only more than 1,000, and the strength is equivalent to the general Taijutsu Chunin, but because samurai are all knives, they are more capable of attacking and killing Some, but weaker defensively.

The first encounter with the real evil intent samurai.

Li Tong knows that this world also has extremely powerful samurai, which are basically in Land-of-Iron, such as the Land-of-Iron General Mifune in the original work, who can fight against Demi-God Hanzo, At least with Kage Level strength, such samurai can also use chakra, aside from samurai inheritance, they are really not much different from Taijutsu ninja who is proficient in Blade Technique.

Li Tong's thoughts were very fast, and Kuromaru rushed to Li Tong in an instant.

With such a strong samurai, Li Tong has nothing to worry about.

Shoot out the kunai!

The three kunai attacked Kuromaru in a zigzag shape, and the distance was too close for Kuromaru to dodge directly. Eject, and hand seal at the same time.

"Wind-Style Great Breakthrough!"

"Stop!!!" Konoha Military Police Force ninja, who was approaching fast, shouted, but it was too late.

Li Tong breathed a gust of wind, and the violent airflow hit Kuromaru and spread around the street.

Kuromaru dodged and retreated, lowering his body, reducing his body's exposure to the wind. He was not directly injured, but was only forced to stay away from Li Tong.

The stone slabs on the street were blown away by the wind, the stalls on both sides of the road were all destroyed by the wind, the wooden doors and windows of the shops were all torn, and dust was flying…

Along with the sound of shops collapsing, screams rang out in the streets.

The Konoha Police Department ninja, who was approaching quickly, was also affected by the Wind-Style Great Breakthrough and retreated to dodge.

"This little demon is actually Chunin?" Kuromaru felt a little weird, and the ninjas who can quickly complete the hand seal and flexibly use C-Rank Ninjutsu are basically Chunin!

Li Tong seems to be only eleven or twelve years old. Chunin at this age is very rare. Almost every one can be called a genius. Generally, a half-old child of eleven or twelve years old, but Not yet available from ninja Academy Graduation.

Kuromaru's eyes flashed, and excitement returned to his face.

"If you hold him, can you..."

Konoha will never accept coercion when holding ordinary Chunin, but if the holding is a genius ninja, the situation But it is very different.

The wind is weaker.

Kuromaru, hunched over his waist, jumped up suddenly, jumping more than ten meters high, and jumped to the third floor of the shop on the side of the street, pedaling on the outer wall of the shop, his body was parallel to the ground , and he ran fast horizontally. Moved, then ejected, Kuromaru attacked Li Tong with even more swiftness.


Kuromaru is faster than before, and the angle of approach is tricky.

Li Tong eyes slightly narrowed, hand seal again.

"Water-Style Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

When Kuromaru was five meters away from Li Tong, a thick fog broke out, and Li Tong had already controlled and weakened the Hidden Mist Jutsu. The effect reduces the output of chakra, but even so, within the time of one breath, the area covered by the dense fog is still a small half block.

Kuromaru realized that something was wrong, but he didn't retreat, his body shrank, and he almost flew towards Li Tong against the ground.

Although he couldn't see Li Tong's specific location, he could feel Li Tong's aura position.

Actually, the danger is not high when he does this. Samurai is good at melee combat. He has a very strong sense of reaction in melee combat, and under the same comprehensive strength, samurai and non-Taijutsu ninja fight in close quarters. Samurai's The winning rate is above 90%. Conversely, if Ninja can avoid being approached by Samurai, under the same rating, Ninja can also crush Samurai by relying on Ninjutsu.

So Kuromaru took a risk approaching, and it wasn't a bad strategy.

Only melee combat can win quickly!

However, what he encountered was not the ordinary Chunin, but Li Tong!

kunai blast! The sound of breaking the air is harsh!

Kuromaru, who was swiftly approaching Li Tong, sensed the attack of the kunai, and his body twirled and bounced. While dodging the attack of the kunai, he was less than a meter away from Li Tong, and fired his knife!

Li Tong raised his right hand at the same moment, and the faint blue color instantly swelled in his palm!



The swiped katana was directly smashed, Rasengan's formidable power exploded due to the collision, and the terrifying impact blasted Karasuma out! Like a cannonball, it flew out tens of meters in an upward arc trajectory, smashing through the outer wall of the fifth f the inn there, causing a roar again.

The battle is over!

Kuromaru didn't understand until he died, how did this little demon Chunin instantly cast Ninjutsu? He dared to be obstructed

Everything was complicated, but it actually happened in a very short period of time.

Under Li Tong's control, the dense fog he had just created dissipated quickly, and a half-block area regained clarity.

The streets are a mess.

This is a busy street with dense buildings on both sides of the road, and Li Tong has just released C-Rank Ninjutsu Wind-Style Great Breakthrough, he has eaten two Wind-Style Great Breakthrough cards , the formidable power is twice the normal Wind -Style Great Breakthrough.

