
Naruto, a future untold

Kagami Himura, someone of great renown for his influence on candles was an authority on the topic, and he had garnered quite a following for it. people treasured his opinions, his young was silver, and his words gold. but that came to an abrupt end, but through some slight of luck, he got a second chance, and he chose to spend it in Naruto. p

herohero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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death and such

The day started off normal for Kagami Himura, he woke up, checked his window for stalkers, (there were none.), and left to start his preaching, his phone holstered at his side, ready to launch.

His choice of clothing was queer, a bled of lurid colors reminiscent of modern art, it made him feel important, not that his ego needed more inflation. Since he was already, the authority on candles.

he left his house that morning, got in his limo, and headed for the city center. Alone in the stretching limo, he practiced today's speech, reading it off a small slip of yellowed paper.

"brothers and sisters, it has come to my attention that my candle advice has been spreading in unsavory groups. I would like to make a point of my belief and tell you all where I stand. I do not believe in or condone cult worship, especially when my favorite rose-scented candle is involved. That is all."

in the driver's seat, an old man sat, attempting and failing to restrain his laughter. his chest rose and fell, snickers escaping his thin lips in a rasp, as he reached for a large red button. Click, he clicked the button laughing through the crackling speakers.

"Sir, while I believe it is important to practice your speech,"

He chuckled

"Can you please refrain from distracting me? You don't want to crash before delivering such a compelling speech. right?"

Unfortunately, the damage had already been done, the old driver laughed dryly again, a sudden pain rearing in his chest. The pain only intensified as time passed, soon leaving the frail man gasping, leaning his husky frame against the steering wheel.

The limo swerved, as the limp driver wrestled back control of his body, stamping on the brakes, in the back Kagami was swaying lightly with the car's halting movement. Wondering what causes could bring them to such an abrupt halt.

After all, he still had a speech to resight, and followers to appease. with all the controversy recently, he had to make a quick move, or cancelation was the only end for him.

In the front disconnected from his confused employer the old man sobbed lightly, the pain fluctuated. he had already forgotten that he was in the limo, he had forgotten about Kagami and he had forgotten to check the road.

A car behind the limo lurched, another crashing into its back pilling up, and pushing the front car forwards until it collided with the limo.

The limo jerked again, skidding on its wheels. Kagami stood, since he was interested in the commotion, he believed it would be fine to check the window.

The tinted window obstructed a large portion of his sight, but Kagami could still see the pile-up of cars, and the sea of billowing smoke and rising fire.

Soundproofing blocked all sound, so Kagami failed to hear the warning scream before a truck plowed through a couple of cars, and then the limo.

The truck spilled oil, that sparked against the reinforced limo, catching the light and exploding.

Kagami died instantly, the fire inundated his body, boiling his blood and rendering him ash that scattered out the gaping hole blown into the limo's side, where the door once was.


Kagami opened his eyes in a void, black nothingness overwhelming his senses. voicing in astonishment,

"what the."

He tried moving, but his body felt light, floaty, as he drifted around, trying to play and make light of the situation. Even though he already looked down and saw his current lack of body, and remembered vaguely the silhouette of a truck.

'Everything is fine, this is just some dream, that wasn't truck-kun. yes, a dream, to escape the controversy, like seriously, he posts a tier list recommending red, vermilion, scarlet, incarnadine, etc. candles, and some idiots, post videos of themselves using the candles in occult rituals.'

Happy in his tangent Kagami failed to notice, the large statue-like figure looking down on him.

This roaming god had sensed all the uncontrolled soul energy in this direction, following it to this source, a lost soul, with an inordinately large amount of divinity. To his eyes what had happened was clear, this mortal was a king or figurehead who had just passed. Ripe for the picking.

The god leered over Kagami, staring down at the mortal king, waiting for him to notice his mighty, supreme presence. But he never did. So annoyed the god spoke, his voice loud in the void.

"Mortal, dare you to ignore this god."


The soul form of Kagami screamed looking up at the god. he was tall and statue-like, seemingly crafted from stone, with large grey wings that hugged him tightly and a foggy distorted face. In his midsection a star-like light burned, casting a yellow shadow over the faceless giant god.

"Finally noticed me mortal."

The god boomed,

"Say mortal how would you feel about forming a deal with me, the great Salomatra"

Salomantra's form shifted, shrinking and condensing into a small idyllic thing, as he floated closer to Kagami, speaking in a bargaining tone.

"Il give you a new chance at life if you give me your divinity. How about it"

"What's divinity? and do you know where this is and how I got here?"

The confused Kagami asked, still praying that this was a dream. a really weird one, with monstrous Lovecraftian gods, and a way out for him. Like possibly accepting this deal, still, the term divinity intrigued him, dream or not, he just got called divine.

Seeming exasperated the small god sighed lightly and then got started explaining,

"Something gained through worship, it clings to your mortal soul, following you around through one life to the next, it is useful to gods and useless to mortals. you have quite a large amount, enough to, with a little fortune, or maybe misfortune, dislodge you from the cycle of rebirth, leaving you to float in the void.

You just so happened to end up in my domain, where you met me, and readied to accept this trade. you give me your divinity and I will reincarnate you into a world of your choosing. if you decline this offer, you will float in the void for all eternity. Only if I don't kill you first"


The god, two red lights flickering on its blank visage pressured Kagami. Still in denial about reality and scared of the god's wrath Kagami relented to the god's demand asking to be born in the world of Naruto. Hoping to use his knowledge to gain power.

then the pain ensued.

the fist chapter, wrote this on a whim, so I have no stockpile of chapters to draw from, but if any of you good people want me to continue please leave a comment.

heroherocreators' thoughts