
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
519 Chs

Chapter 54

Title: Revelations



The sound of objects being destroyed rang out as a laboured and irritated voice followed.

"What's with this bullshit!? I've only taken office for a week and I have to deal with this?" An angry roar sounded before a heavy sound of hand hitting a table followed. "I can already feel my life span reduce by so much."

"I didn't have this feeling even when we were in war!" She complained with bloodshot eyes peering at a brown haired middle aged man and a brunette holding a pink.

The pig, feeling the tension in the air, "Oink, oink!"

"NOT NOW TONTON!" The woman bellowed.

The middle aged man shook his head with a wry smile while say a prayer of gratitude to whichever God had saved him from this torment.

'What was I thinking all those years ago? Wanting to be Hokage? Please.' The man thought as he looked out the window as he reminisced about his child days.

"How time flies." He muttered to him himself with a sigh.

"Nee-sama." He called out to get the woman's attention.


"I think it's time for me to leave..." he said while locking eyes with her.


"Kawaki-sama." The brunette by the side also cried out in alarm.

"No need to look at me like that. I need to leav-"

"I understand." Tsunade cut him off with a calm voice before sitting back down on her chair. "Also, I must apologise..." she began and pulled out a bottle of sake from her sleeve, much to the amazement of Shizune despite how many times she had seen it.

"You've spent the better part of your life following me around, or rather, I made you spend the better part of your life with me." Tsunade took a sip from her cup and continued.

"Thinking back, I couldn't afford losing you too after Dan. I was scared, and I forced my will on you. You still had a goal back then, but I stole it away from you. I knew you may have resented me at some point-"

"That's not true nee-sama. I never resented you. It was just...it was just to sudden, you know?" The man shook his head at his sister.

"Back then, I was a little bit too rash. I didn't understand why you chose to leave instead of avenging Dan-nii, you even took little Shizune out of the Academy. I was furious at the culprits while also being confused, but I never felt resentment towards you."

"Kawaki..." Tsunade said softly as tears threatened to fall down her eyes. Looking away, she said. "I felt you may have hated me, so I didn't bring up the topic of you living your life, or rather I couldn't bring it up. I'm sorry."

"Nee-sama. You don't need to apologize. I understand, plus, traveling with you two these past two decades, I come to learn a lot, grow a lot and even understand some things Grandma used to say about the world..." Kawaki said the last part softly./1\

"It was a nice adventure. But as with everything Journey, it has come to an end." Kawaki said with a bright smile.

"True." Tsunade chuckled as she raised her bottle of sake in toast, and out of his sleeve, Kawaki also pulled out a bottle and raised it.

Shizune meanwhile was, for the umpteenth time, wracking her brain to understand how these two pull these things out of their sleeves.

"So where do you plan to go from here?" Tsunade asked but Kawaki shook his head. "I have no idea. Perhaps I'll just continue walking around the world while protecting the village from the dark like Jiraiya-san."

"Humph. Like I'll allow you to behave like that pervet." Tsunade slammed her hand on the table and stood up. "You'd better stay in the village and increase the population of our Senju clan if you have no place in mind."

Looking at Shizune, Tsunade's eyes suddenly shone with a mischievous glint as she continued. "Look at little Shizune. She's been with you for so long, why not settle down with her? I'm sure your kids will be as cute as you two were when you were kids."

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune cried in shock as her entire face became red.

"Oink oink." TomTom chimed in causing Tsunade to snap her head towards it and say. "For once we agree, Eh TONTON?"

"Nee-sama..." Kawaki couldn't help but shake his head with a wry smile. "Maybe when I return, and the world is at peace."

Hearing this, Shizune had a disappointed look on her face which she immediately hid, while Tsunade sighed and sat down. "I know I don't have any right to say this but, you're already past 36, Minato's kid, Naruto, is already 13 this year..."

Sighing deeply once more, she continued. "I won't force you on the matter, just take your time. We're Senjus after all."

Kawaki smiled and nodded. Just as Tsunade had said, they were Senjus, and their vitality is their most prided asset. Late marriage wasn't a problem for them as they could procreate no matter the age.

Hashirama, their grandfather married at the late age of 34 and still managed to live long enough to see his grandchildren while still looking young.