A total of three old-fashioned shops collapsed due to the Wind-Style Great Breakthrough, while other high-level buildings did not collapse due to their deeper foundations and stronger frame structures, but they are also doors and windows. ruined.

Many people on the street had their heads broken, either by being hit by rubble or failing to avoid in time when buildings collapsed.

"dammit, trouble!" Li Tong finally understood why the police department ninja who was running over shouted "stop" before he released Ninjutsu. Those two words were not for attacking and killing. Li Tong's Kuromaru said it, but to Li Tong!

Clearly, the police ninja had anticipated what would happen if Ninjutsu was released in the downtown area.

This should also be the reason why they let Kuromaru run so far, they simply don't dare to do it all in the downtown area.

"Save people!"

"Someone's buried underneath."

"Come and dig!"

On the street There was a sudden chaos, and many people rushed to the collapsed shops, some were crying, some were screaming, and they didn't know if they were dead.

Li Tong was about to move, he wanted to join the rescue, but three whirlwinds rolled up around him at the same time, three Konoha Military Police Force ninja appeared, blocked Li Tong's way, stood Li Tong is facing an Elite Chunin named Uchiha Li .

"Damned, didn't I tell you to stop?"

"Don't move!"

"You're under arrest!"

"You watch him, I'll save people!" Uchiha finally said again, and ran to the ruins of the shop.

The three ninjas didn't give Li Tong a chance to speak. They didn't need Li Tong to say anything. They all saw the situation at that time. Caused some damage, but not sure if there were dead people.

If there are no dead people, everything is easy to say, but for big and small matters, even Konoha will take the initiative to allocate funds to compensate Li Tong. After all, Li Tong did it to stop desperado.

But if it's dead, it's going to be very troublesome!

Li Tong didn't want to argue, he did it, and there is no need to deny or explain. Two Uchiha Madara ninja guarded Li Tong, Li Tong didn't move, just looked at the rescue situation.

More and more people came to participate in the rescue, and many ninjas who heard the movement also rushed to the scene.

A lot of people were injured, maybe 30 or 40, many of them were smashed by items that were blown up, and some were simply injured by falls, but it was not a big problem. The most serious one It's just a broken bone. There is no mortal danger. The key is to look under the ruins to see if someone was directly killed.

"Notify the Medical Department!"

"This way! Medical-nin, is there any Medical-nin!"

The shouting continued.

Whoosh! call! call!

On the noisy and chaotic street, three silhouettes appeared out of thin air. They were all wearing black robe mask-wearing, with a cold temperature. It was Anbu Ninja, and the leader was Li Tong's acquaintance – Shen He!

Shen He tilted his head and glanced at Li Tong, and intuitively told him that this emergency was directly related to Li Tong.

"Go and help." Shen He instructed the other two Anbu ninjas, then turned a few steps and walked to Li Tong's side. The two Uchiha Clan ninjas who were guarding Li Tong took a few steps back. .

"What did you do?" Shen He asked very directly.

"Your Sixth Sense is accurate." Li Tong shrugged, "It was an accident."

"You are under arrest." Shen Hema said.

"They said the same just now." Li Tong pouted and pointed to the nearby Uchiha ninja.

"He's still alive! Hurry up! Be careful!" There was a sudden scream from the ruins of the shop. A lot of the ruins had been dug up, and a serious injury was found under the ruins.

"Move out!"

"Be careful, be careful!"

"Gosh, it hurts so badly, Medical-nin! Is there a Medical? -nin?"

The blood-covered middle-aged person was carried to the side of the open space, and everyone around was anxious because he was seriously injured, his abdomen was pierced by a table leg, and his arm There are also broken bones, and there is blood on his face except for dust.

The young medical Chunin ran to the middle-aged person and wanted to treat him, but he couldn't do anything. He didn't even dare to pull out the leg of the table because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to treat the wound quickly. To stop the bleeding, it is a hole as thick as the forearm. Once it is pulled out, it cannot stop the bleeding, then the middle-aged person will die faster.

"I can't! I need Jonin, I need medical Jonin!" The young medical Chunin raised his head and said quickly, his face sweaty, he looked nervous.

"Medical Jonin!"

"Is there a medical Jonin?!"

No medical Jonin has arrived at the scene yet.

The number of Medical-nins is scarce, and there are even fewer Jonins. The few Medical-nins who arrived at the scene quickly were all in the vicinity when the incident occurred, and among them, there was no Jonin Level Medical. .

"I'll take a look." Li Tong opened his eyes to the situation and suddenly walked forward.

Shen He crossed his arm and stopped Li Tong.

"I can save him!" Li Tong rudely pushed Shen He's arm away.