
Naruto- Justice For The Immortal

MC wants to give Justice to Kakuzu!! MC dies!! GOD is in need of a mortal to save him!! MC is chosen!! MC goes to Naruto world!! MC is OP!! GOD loses to MC!! MC is OP than GOD!! MC has really big Small MC!! MC is after Other's Heart or Body!! MC is also called Heart Robbing Shinobi!! Author-sama is amateur!! The Cover was robbed from ( https://s1.zerochan.net/Kakuzu.600.889072.jpg)

The_Lost_God · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs



(Without Notes below, no. of words: 1300+)


"Wh..What? How?", Drake was frowning and frightened.

"I hacked her phone. And, I found the traces of unauthorized access on her phone. I know there are very few people who can hack the Apple Company System Server without any traces. And, you are my first suspect."

"How can you be so sure?"

"First, Lily is a girl without any influence. She has a plain family. Her father is a gambler and a drunkard. Her mother does housekeeping in nearby Hotel. So, why would anyone hack her phone."

"Second reason?, Drake questioned. Now he really believed that the Mark had Ghost of Eurus Holmes inside him.

"Second reason is, I hacked your phone and computer. I traced your location and again hacked the computer from the cyber you used to hack Lily's phone. Using the computer from cyber as gateway, I bypassed the security system from Apple. I found you exploited the loophole so you wouldn't be found. And, Finally you got information from the database on Lily's Phone and hacked it.", Mark casually replied. Drake has sweat on his forehead. Then the casual remark from Mark had him sweat from his entire body. "Drake, You are never my match. Don't try to compete with me. Because, even with your brain, you used loophole but I crashed the entire system to pass the Apple Server Security System(AS3). And later, I repaired it new. No one knew what happened except they thought it was some minor fault.", Drake was now drenched in sweat. He knew he lost. He was always competitive with Mark. He always thought there wasn't much gap between them. But, Now he knew Mark was out of his reach.

Drake was thinking his life from childhood. Then suddenly, he heard a woman's voice in his head, "You can't win against him. Now unlock the seal." Drake did as the voice instructed, "There was a glint in his silver eyes. As if the entire body was glowing." Drake came out of his daze and saw Mark leave the house. Then Drake smiled. Then he went to basement where Mark had built his lab and workshop. He wanted to find what the greatest human had done. Before this, Drake never came to the basement to see what Mark was doing. He never questioned Mark either. Then, What He saw intrigued him. All weird machines over the entire base. Different liquids on jars. A lot of stacks of paper. There was also a Bundle of paper bound with red rope. Drake read the first paper and Laughed. He laughed wholeheartedly. Neighborhood people thought Drake had become like the Devil Mark. Some people also cried from their house, "Drake, keep the voice down you devils." But, Drake didn't stop. He laughed and laughed.....

!**Mark's POV

I'm walking down the street. All I can see is grey. There is nothing fun. I could never enjoy my life. I was always busy on research that I forgot to enjoy life. After Grandpa's and Grandma's death there was none who really loved me. Lily is a bitch. And Drake? Drake, huh? I myself am not sure. I know he doesn't have any feelings for me. Even though I said he is no match for me, I know he is just otherworldly. In my eyes all other people are ants. Then, Drake's eyes looks as if he doesn't even have feelings for other. Even if I die, he would be unfazed. So, there is nothing in this world for me to worry about. Moreover I've reached the top of this world. So, I can leave without a care. AH.... leave it.

End of Mark's POV**!

There was a sudden chaos in his surroundings. Mark came out of his daze and looked around. He could see a truck being imbalance on the road and people avoiding it. Mark suddenly had a thought, "This is my time. I know If I don't do it now I will never have another chance." Then, he ran towards the truck. He was so fast that people could only follow with their eyes but not their body. They couldn't stop him. He ran towards the truck and pushed a man out of the truck's way. He laughed and said, "Get out of my way, This is my time to shine. This is my only chance. Yes, Come to me Truck Kun. Deliver me to my destination."

