
naruto beyond imagination

how can i be here

satihi_01 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

~~my english is very bad, grammar is very bad, i will try to be better in the future~~~





"Are you not going to attack Hinata?" Shiro asked Hinata

"You don't have to hesitate when attacking me" Shiro continued while preparing to return to battle

"Ehm" Hinata just nodded in response to Shiro words

then Hinata attacks Shiro again, and as usual Shiro just dodges attacks from Hinata

after time passed Hinata still attacked Shiro, Hinata breath looks a little irregular, because she is very tired because she has been fighting with Shiro for a long time

seeing this Shiro just shook his head, Hinata still didn't change, she still resisted his attack

if it's just like this, Hinata will never change,

'I have to do something' thought Shiro

when Hinata was about to attack Shiro with his palm, Shiro immediately grabbed Hinata hand then hit Hinata stomach with his palm

suddenly it immediately made hinata thrown back

"Do you really want to be strong? Then attack me with all your might"

said Shiro firmly to Hinata

it looks like Hinata is trying to stand up but Shiro moves towards her and immediately grabs Hinata ankle and throws her back

"Attack me with all your might" Shiro said back

Shiro continued to attack Hinata, after time passed, the frustration on Hinata face was visible, before she often attacked Shiro but now she was always attacked by Shiro, and Hinata did not counterattack because Shiro attacked him very quickly

Shiro keeps provoking Hinata with his every word

"What's wrong Hinata? Is it only up to here?"

Shiro continues to do this to Hinata, so it's different from the beginning of training, Hinata really wants to attack Shiro even if only once

seeing the frustration on Hinata face, Shiro lightened up each attack and Shiro slowed down a bit

when she saw an opportunity to attack, then Hinata immediately attacked Shiro with all her might

while Shiro who was attacked didn't feel anything, it was even weaker than Hinata initial attack, but what was different was that Hinata was now putting all her strength into attacking

seeing that made Shiro smile widely

"Attack me with all your strength Hinata" said Shiro provocation to Hinata

Hinata continued to attack Shiro with all her might, even though Shiro hit her too but Hinata continued to fight against Shiro

Their intense battle continued into the afternoon,

when Hinata was about to attack Shiro suddenly Hinata fainted and would fall

Seeing this Shiro immediately stopped his attack and quickly moved towards Hinata

then Shiro held Hinata body which was about to fall

"You are not a weak person, you are very great Hinata" said Shiro to Hinata

even though Hinata fainted, but she still had a bit of consciousness, so Hinata clearly what Shiro said

this made Hinata very happy, then she closed her eyes with a smile

then Shiro took Hinata to the side of the training field, Shiro meant to wait for Hinata to wake up, he didn't want to take her home unconscious

and shiro immediately placed Hinata head on his lap



an hour had passed, Hinata opened her eyes again, and the first thing she saw was Shiro face above her

"morning sleeping princess" said Shiro to Hinata

Hinata who was still in a daze just watched Shiro and didn't realize what Shiro said to him, but not long after that Hinata realized what Shiro said that made Hinata face turn red.

and Hinata was comfortably still asleep on Shiro lap,

"Are you going to stay here forever?" The sky was getting dark and they were still on the outskirts of the village

suddenly this made Hinata stand up from her sleeping position, then Shiro immediately stood up while stretching, him body was a little stiff after 1 hour of not moving so as not to disturb Hinata rest time

Hinata who saw it was a little embarrassed because she had slept for a long time on Shiro lap, but Hinata felt very comfortable..

then Hinata tried to stand up, but she was very weak, after practicing all day with Shiro her stamina and body is no longer strong enough to move

Shiro who saw Hinata like that immediately walked towards behind her then lifted Hinata like a princess,

suddenly it made Hinata shocked

"Shi Shiro-san what are you doing" Hinata said shocked

"Shut up, you are very tired, let me take you home. And don't call my name formally" said Shiro to Hinata

"Thank you Shiro Kun" hearing what Shiro said, Hinata could only thank him, and called Shiro name informally again.

then Hinata who was on Shiro lap only put her face deeper into Shiro chest, she meant to cover the red blush on her face,

along the way Hinata was just enjoying his closeness with Shiro, hinata didn't think about anything other than the strange feeling she had for Shiro

so far no one has been so considerate of Hinata except for her caregiver, so her closeness to Shiro makes Hinata very comfortable,

It's dark and every light has been turned on

Shiro didn't pay much attention to it, the only thing he focused on was the girl in him arms

suddenly it became the focus of the people around

Shiro didn't pay much attention to it, the only thing he focused on was the girl on him arms

"Sorry" Shiro suddenly said to Hinata

"Hmmm???" Hinata mumbled with a big question mark in her head, she didn't understand the apology that Shiro threw at her

"Looks like I hit you too hard" Shiro replied while still focusing on the road in front of him

"No, Shiro Kun is innocent, you helped me train so I don't really mind it" Hinata replied while smiling at Shiro

"ok" Shiro answered briefly while looking at Hinata face on his lap

even though it was embarrassing but Hinata tried to look back at Shiro face,

it happened for a few minutes

not long after that Hinata face had a slight blush, then it spread all over her face

then Hinata quickly hid her face in Shiro chest

Shiro who saw this just smiled with an attitude of hinata



after a long walk Shiro finally arrived at the Hyuga clan residence, when Shiro approached the gates of the Hyuga clan, seen the guards approached Shiro in a hurry

" Hinata-sama... what happened to Hinata-sama? ' the guards said frantically when they saw Hinata being held by someone

"Calm down, Hinata is just a little tired" said Shiro while calming the two gatekeepers

then one of the guards took Hinata from Shiro lap

"Thank you for bringing Hinata-sama back" said one of the guards while carrying Hinata on him back

"Yes, no problem" replied Shiro

then the two guards turned to enter the Hyuga clan housing, and Hinata who they were carrying turned her head to look at Shiro who was outside

"Thank you Shiro Kun" Hinata said while smiling at Shiro

Shiro who saw this just smiled back at her

after Hinata was no longer seen Shiro turned and walked straight back to his house, although he now trains all day with Hinata but Shiro is not too tired, unlike the intense training he often does for the past month, training with Hinata is just like a warm-up for Shiro,

but it's not too bad, he a little bored with his monotonous training so he needs a refresh