
Naruto: billions of reward

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime et bandes dessinées
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154 Chs


Pheasant Sword·Sora no Tai Sword!

The pheasant sword in Orochimaru's mouth flashed with a cold light on the blade, and the blade was drawn towards Mukuro's neck in a strange arc. Mukuro didn't panic at all, and slammed his head on one side, and the pheasant sword was swiped against Mukuro's neck, and a bunch of hair was directly cut off by the sharp blade of the pheasant.

With a bullet at his feet, Mukuro left the attack range of the pheasant sword, all over his body suddenly raised.

Sage Mode!

Without any hesitation, Mukuro directly turned on Sage Mode.

Sage Art·Wind Style·Spiral Shuriken!

God is coming!

The perfect combination of the two techniques is definitely far better than the combination of Minato's Rasengan and Flying Thunder God Technique.

The Sage Art spiral spiral shuriken in Mukuro's hand blasted heavily on the body of the white-scaled serpent. Ultimate's wind attribute and Chakra attribute changed. In terms of lethality, Sage Art· Wind Style· Spiral shuriken absolutely It is the strongest among Wind Style.

The Sage Art spiral shuriken exploded, and the body of the white-scaled serpent was directly smashed into two pieces. Nearly one-third of the body was minced by the spiral shuriken.

However, the pieces of meat that were crushed by the spiral shuriken on the white-scaled snake turned into small white snakes, frantically rushing to the wound of the white-scaled snake's body, and gradually the white-scaled snake again Restore as before.

"Ahahaha, the white scale body cannot be destroyed, it is a symbol of immortality." Orochimaru laughed wildly, obviously very proud of his white scale body.

"Huh! Even the big snake is just a snake, you have to hold it for me in front of the dragon!" Mukuro said coldly.

Wood Style·Wood Dragon Technique!

Several huge wooden dragons suddenly emerged from the ground, directly biting at the white-scaled snake. The wooden dragon with the characteristics of absorbing Chakra, as long as it is not destroyed by instant violence, but it will not disappear, which is very difficult to deal with.

The wooden dragon and the white-scaled big snake are entangled together, even with the help of the grass pheasant sword, the white-scaled big snake is somewhat incapable of coping with several wooden dragons.

After a while, a lot of wounds were bitten on the body of the white-scaled serpent. Even if it can be recovered, it takes a lot of Chakra every time. Orochimaru has neither a fairy body nor a Jinchūriki, but it is not so. Too much Chakra wasted.

"Damn it, there's no way, now I can only use that technique!" Orochimaru, who was gradually showing his defeat, said bitterly, then looked at Mukuro and shouted: "Mitarashi kid, let you see my strongest Ninjutsu!"

Orochimaru's white-scaled body instantly expanded several times. Several huge snake heads squeezed out from the white-scaled snake's body, and then continued to expand. After a few seconds, the entire body was already dozens of huge. Times.

Baqi Technique!

Orochimaru was transformed into a huge basilisk with eight heads, hissing snake letters.

The head of a snake in the middle spit out a huge snake letter. The snake eyes stared at Mukuro, who was a hundred times smaller than himself. Suddenly, the snake's mouth uttered a saying: "In the state of the big snake, I am even more powerful than the tail beast." !"

Kimimaro on the side saw Orochimaru turned into a Yaki Orochi, and without any hesitation, he pulled up the dumbfounded Shiro and ran to the side.

"Kimimaro, what are you doing, my lord is still here!" Shiro's voice was slightly anxious.

Kimimaro, who was pulling the white, said without turning his head: "I said, I want to protect the adult and you. Now I have no ability to protect the adult, but I must protect you."

After a pause, Kimimaro continued: "Moreover, I will definitely catch up with the adults!" The trembling body proved that Kimimaro's heart was not calm.

Not far away in Kirigakure, Terumi Mei looked at the complicated village affairs in front of her. She had a headache because it revealed the conspiracy that Fourth Mizukage was controlled, and Fourth Mizukage was in a coma. Therefore, all Kirigakure ninjas above the level of Jōnin temporarily decided to elect Terumi Mei as Kirigakure's temporary Mizukage to deal with matters related to the size of the Ninja village.

The size of the Yachi Orochi is huge. Although it appears outside Kirigakure, the noise is not small. Looking from a distance, Terumi Mei can see the head of the Yachi Orochi dancing in the air.

"This is." Terumi Mei was taken aback, a figure suddenly popped out of her heart, and then she was full of black lines: "Could that guy make trouble again?" Thinking of this, she put down what she was doing and galloped towards the village. Outside the direction.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Mukuro's expression became more serious, but he didn't panic, and said coldly: "Is it only comparable to the tail beast?"

Hearing Mukuro's contemptuous words, Yachi Orochi was a little angry, especially Mukuro's indifferent tone, which was an insult to himself. The eight huge heads of Yachi Orochi squirmed frantically, and then they looked like cannonballs. The same, slammed heavily at the location where Mukuro was.

Bang! Bang! Bang! !

The entire dense forest was continuously attacked by Yaqi Orochi, and there were waves of smoke and dust, countless trees were broken, and the earth was trembling.

Even the Kirigakure villagers who had just hid in their new houses ran out one after another, looking at the behemoth outside the village, with deep despair on their faces.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Basilisk! Are we Kirigakure provoking God's anger, and the gods are going to cause disasters?"

"God, please bless us Kirigakure."


Having just endured the disaster of destroying the village, and now such a giant monster appears outside the village, Kirigakure can be regarded as a bad luck, and the villagers who can not collapse are considered strong enough.

Sage Art·Wind Style·Spiral Shuriken!

A spiral shuriken appeared in each of his hands, and Mukuro threw it directly at Yaki Orochi!

Splitting the air, the spiral shuriken hit the two heads of the Yaqi Orochi sturdily, and the heads exploded, but after a while, the two snake heads slowly grew out.

Looking at the reappearing snake head, Mukuro frowned, obviously having a headache for Yaki Oro's ability to continuously recover.

The restored Yaqi Orochi was even more furious. Suddenly opened its mouth, a fishy breath rushed towards Mukuro. Gray and black smoke filled the entire forest. The only few remaining trees were in this gray and black smoke. Under the erosion, it has gradually turned yellow, obviously losing its vitality.


Mukuro's heart was shocked, because in just an instant, Mukuro had inhaled a lot of gray-black smoke, and Mukuro could feel that various organs in his body had begun to be damaged to varying degrees