
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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523 Chs

Chapter 23

Title: Temporal Disturbance.


As Shun left the lair, he decided to walk around the newly created Village of Sounds. However, his tour was abruptly brought to a pause as the World around him came to a stop.

"Hmm?" He hummed in surprise as there could only be one person alive who could perform such a feat, and the person in question was currently not on the planet.

"Shun..." A mesmerisingly soft voice called his name to which he smiled and asked. "I don't believe this is how you're meant to greet your husband."

"I'm aware, unfortunately, you're not my husband, but a fragment of him." The voice replied teasingly.

"Ouch. Still, a fragment or no, I still am your husband." Shun replied, feigning hurt at the voice's remark.

"Fufufu," the voice laughed slyly. "Forgive me dearest husband."

"All is forgiven, dearie. Now, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Shun asked curiously.

"I felt a slight disturbance in the temporal lobe of the world and decided to check it out, guess what I found?" The voice giddily asked.

"An Otsustsuki?"

"Hey! No fair!" The voice said angrily

"What? You asked a question." Shun replied feeling wronged at the anger being directed at him.

"Humph! And yes, it was an Otsustsuki, but guess who else I saw chasing after him?" The voice asked again and Shun, being the man he was decided to keep silent.

"Two humans! A man and a boy." The voice answered her question to which Shun decided to play along and exclaim in shock. "Humans?!"

"Yeah. For some reason, I couldn't actually get a read on them, like they were shielded from my sight... which is weird." The Voice answered.

Shun nodded at this and fell into deep thoughts.

From this short message, he already knew who were coming, and if that is happening, it means that the dangers of the World didn't end with the Fourth Shinobi war.

To Shun, he planned to change the entire structure of the Shinobi world after that war, so for the plot of Boruto to actually still happen should mean that certain individual didn't take what he planned to do seriously.

'I wonder though... How weak would Sasuke be if he still couldn't defeat some Low level Otsustsuki.' Shun wondered as he shook his head.

"Seems like my training needs to be upped a little bit more." Shun muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing of importance, if they pose a threat I'll take care of it." Shun shook his head.

"Oh, but they don't actually pose a threat. They would have if they could travel through time by their power, but they had to use an artifact to do so."

"An artifact? There's an artifact that could control temporal laws in this planet?" Shun asked in shock. He had literally scoured this entire earth and hadn't seen such an item.

"No there isn't, or I would've noticed. The Ryūmyaku or the Time-Travelimg Urn is a low level artifact used by lower clan members who are sent out to scout out consumable planets."

"There's such a thing? Why didn't I know about that?" Shun asked with furrowed brows.

"You became too strong too quickly, so you didn't come in contact with it." Said the voice.

"Oh... reasonable. Continue." Shun nodded with a shrug, after all, at a certain level of strength, manipulating the laws of time became easy.

"With the help of the Urn, these soilders determine a point when they would face lower resistance. That is, if the planet is too strong for them at that point in time." The voice answered and Shun nodded with a smile.

"So the Future should be looking good if an Otsustsuki is forced to come back in time right?"


"But that also makes me wonder... With Naruto and Sasuke's Potential fully released, they could rival a general level, at the peak of Chakra Sea, why couldn't they kill off the Otsustsuki in their time?" Shun asked as he massaged his temples.

"No idea. Looking into the future makes it boring."

"Well, that's true... Well, If possible, send over the Otsustsuki to me while delaying the pursuers till two months from now."

"Why? He's currently weakened and wouldn't do to sate your desire to fight." The Voice said, "plus, he seems to be able to extract Chakra with his personal weapon."

"He's weakened? Damn, then why is he here then?"

"Probably to take my chakra while it's still scattered."

"Oh... So Naruto is in danger then? Interesting. Send him over in two months time... The humans too. Just separate their arrival time by a few days... I want to see how much stronger future Sasuke is."

"Hmm. If that is all..."

"Wait! Where are you and the girls now?" Shun asked as he felt the voice's presence begin to leave.

"The planet Vinci. A planet of total ice in a fairly large solar system with seventeen other planets." She replied.

"You, I understand, but them? I don't recall those two being taking a particular Liking to Ice." Shun asked perplexed. Hinami and Ria were never the types to appreciate cold places.

Ria was too bubbly to settle for a place that is bleak and so was Hinami. Her innate warmt made Shun unable to picture her staying in cold places, not to mention a planet of total Ice.

"Fufufu, we've been exploring our... preferences since you've coupled us up in this little Universe."

'Woman, this Universe is not a place you can stay couped up in.' Shun thought internally but remained silent.

"It is about 2.5 times bigger than Earth and its gravity is about 0.32 times that of Earth. Those two lasses you two picked up are also with us."

"Those two from that time? Damn, I've totally forgotten about them" Shun said in embarrassment causing the voice to scoff.

"Anyways, a single day there lasts 22.23 hours and a year lasts 194 days. It also has 1 continents, similar to this one, which make up 52% of the planet's landmass."

"Hmm, and their power levels? Wait. Are there even sentient creatures there?"

