
Naruto: Blood Descendance

A Haematologist transmigrated into the naruto verse with a blood release? (First time writing anything so be easy on me and help me along the journey)

Pezetty2x · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


Ketsueki contemplated, "Alright, my plans to become strong will start like this. Mastering these three jutsu will be my priority over the next month or two, depending on how long it takes me to learn them. Afterward, I'll need to move on to water jutsu. I have enough chakra manipulation and water affinity training to learn water jutsu now."

Considering the chakra aspect, Ketsueki acknowledged, "My chakra control is decent due to the movement of my blood manipulation—condensing, rotating, and moving.

It has helped me in molding chakra." In class, he compared his chakra reserves with his blood sense to Maki, realizing that his reserves were about 1.5 times bigger than hers. This was surprising; weren't Senju supposed to have much larger reserves than other clans?

Then, an idea struck Ketsueki. "What if the experiment gave me the chakra of the kids that were sacrificed?" After a few seconds of contemplation, he made up his mind.

"Yeah, that would make sense. There's no way an average orphan would have more chakra than a Senju."

Reflecting on his blood abilities, Ketsueki mused, "Maybe this alone is enough to bring me to Kage level, but I definitely need more refined abilities to fuse with it." He considered mixing water and his blood, creating massive water attacks where his blood could pierce opponents in the water.

"If I train water to match Tobirama's, coupled with my blood, it will be a significant problem for my enemies."

Contemplating his training routine, Ketsueki acknowledged, "I need to maximize my training plan. At 5:00 am, I wake up and go to the training grounds for physical training.

By 7:00 am, I train my blood control. Then, I make my way to school, finding most lessons boring. In class, I pretend to drink a water bottle but am actually overflowing the glass to train my water affinity. My reserves keep getting boosted due to repeatedly dumping my chakra."

After school, he resumes blood training, finding it not only helps him discover new ways to attack with blood but also aids in molding, rotating, and condensing chakra.

He recognizes the need to add jutsu training into the rest of his time.

Contemplating the future, Ketsueki thinks about the need for even bigger boosts like Sage Mode. He considers being trained by Jiraiya, though the connection with the toad and Naruto's chosen one status may conflict.

"Wait, it doesn't even have to be toad jutsu; there are snakes, wolves, and all types of creatures out there!"

After finalizing some plans for his future, he finishes memorizing the three basic jutsu and a few water jutsu. As Ketsueki stood to get up, his head hurt again.

"Stronger, stronger, more, more!" These words burned in his head as memories of past experiments and witnessing his friends' deaths resurfaced.

He wished with all his power that he had the strength to stop this. A fusion occurred between the two minds. "I have to get stronger," he muttered in a cold, angry voice as he clenched his fist.