
Naruto - Streamer chronicles

In a war-torn future, when the world has turned towards VR for entertainment, follow the story of Mathew Chase as he is dropped into the recreation of the Elemental nations, right before the start of the 2nd Great Ninja war and his journey to become the best streamer in England...

LN_translations · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

003 - Adapting!!

'Ugh... what the fuck happened...'

I rubbed my eyes for a second before realizing something's off, bolting upright and removing the blanket that was covering me I realized several things-

First, I was lying down on a futon.

Second, the ground was too close to me.

Third, my hands felt different, and the ground wasn't too close to me but according to the mirror attached on the far side wall, I was just above 4 ft tall kid on the skinny side.

I absentmindedly swept aside my bangs and looked at my face in the mirror, unlike the realistic-looking people in the Hogwarts Legacy, the Elemental Nations did a 180 and I looked like a computer-generated 3d model. I had soft features and a lot of baby fat and I could feel my smooth skin with just a simple swipe.

'Wow, so this is what the company was talking about...'

In addition to the new face, I could feel a weird energy flowing throughout my body, if not for the fact that I was so conscious because this feeling was never there before, I guessed most kids my age won't even notice it.

'Wait the stream...'

I swiped my right hand in a familiar motion and the boiling chat appeared in front of me.


[Woah... this really looks like the Naruto world, the vibe is totally there!!- XXXPanda02]

[HAHA Look at Mathew's face, he's a chibi XDXDXDXDXDXD- Demointre010]



'Hmm, the number of viewers are back to my original stream numbers, but I guess the stream just started, people would slowly trickle in...'

A message blinked in the corner of my vision and as soon as I focused my attention on it, the message enlarged.

[Welcome, Mr. Chase to the Elemental Nations, keep in mind that in the elemental nation each person is controlled by an A.I, some with primitive A.I's but some with quite complex A.I.'s capable of passing Turing's test. So it is advised that you don't talk to the chat openly unless you want to be labeled as insane. Your chat has already been informed about it while you were adjusting to your new body.]

'wtf? how am I supposed to be a streamer if I can't interact with the chat?'

Unfortunately the gamemaster or whoever was responsible for sending me the previous message didn't magically answer a solution but rather another message appeared in front of me.

[Concentrate on adapting to your new body Mr. Chase because your next few months would determine your scenario choice, remember these scenarios are totally optional, and you probably won't even notice if you got into an average-rated scenario but it could ultimately affect your story. As for your reference, the current timeline is 3 yrs before the 2nd great ninja war so prepare well. You won't receive any further messages from the development team. Also, Please think 'Status']

'phew.... so they are going for full immersion, like a movie, plus this England's representative thing is bugging me...'

"Shiro-Kun~ Time for breakfast" A soft voice broke my thinking as I noticed that the chat and messages have disappeared from in front of me.

'As expected, chat is disabled...'

"Coming~" My voice was rather high pitched too as I looked back once again at my bright green eyes and opened the door.

I opened the door and walked out of my room noticing that I was on the first floor of the house and a pretty lady dressed in baggy clothes was standing two doors away and knocking on another door, "Kinamaru-Kun, wake up today's the day..."

She then waved at me to go on and walked towards another door,

'So most probably an orphanage, located in one of the hidden villages, or maybe one of the smaller villages too but I guess they won't do that unless they want to lose popularity.'

I walked down the stairs and could see some kids ranging from 3-4 ft sleepily walking towards the main hall but most had an aura of excitement around them.

'The HUD is too light too, maybe there would be some settings that can at least let me see my HP and Chakra bar... right I forgot, '"Status"...'

A semi-transparent window appeared in front of me as I sat down on one of the round tables and looked at the rice dumplings in front of me.

[Name: Shiro]

[Clan- XX]

[Age- 8]

[Level- 1(100/100)]

[Title- XX]

[Affiliation- Konoha]

[HP- 100/100]

[Chakra- 50/50]

[Stamina- 20/20]

[Phy- 1]

[Per- 1]

[Cha- 1]

[Spd- 1]

[Sta- 1]


'Alright, those are some pretty pathetic stats... how are they balancing the world, because there would be no point if I could level up and grow stronger by doing D-rank missions...wait that's...'

My eyes widened as I froze and looked at the inconspicuous bundle of bright yellow hair walking into the hall and sitting down at another table with some other students...

[Minato Namikaze]


Bright yellow words floated above his head as he laughed along with some other kids.

'Weren't Minoto's parents killed in the second Ninja war? What is he doing here, and he's in the same generation as me... should I talk to him or what?'

I pondered on that idea for a moment before shaking my head, I had purposely selected an empty table to see how many people take the initiative to sit beside me, but it seems Shiro was given a loner persona, maybe it was purposefully designed so that players can easily integrate into the world and don't seem too out of it, as 'Note' promised a new world they won't touch the NPC's at least so I needed to be extra cautious.

"Alright Kids today's the day, I know most of you have been waiting for" A mature voice entered my ears as I looked at another known face in amazement.

[Sakumo Hatake]


The name seeped in blood-red likely indicating danger appeared as I looked at the young Jounin in front of me.

"Is everyone here?" he asked the lady who woke me up who nodded politely.

"Alright so who's ready to enter the Ninja Academy!!" Sakumo's face lit up with a kind smile as everyone shouted forgetting about their breakfast.

'?? Isn't this pace too quick...'

Entrance exam next?

LN_translationscreators' thoughts