Naruto's not the jinchuuriki, his younger brother is. After an attack, Naruto is left without something important and forgotten by his family. A hidden bunker will help him grow into a fine ninja and show his parents what they threw away. His memory...will be Avenged! This story was written by love2read69 but was unfortunately abandoned by the author. It is a great story that I have chosen to adopt and continue.
Last Time:
'I'm the luckiest bastard alive…' Naruto mused as he drifted off to sleep.
~ Konoha – With Minato ~
Minato crossed his arms as he looked at Kakashi before him. "I, Kakashi Hatake, nominate team 7 consisting of Hiruzen Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno for the Chunnin Exams that are to take place." Kakashi stated in a bored tone, then stepped back. 'So, all of the rookies from this year are participating, huh?' Minato thought as he handed Anko Mitarashi a small stack of slips. "Have each of your students who wants to participate fill one out and show up to the Academy in one month's time at 1:00 PM." Minato stated.
"Only a full team may participate, but you are not allowed to make your students privy to that information, am I understood?" HE asked. "Hai, Hokage-sama!" The present Jounins all replied. "Dismissed!" He stated, and they all shunshinned away. Minato sighed as he took a long look at his empty office. 'Things are getting tougher again..' He mused, but was broken out of his thoughts by a knock on his door. "Enter." HE stated plainly. The door was then slammed open and a furious looking Kushina stepped in. "Care to repeat yourself, Hokage-dono?!" She asked in a murderous tone.
"Kushi-chan, what are you doing here?" He asked as he waved his hands in a surrendering motion. "I'm here to see if Hiruzen was around.." She replied as she took a seat on a corner of his desk. "I've been trying to find him all day, but so far nothing." Minato replied. "Minato, you have to do something about him! He should be in his home with us like all of the other Genin, not living on his own and off mission money no less!" Kushina replied.
"Don't you think I've tried?" He asked her. "That kid wants nothing to do with us. Ever since he found out what happened to his brother.. No, what we did, he's been hell bent on getting him back and cutting us out of the picture entirely." Minato replied. "Minato-kun, you know we did what we did for the betterment of the clan. Naruto couldn't have led it without strength and Hiruzen's training was going at an accelerated pace." Kushina replied, soft eyes fixed on him
"But was it worth it? I mean we've all but lost our clan heir, he hates us, we lost our first son, and I'm afraid to say it, but we didn't even lift a finger to find him when he left, but now I've got Anbu teams searching for where my son is staying." Minato replied as he looked down. "Minato.." Kushina began, only to be cut off by Jiraiya barging into the office through the window panting and sweaty. "Minato!" Jiraiya yelled. "What's the matter, Sensei?" He asked as he went to Jiraiya's side. "Big… Big.. Big news from.. The summoning realm." He managed to say through ragged breaths.
"What's the matter?" Minato asked. Kushina quickly handed Jiraiya a glass of water and they both waited for Jiraiya to catch his breath. "It's about Naruto!" He said. "What about my son?" Minato demanded. "The bat clan.. They have a new summoner!" Jiraiya replied. "What does that have to do with my son?" Kushina demanded. Jiraiya glared at her and she seemed to shrink. "Kushina-chan, the bat clan hasn't had a summoner in 20 years, and it's not because of a lack of trying." Minato replied, then turned to Jiraiya.
"Now, what happened?" HE asked. "I summoned.. Gamakichi to send you a message, but instead he told me that there was a new summoner of the Bat clan. Not only that, but he managed to take down the Boss summon!" Jiraiya replied. "What's so difficult about taking down a bat?" Kushina asked. "A giant bat? Nothing, why you got an idea?" Jiraiya asked her in a sarcastic tone. "his name was leaked accidentally. It's Naruto Romanov!" Jiraiya finished his report.
"Naruto.. Romanov?" Kushina whispered. "Yea, Naruto. That could be our son!" Minato sad in a depressed tone. "That's impossible. His chakra coils were completely destroyed…he had no prior training.." Kushina said as she shook her head. "None that you know.." Jiraiya spat out. "But hey, you only knew him until he was how old? OH that's right, you don't remember. All you remember is that Hiruzen was six because that's the day he became clan heir.." Kushina shook her head and tried to recall Naruto's age at the time, but found that she couldn't.