Even their Granduncle, Tobirama, didn't seem to age till he died peacefully, after succumbing to his many internal injuries, accumulated through the many battles he fought in his life.

As the three sat and stood, in the case of Shizune, in silence, the space in the middle of the room shattered as I white haired head popped out.

"Yo... Hope I'm not interested anything..." he said with a smile, but receiving no answer, he poured and walked through the shattered space into the room.

"Tch, tough crowd." He clicked his tongue and went to sit down beside Kawaki.

"Heard you were leaving the village...?" He asked, but despite seeming like a question, it sounded more like a statement.

"Shun..." Kawaki acknowledged him with a nod. "What brings you here?" He asked while wondering why the Anbu hidden around the room didn't react to the obvious intruder.

"Oh, nothing much, just wanted to pass along a message before leaving the village." Shun said as he pulled down his blindfold and looked at Kawaki. "Those guys won't bother attacking me, they've tried, not killable." Shun said pointing to himself.

"What message do you want to pass along?" Tsunade demanded causing Shun to chuckle.

"I can't help but feel a hint of hostility from you Tsuna-chan." Shun began as he appeared before her so fast that she couldn't react. "You're one strong woman, you see. If I was a little bit more able, I would've pursued you for your hands in marriage."

"You..!" Tsunade didn't know how to react to the sudden movement and words, causing her to stutter.

"But fret not, even if I could, I wouldn't, you deserve better." Shun said and returned to his place beside Kawaki in a flash.

"You...How are you so fast?" Kawaki asked curiously to which Shun smiled.

"It's pretty simple. Natural Energy Manipulation." Shun replied.

"Senjutsu? That's not possible." Kawaki and Tsunade shared the same sentiment to which Shun just shrugged.

"Can't help it. I'm a genius, people like me think differently. Think about it, you two have come in contact with Natural Energy, but unfortunately, in the case of Tsunade, your Strength Seal prevents you from accessing it."

"In your case Kawaki, you lack the ability to maintain the transformation for long durations, right? And in the case of Jiraiya, he can't even use it properly without the help of the Little Toads, but me....Sigh..." Shun said as a lonely aura emanated from him. "I'm just too much of a genius."

As soon as he said that, he suddenly felt killing intent locked onto him making him disappear and appear behind Shizune. "Hey! Can't a genius have a moment of self-appreciation?"

"Pardon me. You just reminded me of someone from long ago." Tsunade said with small cough.

"Oh, then he must have been one hell of a genius if you so wanted to kill him."

"Yes he was. Unfortunately, he took matters into his hands and died to save some relatives of mine..." she said causing Shun to pause before appearing beside Kawaki once more.

"I see. Anyways, as I said, I merely manipulate the spatial fabric between two points of natural energy in the air. I create a convergence point between the two points to a singular locu...Zero Distance. Teleportation baby." Shun chuckled softly while feeling he sounded like a certain Man Who Remained. 'Weird.'

"You didn't tell us anything." Shizune said with a deadpan expression.

"No. I understand, when studying the Hirashin with Minato in the past, he said that the Jutsu could breach space, connecting the focal point, being the seal mark, to any place in space he was." Kawaki said with a thoughtful expression.

"However, he did mention that there was a stop-gap, like a hub of some kind." Kawaki continued causing Shun to nod I appreciation.

"Finally, someone with a little bit of genius, eh? How about it, want me to be your teacher?" Shun offered. He found that unlike Tsunade and Shizune who were Medicine oriented, Kawaki had some practical knowledge.

"No thanks." Kawaki immediately rejected to which Shun shrugged. "Too bad."

"Is that the message you wanted to pass along?" Tsunade interuppted with an annoyed look.

"Nope," Shun paused before saying. "You know Tsunade, you should thank me for my performance earlier on."


"Due to my threat, you can be assured that your regime as Hokage will be smooth sailing in as much as you stick to Naruto." Shun explained

"During the invasion, my Genius-senses tingled at the appearance of a potential Genius, so I followed it and found myself in the Foundation Building."

"Root?" Tsunade asked and Shun nodded.

"In there, I saw some kids who had been kidnapped from the comfort of their homes. Just because they were orphaned and had no one to look out for them, they were all kidnapped."

