
Naruto: Ascension

Having just finished reading a book on theoretical chi and how to cultivate it out of boredom you got tired. After going to sleep, you feel a hint a wave of pain that abruptly wakes you up to class room of kids. Only one recognizable by a mop of yellow hair.

Eric_Holloway · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Wher-? Where am I? Wasn't I just in my room? Don't tell me I got kidnapped!!!!

No. No calm down observe your surroundings


Okay everything is blurry so I can't really observe anything. Wait! Isn't this a symptom of being drugged? Muddled senses.

I mean there is a insistent ringing In my ears, I can't smell much except for something irony. Then I can't feel or move much my body but, it's incredibly warm on my all around my body while a cold wind would pass by on occasion .

The more I think the more I really think I got kidnapped. The only thing that doesn't make sense is how my left isn't exposed to the elemen-


It envelopes me!

All I feel is RED!!!

All I see is RED!!!

All I smell is RED!!!

All I taste is RED!!!

All I hear is RED!!!

It's horrible! It wants to destroy! It wants to devour!






A voice

It is so calm, warm, and loving so...

Why do I sense death?

"I love you so much. So much that I don't want to ask this of you but, your brother needs you"

I wanted to talk to let this voice know that I can hear them so…


It doesn't leave

"Please help Naruto. He will go through many struggles, he will need a pillar, a rock to support him. All I ask is for you to stay by his side no matter wha-a-a…."

Suddenly the calm warm voice is cut off and the endless void of death loomed over me.

It felt as if I I'm stuck there for eternity

Constantly questioning what just happened

I used to be a simple high school student about to get into Harvard. A loving family, plenty of friends, a fiancé even. Now I'm here in a world I know nothing about, a world I nearly just died after being born, a world where I'm sure my mother just died.

As I'm falling further into this cycle of dark thought a small light appeared. It was yellow mostly but, the closer you look to the center the whiter it got. I couldn't help it, I out stretched my hand to grab it.

The closer I got to the light the more fear, loss, and confusion further imbeds itself in my heart. Only to dissipate once I got hold of it


Funny how I'm supposed to be his pillar yet, here I am begging for him to protect me from…..