'I haven't forgotten about my son…I haven't..i haven't..' She began repeating in her mind. "Alright, that's enough!: Minato said as he stepped in. "This may be our Naruto, or it may not. Fact of the matter is, we fucked up big time. Now, all that's left is to find him and try to get him back!" Minato said. "Why?" Jiraiya asked in a mocking tone. "Why what, sensei?" Minato asked. "Why are you trying to get him back now? So you can beef up Konoha's reputation with all he has done?" Jiraiya demanded in a murderous tone.
"No, sensei I.." Minato began, but was cut off. "Or maybe you just realized that he is worth something and you want "Daddy's little weapon" back?" Jiraiya demanded, the words hitting Minato like a ton of bricks. "Sensei, it's not like that.." He began. "It is, Minato! You and her both knew the protocol for village heirs!" Jiraiya exclaimed. "You're lying!" Kushina yelled at Jiraiya. "Am I?" Jiraiya demanded. "I know I taught Minato all about village protocol after he informed me of his dream." Jiraiya yelled at her.
"You were brought as an Uzumaki to this village under good will between the villages. You knew all of the protocol as is standard for all foreign shinobi's" Jiraiya demanded. "Now, the toads are threatening to cut off ties with Konoha due to an old standing treaty with the bat clan!" Jiraiya yelled. He then walked towards the window. "For now, leave Naruto alone and focus on Hiruzen. He's the one who needs the help. I'll see what I can do about the summon clans, but mark my words.." He said in a cold tone.
"I will NOT in any way help you bring him back here. Not me, my spy network, or the toads!" Jiraiya said, then jumped out the window, leaving Minato and a sobbing mess of Kushina in the office. 'Things are going to hell..' Minato thought as he sighed and went to comfort his wife.
~ Meanwhile – With Naruto ~
Naruto groaned as the sun hit his eyes. He slowly opened them to see Yugito and Samui in their underwear getting dresses in the room. He smiled widely, but was quickly shaken from his thoughts as a pillow impacted against his face. "Get a good show, pervert?" Yugito demanded as she quickly pulled up her pants and put on her shirt. "Now, now, let's ask which of us looked better.." Samui said in a teasing tone as she went to Naruto and took the pillow off his face.
"Well, Naruto-kun?" Samui asked with a pout on her face as she crossed her arms under her breast, emphasizing the fact she had on a black lacy bra. Naruto quickly shot back with a nosebleed and passed out. "Phooey.." Samui said in disappointment, only to be smacked in the back of the head by Yugito. "You have no shame do you? Would you hurry up and put a shirt on!" Yugito demanded. "Don't be jealous.. I'm sure someday you'll be able to make him pass out like that." Samui said as she put on a shirt and left, leaving a fuming Yugito.
Yugito looked at the blissful look on Naruto's face and left the room fuming. A few minutes later, Naruto managed to regain conscience. "What happened?" He asked as he put back on his shirt and his Kevlar vest. Naruto quickly left the room, unaware of what had transpired.
~ Downstairs – Breakfast ~
Naruto smiled as he saw Samui making oatmeal and Yugito frying up eggs and bacon. "Hey you guys, sorry for being a bother last night. I was just a little.." "Damaged?" Yugito chimed in. "Out of commission?" Samui chipped. "Yea, that. Anyway, I have to get going. I'll see you guys later at team practice." Naruto said as he headed to the door. "Wait, you're leaving without breakfast?" Yugito asked. "I'll just get a power bar or something." Naruto replied.
He was suddenly flung into a seat and had a plate of bacon and eggs and a bowl of oatmeal placed before him. "Oww, what the hell?" Naruto asked as he looked up, only to be greeted by the combined death glares of Samui and Yugito. "Eat." They said in unison as a dark aura surrounded them. "Yes sir!" He exclaimed in a frightened tone and began eating. The two girls suddenly lost their demonic aura and served their respective breakfasts.
~ After Breakfast ~
Naruto smiled as he arrived at bunker. After breakfast, he said his good byes to the girls and left feeling satisfied. He quietly walked in, only to be greeted by the sight of Natalya waiting up on him. "Hello, Naruto. Sleep well?" She asked in a dangerous tone. 'Easy old boy, don't step on an active land mine.' Naruto thought. "Yea, of course. After I got back from the Bat summoner's test, I was offered a room to recuperate in." Naruto replied. "Then again, I was in so much pain I didn't have much of a choice in the matter." Naruto mused.