"Of course. Are you getting stupid in your time with the humans? Every planet has a form of life keeping it from dying out." The Voice replied with obvious disdain.


"The only weird thing is that it has an orange Sun. I dunno how that's possible but I think it has something to do with its unique placement."


Shun and the owner of the voice, Kaguya, continued their discussion in the paused reality without minding anyone.

It had been a couple decades since they had last met and despite being immortal, spending a long amount of time from your loved one would still bring with it, a feeling of a loneliness.

A few hours later from their perspective, Kaguya bade goodbye as time resumed for the World.

"Hmm, guess I should go meet up with my clone in Konoha."


"Hmm?" A blindfolded white haired man running along a forest path with three young Genin behind him suddenly stopped and looked up.

"Something wrong, Sensei?" The only girl amongst the group asked in confusion at the abrupt stop.

"Nothing... I just felt like an acquaintance came around..." He said with a small smile before looking at the trio. "Alright, we're already late, let's pick up the pace."

"Like you're not the one who delayed us..." one of the boys mumbled under his breath in annoyance.

"What was that? Did you say something, Hagane-san?"


"I thought as much." The man said and began running. As he ran, he said. "You three may feel as though I was too harsh on you, but guess what?"

The trio perked up, expecting the monster of a Sensei in front of them to have developed some form of conscience.

"I was. And for good reason too." He said causing them to almost trip and fall on their faces.

"Hey, watch your steps." He said.

"Shun-sensei. You're so mean!" The girl pouted with tears threating to fall down her eyes.

"Humph. Young people these days... too complacent." Shun shook his head in pity

"Sensei, you're young too." The other kid said.

"What do you know? I've seen things that you lot haven't seen before, that's why I'm being hard on you." Shun began. "This Chunin exams Isn't like the academy exams, it's a life and death exams."

"One mistake and you're dead. And do you know the funny thing? The village won't hold the killer responsible. Worse come to worst, your clan will dispatch someone to take revenge, but then, your killer won't just offer up his head, he'll fight back, and then some members of your clans will end up dead." Shun explained to them causing the trio to quieten down.

"Humph, like some Genin would be able to defeat our clans Gold Rankers." The Shirogane clan kid said.

"Hmm. There are a lot of inexplicable things in this World. Don't look down on anybody. When I was your age, I could already defeat most Gold Rankers of the village, same went for my teammates then, you may have heard of them... Kimizu of the Sound Release and Kitsume Chinoike." Shun replied.

"Those two?! They're my idol! Wait? Are you serious? You were their teammates?! I heard there were three who became Gold Rankers straight out of the academy!" Haruta excitedly said

"Hmm, now you know. There are also others like that, you'll be facing monsters of such calibre in this Chunin exams. This Period of peace has made them unable to become Jounins or Gold Rankers since there isn't anything of note to do to gain merits."

"Still, they're plenty strong. My little training was just to show you that in a fight, your opponents won't stop just because you feel exhausted, they'll go for the kill when you let your guard down, and I won't be there to save you."

"I've always been an advocate of maturing on your own. I won't hold your hands as you grow. I'll show you the way, it's left for you to walk down the path."

Shun finished and increased his speed, leaving the trio to ponder on what he had said.

In truth, they had been trained hellishly in their respective clans, after all, they were the wielders of their clans respective Bloodline Release, however, Shun had beaten them in matter of seconds with their respective specialty.

It came as a shock to them when Shun conjured an Earth spike before turning it into metal and then in a crystal spike.

This happened before he told them to attack him with full force. Following that, he beat the hell of them and made Haruta heal them before repeating the process.

When Haruta became tired he made her join and also beat the daylight out of her while saying: As a medic, you ought to be the strongest in your team so that you can heal them when necessary while also retreating when necessary.

That went against everything she had been taught from childhood. After all, to them, a medic nin was supposed to be the most protected person in any squad.

This was because, when a medic is unavailable, the team becomes susceptible to their injuries, which could lead to low output which would then lead to a potentially failed mission.

After the beat up, Shun proceeded to heal them up, surprising them again before beating them again while also teaching them about their respective abilities.

He told both Shirogane and Hagene that when they reached the peak of their Bloodline ability, they could turn themselves into Crystal and Metal respectively.

As for Haruta, she could regrow a limb, hers or others, if she could unlock the potential hidden in her bloodline.

At some point, they wished they'd just die, in fact, they all seemed to have seen the white light at the end of the tunnel, however, when they got there, it turned out to be Shun's white hair.

After an entire day of wishing they'd just die and be done with it, Shun picked them up and threw them into a small pond that appeared out of nowhere in their training ground.

He said it would help their bodies reach the peak of their limits.

According to him, his training has forced them to break their limits, yet, they had yet to actually reach it, the tor-training helped them break it, but they had to retrain to actually reach it.

With the medicinal pool, they could better reach it with a bit more tor-training.

This had sent shivers down their spine but Shun regretfully told them that they'd leave for Konoha the next day.

"Alright! No time to waste on reminiscing guys! Pick up the pace!" Shun's voice rudely interrupted their moment of nostalgia.

"Hai! Sensei!"


"So this is Konohagakure... it's quite... Underwhelming."


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