
Naruto: Ascension

Having just finished reading a book on theoretical chi and how to cultivate it out of boredom you got tired. After going to sleep, you feel a hint a wave of pain that abruptly wakes you up to class room of kids. Only one recognizable by a mop of yellow hair.

Eric_Holloway · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

"Onee-San, what er ou wrein"

I look down at my little brother who's currently sitting on my lap trying to comprehend my writing. His face is scrunched up in a confused expression I couldn't help but, find it cute. I start caressing his whiskers this cause him to purr.

I remove my hand from him and he cuddles more into me. 'Diversion successful' I thought mischievously as I begin to rock back and forth lightly while humming a tune I remember from my past life.

Not a minute later the bundle of energy is asleep. I'm glad I have a calming effect on him if I didn't then the care takers will be more aggressive. I smile bitterly but, turn my attention back to my note book studying my notes on chakra cultivation.

With the books on chakra and the blank books I got from the seal on my right arm that I discovered last year. I have been taking notes on my development using cultivation.


Sage body realm

The technique of absorbing ambient nature chakra to refine and purify there body. This stage is recommended for those at the ages 5-6

Stage one- flesh refining

Stage two- muscle refining

Stage three- bone refining


- enhanced beauty

- more developed chakra network

- more developed body

- denser chakra

- chance to awaken kekkei genkai


I'm currently what I believe is half way through Sage body Realm. During this time I haven't only discovered why I can sense natural chakra early but, also why I advanced so quickly.

The reason being the night and moment where all I saw was red. I believe it is a violent and corruptive chakra that caused mutations to my body. At first I was scared of these mutations because it can potentially be bad for me or stunt my cultivation. But, since I've felt no adverse effects yet, I decided to save it for the future.

I set down my book and pick up naruto and place him on our bed. I go to the middle of the room and sit in the lotus position. Since I have been meditating since I was around six months old. It didn't take much to get into a trance.

During this trance I begin to reflect on the past two years of my life more importantly the negative treatment.

Jiji of course treat us well but, he's been visiting less and less probably because of village work. With jiji visiting less the care takers are getting bolder less food of less quality, lesser quality materials, refusal of teaching us reading and writing, and separating us from other children.

Luckily the seal that my parents have put on me solve the knowledge gap for Naruto and I. But, I'm worried about our social, mental, and emotional, development. The only thing I can hope to do is some how get connections with the ninja clans.

The reason I down right gave up on civilians is because I doubt that they will come to understand what Naruto is, the scroll to a kunai. That's what my parents described it in the scrolls I have access to. So all I can assume is that Naruto is the seal to some sort weapon and this weapon is the reason for the red chakra.

These are my last thoughts before I clear my mind and enter a deep trance. Currently I'm slowly integrating nature chakra into my meridians. I slowly feel out how the nature chakra flows through my body and enjoy the feeling.

It makes me feel really strong, energetic, and unbeatable. Of course I suppress these feelings with immense scrutiny. 'Always believe there's someone stronger than you, a wolf in sheep's clothing'. With these thoughts I successfully begin take in nature chakra slowly.

{~.¥.~} ?????