"So you actually took the test?" Tony and Cap demanded as they appeared in the computer screen over his workbench. "Yea, it was a lot tougher than I thought. Hey Tony, are the circuit boards ready?" Naruto asked as he inspected the schematics for his short range messaging idea. "That can come later, we want details now!" Hawkeye said as he, Jarvis, and Natalya appeared on the screens around Naruto's workbench. Naruto sighed and told them the story.
~ One Explanation Later ~
"Quick, get into the med bay and get some antibiotics into an IV drip." Natalya demanded as Naruto showed them the scar where the rock pierced his back. "I already did, and I'm fine." Naruto said, only to be cut off by Cap. "A giant Bat Boss crash lands on you and squishes you against the wall and you're fine?" "You forget of my healing factor." Naruto replied. "You can't push that kind of thing into over drive, believe me I know." Captain replied.
"Today, you're not doing any training today, and that's final!" Natalya chimed in, closing the argument. "Why?" Naruto asked. "Because Cap had a healing factor, and when he pushed it to the extremes, it never ended well for anyone." Tony said. "Fine, but I at least want to get started on the casing for these messengers." Naruto said. "Fine, and yes that design is the final one for the messengers." Tony relented. Naruto nodded and took out a piece of metal and a blowtorch. "Perfect." Naruto said as he got to work.
~ Time Skip – One Week Later ~
Naruto groaned as the nurse placed the cold stethoscope to his chest. "Relax, you big baby." Yugito muttered as she and Samui stood in the examination room. "Well, all your vitals seem to be in order, Mr. Romanov." The nurse said as she checked off a few items on her chart with a large blush on her face. This didn't go unnoticed by Samui and Yugito, as they both shot the nurse death glares. "You may put your shirt back on." The nurse said as she ran out of the room.
"Why is the Raikage making me get these checkups? I'm fine already." Naruto muttered as he put his shirt back on. "Cause you're now an important figure in Kumo. At first you were a Chunnin rank ninja with extraordinary abilities and a rare mindset, but now you have the Bat clan with you. That makes you indispensable." Samui said with a blush on her face. Naruto shrugged as the nurse walked back in and he finished putting on his shirt.
"No infection seems to be on your wound and your labs came back clean, so you are good to go." She said. Naruto nodded and he and the girls left. "The Raikage needs to see our team today." Samui said as she motioned towards the Raikage tower. "You guys go ahead, I need to go get something." Naruto said as he started to walk towards the outskirts of Kumo. "Naruto-kun.." Naruto turned. "You've seen where I and my brother live and you've been to Yugito's place." Samui began in an accusing tone.
"So how come we've never been to your place?" Yugito finished. 'Shit..' Naruto thought as he started sweating bullets. "Well, my place is pretty far off and I appreciate my privacy.." Naruto said, getting blank looks from the girls. "I promise I'll show you guys some other time, but now I'm a bit pressed for time." Naruto said as he shunshinned away, leaving two pissed off girls.
~ The Bunker ~
Naruto sighed as he dropped outside of the bunker and quickly made his way in. He went into his workroom and walked to his workbench. "What's the matter, Naruto?" Cap asked as he appeared on a monitor. "Nothing, just a complication.." Naruto muttered as he grabbed a wooden box and sealed it into his arm. "You worried about the field testing?" Cap asked. "It's not that, I'm worried because people in Kumo are starting to ask questions about where I live. Yugito and Samui just started and A is taking a bigger interest in me since the Bat clan accepted me.." Naruto replied as he sat down.
"Well, it was bound to happen. As long as you keep them in the dark pertaining to us and this place, it should be no problem.." Cap replied as he began thinking of ways to shake off suspicion. "Maybe you can build a small cabin around here with an access tunnel to this place and seal off the main entrance, just in case." Tony said as he appeared in the screen. "Yea, sure. Do me a favor and draw up some schematics while I go to this meeting." Naruto said as he left the bunker.
