Naruto's not the jinchuuriki, his younger brother is. After an attack, Naruto is left without something important and forgotten by his family. A hidden bunker will help him grow into a fine ninja and show his parents what they threw away. His memory...will be Avenged! This story was written by love2read69 but was unfortunately abandoned by the author. It is a great story that I have chosen to adopt and continue.
Last Time:
Tomorrow war was going to break out, and he wanted to make sure none of his team got hurt, especially them.
~ Hokage's Office – With Minato ~
Minato stared at the figure in front of him. "Minato-san. Tell me, why is it that I have to get a call from my banker to tell me 10,000,000 yen have disappeared from Konoha's budget?" The man asked in an annoyed tone. He then snapped his hand and another figure in Samurai armor handed him a piece of paper. "Furthermore, when I sent my Samurai to the records room to find out where it went, I find this." He said as he held up a note. 'Shit.' Minato thought. "This is an order issued by you that mandates one third of the wind jutsu be copied into scrolls. Where did these scrolls go?" The man asked.
"Daimyo-sama.. The scrolls and money were sent to Kumo as part of a settlement." Minato admitted in shame. "A settlement? For what?" The Daimyo of Fire country asked. "A Genin named Vee was sent here from Kumo. He claimed to know where my son was. I sent a team of ANBU to kidnap him from the exams, but things didn't go exactly as planned." Minato admitted. "What do you mean? He was a simple Gennin, no?" The Daimyo asked. "He managed to not only defeat my ANBU, but now he has the Inuzuka matriarch as a war prisoner." Minato said. "WHAT? Are you kidding me, please tell me you're kidding me." The Daimyo asked/said.
"I wish I was, sir. But by giving in to his demands, I managed to keep her safe." Minato stated. "This is not good. Not good at all, Minato-san." The Daimyo said. "Wait, this is good news. If he tells his kage or tries to bring it up, he could be charged by his own Kage for treason. He did negotiate with a Kage without proper authority." Minato said in hopes of appeasing the Daimyo. "First, the funds. Then the Raikage shows up to see the end of the Chunnin exams, without a guard no less, the over-confident fool. Now this?!" The Daimyo demanded in a mad voice. "The Raikage is here?" Minato asked, surprised.
"Yes. He is here, and he decided to come without a guard. I am sorry Minato-san. You will have to replace those funds and get the Inuzuka matriarch back. Your actions cannot go unchecked." The Daimyo said. Minato gulped. His life savings would be wiped out. Kushina was still the heiress of the Uzumaki clan, so financially she was fine. But he would be ruined. "Be thankful I am showing leniency. Now, I must be off. I have pressing matters to attend to in Kusa." The Daimyo said and left. Minato sat down and sighed. He then turned to the intercom and spoke to his assistant. "Yuka-chan, please call my wife." He said.
~ With Naruto ~
Naruto groaned as he slowly got up. He looked around to see everyone still asleep. 'What time is it?' He wondered as he looked around. He saw the nearby clock reading 8:30 a.m. 'Damn it, I better get up.' He thought as he slowly got up. He looked to see Samui grabbing him by his left arm and Yugito hugging his chest tightly. "Damn it.." He muttered as he slowly got up and left the girls on the floor. He then headed to the shower to get ready for the day.
~ 30 minutes later ~
Naruto smiled as he felt the warm water running down his body. 'The best feeling in the world..' Naruto thought until a large banging noise caught his attention. He turned off the water and turned to the door. "What is it?" He asked cautiously. "Are you going to hog the shower all day?" Came the voice of Samui through the wall. "I just got here!" Naruto replied. "Oh come on, you've been in there for half an hour. Fifteen minutes you were cleaning yourself, now you're just on vacation!" Yugito yelled back, making him blush. He groaned and turned off the ceiling shower.