"Those kids...their parents probably fought and died for Konoha but instead of repaying them as they should, Hiruzen allowed his colleagues to extort the money that was legally theirs. And since there was no one to complain, Danzo instituted them into his Foundation."

"This... is impossible." Tsunade seemed to deflate at the words coming out of Shun's mouth, yet, she couldn't deny them.

In just a week of her regime, she had found many loopholes in the usage of funds meant for the village. She didn't understand why before, but listening to Shun, she began to piece them together.

"Danzo, Homura, Koharu, and Hiruzen. These three had their own personal Anbu squads, all picked from the streets and trained with the very money they were meant to be given as compensation, following their parents deaths." Shun continued.

"These Anbu under Yu-chan are a little bit trustworthy, but other than the ones she vouches for don't trust the rest. They're probably double agents who don't have your well being in mind despite being your guards."

"Yu..-chan?" Tsunade asked.

"Hm. Yugao Uzuki. Your current Anbu commander. I personally fought her a few years ago during that exams. She's strong. You're lucky to have her. And you can trust her. I've checked." Shun nodded.

"Checked?" A voice asked from behind Shun causing him to shiver and cough slightly. "Moving on, I decided to terrorise Danzo and his Anbu a little before helping myself to the Genius. Afterwards, I removed the seals placed on them."

Despite the 'Hey!' and 'Clang!' noises that was sounding in the background, Shun continued.

Seeing that her attacks were going nowhere due to the seemingly invisible wall around Shun, Yugao gave up before scoffing and disappearing into the shadows again.

"So Kawaki." Shun turned to the Senju. "Why don't you open up a legal orphanage in Konoha and take care of kids like these? Instead of travelling around aimlessly, this would serve as a more fulfilling work, wouldn't you agree? You get to spend some quality time with 'Little Shizune' here in the night while being a Patron to the kids in the day."

Kawaki seemed to be in thought for a moment as what Shun said made sense, that was until he properly understood the statement properly and glared at Shun.

Shun chuckled seeing the embarrassed Shizune and glaring Kawaki before turning to Tsunade.

"What do you say?" He asked.

"If what you say is true, then I need to pull out the Shinobis from their service. They're meant to serve the Leaf Village, not become personal mercenary." She said in anger but Shun shook his head at her.

"That will only lead to a civil war. Just send some Anbu to retrieve the kids with this seal, they'd teleport in, gathe the kids around, and teleport out. "

"That's right nee-sama." Kawaki agreed much to Tsunade's surprise.

"Hehehe, someone's in a hurry for some snu-snu time." Shun teased only to be ignored Kawaki who snatched the seal from Shun's had unceremoniously and stood up.

"We can't allow those kids to continue suffering." He said with a righteous anger prompting Shun to pout at his failure.

"...I understand. Kawaki, pick some Jounin and retrieve the kids. Being them up to the roof as soon as possible. I'll personally attend to the." Tsunade said after some contemplating.

"I guess I'll have to clean up after that old fool." She said and immediately made to conveniently leave her paperwork behind.

"Ah!" Shun suddenly cried.

"What!?" Tsunade shook and turned to him

"I just remembered the second reason I came here." Shun said while looking shocked.

"I don't know whether to be amused by the fact that you look shocked, or be confused at why you look shocked." Tsunade said.

"Hehehe, It kinda skipped my mind, after all, it's a dangerous... subject which could change how we see things..." Shun said sounding all mysterious.

"Just spit it out kid."

"Okay, it's about having Sasuke go rogue."

"..." Tsunade

"..." Shizune

"..." Kawaki

"..." Anbus.

"Wha-What did you just say?"



/1\: In case most of you have forgotten, Hashirama died at a prime old age, same as Mito and Tobirama.

Kawaki didn't die in the second Shinobi war under Orochimaru's Three Man Team and he is Minato's age mate.

And if Minato was alive, he'd be 36 years old.

He died at the age of 24 being the birth year of Naruto. At present, Naruto is 12-13, which means 24+12-13 = 36-37

So at present, Kawaki is 36/37, Shizune is 32/33, Kakashi and his age mates are 27±, Shun and Itachi are 17/18

Remember. They both were 5 years old when Naruto was born.

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