"Damn it!" Tony yelled as he began drawing up some schematics on his screen. "Look on the bright side stark, this is more productive than what you do all day." Cap said with a smirk. "And what's that?" Natalya asked behind Cap. "Try to beat my high score on Tetris." Cap replied. "I'm the second highest scoring player here." He said with a small hint of smugness. Laughter behind him broke him out of his thoughts and he turned to see Natalya laughing her ass off.
"What's so funny?" He asked. "That you both think you can beat my high score." Natalya said as she disappeared off the screen. "Wait, so she's number one?" Tony asked in surprise. "Wait up!" Cap said as he tried to locate her on the base's monitors.
~ Raikage's Office ~
Naruto smiled as he walked into the Raikage's office. Samui and Yugito were already there waiting on him. "Where's everyone else?" He asked, only for two Anbu to come down from the ceiling. One was wearing a cat mask and another was wearing a dog mask. "Now that everyone is here, we can begin." The Raikage said getting everyone's attention. The Anbu quickly bowed while Naruto went to sit at his usual seat.
"Why can't you be more like them?" A asked in an exasperated tone. "Cause then I wouldn't be me." Naruto replied, making A fume. "Moving on.." A said, ignoring Naruto. "There are reports that Sunagakure has been mobilizing its forces for an all out war, though against who we aren't sure." A said and motioned for Mabui to move in. "In the packets you are receiving, all of the Intel we have on their operations is clearly outlined." A finished.
Naruto nodded as he quickly inspected the contents of the packets. "So we're an infiltration team?" Naruto asked as he checked the details. "Oh come on, I can't be the only one who thought about it. Obviously, some more Intel is needed. Anbu are very secretive, perfect for these kinds of operations. The only question is, why me, Yugito, and Samui?" Naruto asked A. "This mission was originally to be for your team." A admitted. "Unfortunately, Omoi and Karui's clan requested their children be excluded from this mission." Mabui finished.
Naruto nodded and looked at A. "What are the objectives?" Naruto asked. "Simple. You five are to get in, find out as much as you can pertaining to what kind of supplies they are gathering, who they are planning on attacking, and when. After that, you get out. No insignias or forehead protectors on this one." A replied. "A suicide mission, sounds like fun." Naruto muttered, earning a glare from A. "So basically, if we're caught we're on our own. Kumo will deny any accusations and leave us to dry." Naruto recapped.
"Correct, but you could have said it in a more delicate way." A said in a deadpan voice. "Why sugar coat bullshit?" Naruto shot back, then unsealed the box from his shoulder. HE opened it and took out two devices that seemed to be wallet sized pieces of plastic. "What are those?" A asked. Naruto quickly handed a baby blue one to Samui and a purple one to Yugito. "Those are communicators, in a sense." Naruto said. "Let me explain." Naruto pulled out a black one and opened it to reveal a screen and a small keyboard.
"Here, you type in a message, and if there is a communicator able to receive the message in the surrounding 25 miles, it goes to that receiver. Of course, you can choose who to send it to, but that will be explained in the instruction manual." Naruto said as he handed the manuals to Samui and Yugito. "Read them and learn them by tomorrow, make sure you know how to use them" Naruto said as A inspected his black messenger. "Amazing, how did you develop this? If we mass produce it we could.."
"NO!" Naruto yelled, cutting A off. "What?" A demanded. "Those are the property of the Romanov clan. Any attempt to duplicate will be dealt with swiftly. Not only that but the components and programming are light-years ahead of you, so without me there really is no trying to duplicate them" Naruto said, leaving a fuming Raikage. "Now, Cat and Yugito will be a two man team on this one. Samui and Dog on another. We will keep contact via the messengers." Naruto said.
"Be at the village gates tomorrow at midnight in dark clothing without any Kumo marks and be ready to leave. Dismissed!" A said, and everyone except Naruto bowed and left. Naruto quickly jumped out the window and left the office, pissing A off even more. 'You never cease to amaze, do you Naruto-kun?' Samui asked as she read the instructions. 'Customizable notification tone… voice recorder…interesting…' Samui thought as she left.
A/N: Big Arc is starting. Don't think anyone has ever done a mission where Naruto has infiltrated Suna before the Chunnin exams, so I figured this was a great idea! Tell me what you think about it. And if it's been done before, tell me how theirs' was or send me a story link. Now, Things are going south in Konoha and falling Apart. What did happen to Hiruzen and his parents?