He quickly put on his black cargo pants and black t-shirt as the girls pounded on the door again. "Yea, yea, I'm coming." Naruto yelled as he opened the door. As soon as he did, he gained a huge nosebleed. Standing before him were Samui, Karui, and Yugito in their underwear. Samui had a black lacy bra and matching panties, Karui had a gray bra and matching panties, and Yugito was wearing a red bra and matching thong. Naruto stared at the girls before him with wide eyes until Samui pushed past him. "Enjoying the view, Naruto-kun?" Yugito whispered as she walked past him.
"Wh..What happened to your clothes?" Naruto asked as his brain finally rebooted. "We all barely fit in here. We figured we would alternate in the shower to save warm water and time." Yugito responded nonchalantly. "What about the clothes?" Naruto demanded as he tried to look away from the girls. "Are you complaining?" Samui asked as she pulled him close to her. He looked down to see she had lost her bra and was pressing her bare breasts against him. "Maybe he wants to join us.." Yugito whispered behind him. Naruto turned to look at her, but was stopped by the sight of a red thong being tossed in front of him.
"Well Naruto-kun, want to join us?" Samui asked. Naruto's brain overloaded and he was sent flying back by the massive nosebleed he suffered. "Pooey.." Samui muttered as she grabbed him by his foot and dragged him out of the bathroom. As soon as she closed the door, Naruto regained consciousness. He leaned back against the door to the bathroom and sighed. "My god, I'm surrounded by perverts…" Naruto mused out loud. "WE HEARD THAT!" Various voices yelled from the bathroom, making him sweat drop. He shook it off and looked to the clock on the wall. ' 9:45? We still have time for breakfast..' He mused as he got up and headed to the kitchen.
~ 30 minutes later ~
Samui, Karui, and Yugito quickly stepped out of the shower in their respective outfits ready for the Chunnin exams. They looked to see Omoi still sleeping on the floor, snoring like a hibernating bear. "Where's Naruto-kun?" Samui asked, but was quickly responded by a delicious smell filling the warehouse. They all headed to the kitchen and saw Naruto heading to the dining table with various plates on in his arms. "Need some help?" Yugito asked as she grabbed a couple of plates and helped carry them. "Sure. Samui-chan, how about you go get the fruit from the kitchen? Karui, you can get the cups and the orange juice." Naruto said to the two girls.
They both quickly left to complete their tasks, leaving Yugito and Naruto to set the table. Naruto quickly put the plates in the center of the table and unveiled them to reveal scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, biscuits, crepes, and a few strips of seasoned meat. "Wow, where did you learn to cook like this?" Yugito asked as she took a piece of bacon and bit into it. "A good woman taught me how to look after myself." Naruto replied with a grin as he remembered Natalya forcing him to watch how she cooked his breakfast so he could take care of himself. Naruto shook his head and took a seat as Samui and Karui finally arrived. The girls took a seat and began grabbing various pieces of food and putting them into their plate.
"Itadikamisu!" They all said in unison and dug in. Yugito's eyes went wide as she took a small bite of scrambled eggs. Samui let out a moan as she took a bite of a crepe, and Karui made a dramatic gesture as she bit into one of the biscuits. "I take it you approve?" Naruto asked the girls. "My god, this is delicious!" Yugito said as she dug into the eggs. "Thin slices of smoked cheddar cheese.." Naruto said as he took a few slices of fruit and put them on his plate. "How did you make these biscuits so well? There's no oven in here!" Karui said as she opened it and put in some bacon and some eggs. "Small katon jutsu over them to bake them to perfection." Naruto replied.
" How the hell did you make the cream cheese so creamy? I should have you on a leash to cook for me like this. As a matter of fact, maybe I will." Samui finished with a wink as she took another bite of her crepe. He blushed, but was awoken by a loud noise resounding through the warehouse. "What was that?" He asked as he looked around. "Sounded like some animal in pain.." Karui said as she looked around. "Where's Omoi?" Yugito asked as she looked around. No one saw him until a dark hand reached onto the table and grabbed a biscuit. Naruto smirked as the girls turned to see Omoi standing there, looking like crap.