"Bam..Bang" There was a sound of Truck-Kun's Face and Mark's body colliding. Even when he collided Mark didn't die. He felt pain. Shearing pain throughout his body. People were running towards him but suddenly someone fired a gun on the truck's gas tank. And, Boom. There was a loud boom. Fire, and dust, and Mark's body parts were flying everywhere. (Someone got his Di*k and looking at it, the woman fell in love. So, she kept it in her bag. hahahaha)

Mark closed his eyes. But next moment he opened his eyes he was flying around the accident area. He was happy that he was dead now. He was celebrating his death.(First person ever to celebrate his own death). Then he remembered the man who fired gun at the gas tank but he couldn't find him. He thought, "I wanted to thank the man but he is nowhere to be seen. Well, I am a soul now that I can't talk to living people, But still what a great guy. He killed me and without leaving his name he vanished. Indeed there is still a little bit of humanity left in people. If only all the people were like him, then nobody would suffer" (Note: Bro, only you can think like this. OK?)

Sometime after he saw a flicker of light moving up in the sky from the direction of his house. The light vanished after sometime. He noticed the light was just like what covered him. He was amazed and happy. He thought there is a chance. Then he also started flying up in the sky. Then after sometime he vanished.

In Mark's basement, Drake had just finished reading the research papers and he was amazed. Then he looked towards the place of accident. Then he laughed. He muttered, "That bastard, He didn't die even with Truck. He always wanted to die getting hit by the truck and I wanted to fulfill that. But, this cockroach didn't die. That, they had to shoot him down. He really is fit to be Kakuzu." Then suddenly Drake's whole body was covered in light. Then suddenly he was floating towards the sky in vary fast speed that human eyes can't even see. The papers in his hands slowly fell down. Before vanishing, a small dot of light floated down from his body.

Then, the dot suddenly exploded. Entirety of Mark's house burned. It was mostly concrete and metal but it burned like a Hay getting on fire. There was the research papers that he hold earlier burning slowly. Drake before vanishing once again looked at the papers and smiled for the last time. He will never forgot the words on the cover paper, "Experiment: Integrating Different Blood" There was also a success word stamped over it.

Then again, Boom...boom...boom... All the electronic appliances and equipment exploded.

The next day, there was a news, "Markus Wilson, a local gave his life to save a random man. He was also known as Devil Mark. After the truck ran over his cop had fired a shot to control the chaos and crowd but unluckily, the direction missed as someone pushed the cop's hand and the shot was fired at the gas tank which cause explosion and Marcus died.

At the same time there was an explosion at the nearby. A house got on fire and gas tanks and electrical appliances exploded and the house is on rubble. According to police report, It was the house of the same Marcus who gave his life during Truck accident. According to local, he was living alone and his entire family is dead long ago...."

Somewhere in Japan there was a girl looking at the news. She frowned but hadn't a little bit of sadness in her eyes. "Lily, Come over Hop in and stroke my little son", there were two guys on a pool calling her over. Then Lily went to them laughing. She also muttered, "There goes another Golden Duck. Damn it."

Somewhere flying over the vast universe, there was a soul flying over towards a light far far away, "Finally… hahahaha....Finally...hahahaha....Finally....hahahaha"


1) Okay!! guys, In next chapter Our MC Mark will meet God. Well, by now you might have thought about it, Drake is the GOD. In next chapter, Mark The Devil shall get his wishes and we shall get all our answers. Sorry guys, but I don't feel like rushing things over. I want to make it a little slow.

2) Also, even if he is OP he will be passive, not concerning himself to others.

3) Also guys, Do you think I should make MC reborn as Kakuzu or a normal shinobi. Give your ideas.

4) Also, I will publish chapters in weekly basis. I will try to publish more chapters. But If I can't I will publish at least 1 chapter weekly. It is so much tiring.

5) Also vote me. I don't need donation or sort of things now but you can vote me to be top and also gift me. Thank you.

6) This might be the last chapter of the week. I'm publishing it now. So, I won't publish it for sometime. I will prepare some chapters in advance.)

Now another 2 chapters to finish Vol 1. Brace yourself Guys, The Kakuzu is here.

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