
chapter 5

Kakashi was sitting near Rin. he was wondering how the kids got headache at the same time. he was wondering whether someone used genjutsu or some kind of Fūinjutsu. but no, that was not possible because there is no foreign chakra injected within them. he also knows that this is not a coincidence. he noticed that Rin is murmuring something in her sleep. Kakashi brings his ears closer to her mouth to hear what she is saying. Rin suddenly shouted at the peak of her voice

Rin: Damn you bastard. if I find you, I will make sure that you will not have any of your white hair in your head. I will make you my lab rat. if I find you I will skin you alive. (and many more curse you can imagine)

Kakashi that that Rin was scolding him because of the headache. but he was highly shocked by Rin's words. Rin was a calm girl who likes to maintain her cool. He tried to stop the nightmare by waking up Rin. Rin stopped the scolding and notices Kakashi. then the first words which come of her mouth are

Rin: Who are you?

This sentence had made Kakashi stumble. he found his world spinning. the Kakashi faints on the spot. then only rin recall he memory after coming to this world

Rin: Oooo no. I think I Broke my new Father.

Then Rin recalls something and smiles dangerously.

Rin: I figured something like this will happen so that only I made sure that to add a very powerful poison in your favorite wine, which makes even a true vampire stay at the restroom for 2 weeks. HAHAHAHAHA

Rin: Now where are those two?

In the dimension where Rin came from.

Zelretch: To think that my student grows so much that she will try to troll me. how naive. but this is a good improvement indeed.

Zelretch said remembering the event happened the next day after Rin had left the dimension.

Shinji: what Rin really told you to give me this wine?

Shinji asked with pure shock.

Zelretch: yes.

Shinji: I know that Rin has a thing for me. After all, how can not withstand my handsome face and could live with that useless Emiya.

Zelretch: ....

Shinji: Thank you, mister?

Zelretch: its Zelretch.

Shinji: you are that famous wielder of the second magic?

Zelretch: yes.

Shinji: But you seem like a very nice person. why does magus fear you?

Zelretch: 'oh you will know it soon boy' it seems people misunderstand easily.

Shinji: anyway thankyou. now I need to enjoy this wine which my Rin sent.

For the next 3 months, one can only hear one monologue in the matou house.

Voice: Damn you Zelretch!!!


Shirou was slowly regaining his conscious. suddenly some blond kid hugged him and cried out loud.

Naruto: Shirou! I that something has happened to you. I thought that I will lose you forever. you are my only friend. i don't know what I will do without you. promise me that you will take care of your self. promise me that you will not overwork your self.

Shirou slowly realized what had happened and remembered naruto when he was saying the above lines.

Shirou: I promise you naruto. dont worry, after I got realized I will cook you the best food you have ever seen.

Naruto: what? Do you know how to make Ramen?

Shirou: yes. I kno...

Naruto: Great than cook me Ramen after you got discharged Shirou.

Shirou: OK But you mu...

Naruto: Now take rest Shirou I will prepare all the materials you need for ramen.

then Naruto excitedly ran out of the private room. Shirou sighed at this.

Shirou: naruto is sure hyperactive. now, how should I find those two? if I didn't find Rin and saber quickly then I am dead.


Itachi, Shisui and Sasuke were watching over Artoria. though Itachi and shisui were worried about her, the were even surprised by Sasuke's behavior. after all, Sasuke is very prideful to even interact with other kids except for Arturia. Even though they are friends they always had a rivalry and fight with each other for even small things. but they now see that Sasuke is worried about Arturia. so to lighten up the mood Itachi and Shisui teased Sasuke like how Sasuke loved Arturia to cheer him up. they thought that Sasuke will Shout at them. but instead, Sasuke just blushed. both the teens were caught off guard.

they never guessed that Sasuke had a crush on Arturia. but both admitted that they will make a good couple. but Shisui with his Mangekyō Sharingan on warned Sasuke that if he made Arturia even worried slightly, then he will show him hell.

Arturia slowly woke up. she saw the three of them on her side. she asked

Arturia: thou art know where thee am? ( i dont know English spoken at Arthur's year. I just want to give this feeling of her speaking differently. she said, " so you know where I am?". oh and she spoke in English but naruto is in Japanese so they cant recognize what she said.)

there just stared at her without taking their eyes. then only Arturia recalled everything.

Saber: I mean, brother what happened? why am I here? and why are you all staring me like that?

Itachi was the one to answer.

Itachi: you got sick Arturia. but now I can see that you got well. these two are paralyzed by what you said earlier. what was that language?

Saber: It is nothing but a blabber Itachi brother. thank you, you three for watching over me when I was sick. now can I request you to leave me alone for a time being so that I can rest?

Itachi: Sure Arturia.

and Itachi was dragging Shusui and Sasuke outside.

Saber: Thank you. I will settle this debt with you for your help.

Itachi: ok take care.

then Saber was all alone.

Saber: Now where is my cook?

hi, Arthur here. thanks for reading the chapter. your comments are a big driving force for me to write this good. or I would have made many mistakes.

thank you for your advice on the previous chapters. and I would ask you to do the same.

please do give positive criticism, suggestions, and comments. and please bare with my grammar and silly mistakes.


ArcherEMIYAcreators' thoughts