"What the hell happened to you?" Karui asked as she looked at the dark skinned boy. "I'm not a morning person.." Omoi said, but smiled as Naruto handed him a cup of coffee. "Go get ready for the day, then you can come and eat." Naruto said to Omoi. The boy nodded and left to the nearby bathroom. Naruto turned to the remaining members of the group. "Alright, the invasion will probably start around Gaara's fight. From there, I need you guys to help cover the civilians in the stadium. I will be heading after Gaara." Naruto said, inciting some protest. Naruto raised his hand to stop them before they could even begin.
"The only reason why I'm not letting you guys get in on the fight is because I already have some wheels in motion. Plans have already been made. Yugito, try not to access the Nibi's chakra while the invasion is going on. You could be mistaken for an enemy." Naruto said, getting a nod from the girl. "The rest of you, just try to stay alive. No heroics." Naruto said. Omoi then joined them at the table. "Omoi, after you finish eating, Karui will debrief you on what you and she need to do in the crowd of spectators. It's a simple defending mission." Naruto said, making Omoi nod. He looked to the clock and saw it read 10:37.
"The final part of the exam begins at noon. Everyone get ready to move out in twenty minutes." Naruto said as he put his gear on and looked at his Vee helmet. He grimaced and put it on, then turned to the team. "I'll be back in a few minutes." "Where are you going?" Yugito asked as she put on her gloves and got ready for the exam. "Just to meet up with some old acquaintances." Naruto replied cryptically and left.
~ Two Blocks Away from the Warehouse – Alley Behind Pharmacy ~
Naruto looked around to make sure no one followed him. When he was sure he was safe, he put his hands into a familiar cross shape and began splitting his chakra into four equal parts. Three shadow clones poofed into existence before him. "Everyone, up front." He said, making the clones turn to look at him. "When the invasion begins, we need to have various bases covered. You." He said as he pointed to the clone and unsealed a bow that looked like his own, except longer. "You'll have to find a high point and cover everyone." He finished and handed the bow and a quiver of arrows to the clone.
He then turned to another clone and unclipped his two Berettas from their holsters. "You need to help the Konoha ninja with the scattered fighting. If they have a head band from Suna or from Oto, kill them." Naruto said. The clone nodded and took the guns from Naruto with a various spare clips sealed into a scroll. Naruto sighed and turned to the last clone. He unsealed a large package and handed it to him. "Your job is to protect the civilians while they are heading to the fallout bunker. Make sure none of them die." Naruto said as he handed the package over. The clone nodded "Alright everyone, show me your poker faces." Naruto said with a grin.
The first clone performed the henge and turned into a perfect copy of Hawkeye, wearing a uniform similar to what Naruto was wearing. "Perfectly done. Now, number two?" Naruto asked. The clone performed the henge and as soon as the smoke cleared, a busty redhead with a sensuous figure stood in his place. She was wearing a tight leather outfit that seemed to be painted on, her lips covered in red lipstick. "Very…accurate." Naruto said. He then turned to the last clone. "Make me believe it." He said. The clone performed the henge, causing a large poof of smoke to envelop him.
As the smoke cleared, everyone present looked in awe. In his place stood a large figure in a red, white, and blue armor of sort. His face was covered, but his blue eyes still showing. In his chest was a medium sized white star, red and white wrapped around his waist. Over his helmet was a large A. "We have a winner. You have your assignments. Any questions?" Naruto asked. "Good. Now scatter!" Naruto yelled. The clones quickly left. Naruto grinned and left the alley.
~ Back in the Warehouse ~
Naruto slowly stepped in and saw his team waiting for him. "Everyone ready?" He asked. His whole team nodded. "Then let's move out." Naruto said as he and his team left the warehouse. He swiped some blood on the door, sealing it off from everyone and everything except him.