
naruto and boruto story

Janize_Mcrae · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

the story of the 4th hokage

so once in a city called leaf hidden village a warrior was live the great 4th hokage minato and his wife kushina so now we jump into the stories

at the Village of Konohagakure in a big part of the hidden leaf Village was the great warriors hokage one of them was the 4th hokage minato the strongest hokage at this time and his wife kushina is was strong too so now i tell you about their chakra

minato chakra

1. Nine-Tails Chakra Mode

2.(Summoning Technique)

3.Flying Thunder God Technique

4. fire


6. wind

7. earth

kushina chakra

1.materialise Adamantine Sealing Chains

2.healing powers, and longevity; the Kyubi being sealed inside of her serving to further enhance her already outstanding chakra reserves further.

so now as minato went to hokage town he meet an old friend name master kelndlys the one who train, help him with life and the father of kushina so as minato goes now the street to him

kelndlys: hey lord minato the great hokage warrior

minato: hi father you know you don't have to called me that you know we family

kelndlys: i know minato so where you off to day

minato: well i got to go to work to train my new students do you want to know their names

kelndlys: yes i want to know them

minato: well i thinks the first one was Kakashi Hatake who chakra is lightning and earth. and all his school he want to had a's maybe he became a hokage then there also Obito Uchiha he got a hole thing Obito possesses chakra, spiritual energy that can be found in living things. With it, he can use different natures such as wind, water, earth, and lightning. His natural affinity and strongest element, however, lies in the fire release. he got all b's in his school

and then there a girls who name is Rin Nohara. her is HideNature Type Fire Release Water Release all a's for her school

kelndlys:well you look like you got you'r hand fell

minato: well yes well i got to go now bye kelndlys

kelndlys: see you minato

now as minato jump from building to building he then see the hokage town home of the great hokage and ninja warriors as he land at the front gate the guard of the front gate said is lord 3th hokage open up the gate then the gate had open up then the 2th hokage came and to greet minato

lord 2th hokage : welcome minato how you and you'r wife doing

minato: good what about you Tobirama Senju

tobirama: well they doing good oh my wife going have a baby soon

minato: i very happy for you is it a boy or girl tobirama

tobirama: they said it was a boy

minato : well that good oh so what my mission with you today

then the 1th hokage came to them and said you'r task is to beat us both for you;r begin of you;r training

minato:turn to see the 1st hokage lord hashirama

Hashirama : said we got to test you and see if you ready or not minato we not saying you'r weak lord hokage one that made this

minato : ok where do we start

1st and 2st hokage:at the great wood of death

as they run into the woods at full speed and jump from tree to tree and after 2 mintues they arrived to their place so then 1 st hokage shoot Fire Leaping Windhole it a tec

that Tsunade punches the ground, creating a massive shockwave. Using it as a cover, Orochimaru summons three Rashōmon gates, creating them in the form of a triangle, trapping the opponent in between. Then, Orochimaru and Jiraiya use Wind and Fire Release respectively to create a huge fiery vortex. Tsunade jumps into the flames and, after activating her Yin Seal, delivers a punch strong enough to break the gates in an explosion. but minato was smarted then that he jump up and shoot a wind poll that blew it back to the attacker then minato used a earth breaker jutus and made the 1st hokage fell into it pit then the second hokage used a wind jutsu and blew minato backwards then he rush up in sent a punch to his gut then he round house kicked him then he try using gas style jutus and try to make him faint out but minato used air jutus making it dissapern then minato kick him in the face knocked him out then lord hokage said maybe you are stronger and brave to do this job lord 4th then the other got up .