
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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280 Chs

CH - 66 Brought back!

A/N: I am grateful to Warwick Robertson for becoming a patron on my Patreon. Thank you for your support as they enable me to continue creating and providing valuable content.


Yamafuji provided Koujou with an explanation about the literacy campaign, stating, "This new policy in the Land of Grass has been specifically designed to benefit migrant workers. However, it is currently being tested on a small scale, which means that there are only limited slots available."

"I have noticed your serious and responsible work attitude, as well as your genuine approach to handling tasks. Based on that, I am planning to recommend you to the higher-ups," Yamafuji continued, expressing his confidence in Koujou's abilities.

Yamafuji went on to inform Koujou, "In addition, I have nominated you for the 'Outstanding Employee' evaluation at the end of this year. Your work attitude has been recognized by the leadership, and I believe you have a high chance of being selected. This recognition may open doors for your daughter, Ruko, who is of school-going age. If you attend the literacy class and achieve good results, the factory may recommend her for school as well."

Koujou listened attentively, realizing the significance of this opportunity. Yamafuji then emphasized the importance of taking this chance seriously and not wasting it. He acknowledged the potential challenges of attending classes after work but encouraged Koujou to carefully consider the long-term benefits.

Leaning in closer, Yamafuji shared a secret with Koujou, saying, "I have heard rumors that in the future, promotions may prioritize employees who have attended school. It seems that the Land of Grass is embracing progressive concepts of development, and even the older generation of shinobi like us are engaged in continuous learning."

Lost in his thoughts, Koujou found himself reminiscing about what Yamafuji had shared earlier. However, his wife's concerned voice calling out to him snapped him back to reality.

"Koujou, Koujou, what's the matter? Your food is getting cold. Why aren't you eating?" Shuko's voice broke through his reverie, and Koujou quickly realized where he was. He had been deep in thought but now found himself in the cafeteria, seated with his wife and daughter, ready to enjoy their meal together.

"I noticed you were deep in thought just now. Is something on your mind? Is work becoming too tiring?" Shuko looked at Koujou with a puzzled expression before shifting her attention to their daughter. She gestured for Ruko to eat at a slower pace. "Ruko, how many times have I told you? Girls shouldn't eat so quickly! And remember, we mustn't waste food."

Ruko, her mouth full of food, couldn't contain her excitement as she replied, "I understand, Mom! I just wanted to finish quickly so I can go out and play. It's been such a long time since I had the freedom to play like this. Back in the Land of Rain, I never had the chance!"

Shuko scolded her daughter with a helpless tone, "Even though you want to go out and play, you shouldn't eat so quickly like this!" She couldn't help but smile as she gazed at Ruko, full of enthusiasm. Shuko knew that the Land of Grass provided a safe and worry-free environment for Ruko to enjoy her playtime.

As Koujou observed his wife gently wiping their daughter's mouth, a warm smile spread across his face. Memories of their time in the Land of Rain surged through his mind, reminding him of the days they were confined to their house, gripped by fear and unable to step foot outside. With only a few meager pieces of bread, they would peer out at the relentless rain, yearning for the war to come to an end.

However, since their arrival in the Land of Grass, their wishes had been transformed into reality. They were now able to embrace a life free from the shackles of fear, where their daughter could play without restraint and they could cherish the simple joys of everyday existence.

Observing his daughter's regained vitality and his wife's improved complexion after just over a month of nourishment, Koujou paused for a moment before addressing them with a smile. "Ruko, would you like to go to school?"

As the words left his mouth, Shuko, still in the midst of wiping their daughter's mouth, lifted her head in surprise, unsure of why Koujou had suddenly broached this topic.

Although they had heard from the shinobi they encountered earlier that their children could attend school in the Land of Grass, it still felt like a distant dream to them. Many days had passed, and while the children had played together in the residential area, none of them had actually gone to school.

Nevertheless, the current blessings they enjoyed had already filled their hearts with gratitude. During their time in the Land of Rain, both children and adults had to be extremely cautious when venturing outside, constantly fearing encounters with shinobi. The fact that they now lived in safety and abundance as a family was a remarkable blessing in itself.

"Koujou, you..." Shuko glanced at her husband, a mix of confusion and anticipation filling her gaze as she hesitated to voice her question.

With an unwavering smile, Koujou turned his head to Shuko, shaking it gently as he reassured her, "Don't worry. It's good news!"

Shuko couldn't comprehend the significance of Koujou's "good news," and her curiosity grew. She became eager to know what it could be.

"Just..." Koujou glanced around the bustling cafeteria, ensuring their conversation remained confidential. He leaned in closer to Shuko, speaking in a hushed tone. "Today, Captain Yamafuji informed me of an opportunity..."

As Koujou recounted his conversation with Yamafuji, Shuko's initial confusion turned into astonishment, followed by a surge of excitement. She verified with a hint of disbelief, "Is it really true?"

"Yes! If I receive the Outstanding Employee award this year, Ruko should have the opportunity to go to school!" Koujou affirmed, his smile widening as he shared the news of the award.

"That's absolutely wonderful!" Shuko exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she tightly held Koujou's hand. "The leader is truly an amazing person!"

"Yes," Koujou wholeheartedly agreed, his gratitude towards the leader evident on his face. With a smile, he sincerely stated, "Truly, the leader is an exceptional person!"

Shuko voiced her concerns, looking at Koujou with worry. "But won't it be very challenging for you, Koujou?"

"I will work hard!" Koujou replied with determination, fully aware of the effort required to support his family.

Shuko reassured him, her own determination shining through. "I'll work hard too!"

Suddenly, their little daughter Ruko chimed in, her eyes filled with determination. "I'll definitely study hard!"

"Let's all work hard together! Tomorrow, I'll discuss it with Captain Yamafuji. But for now..." Koujou gently ruffled his daughter's hair, playfully comparing her to a mischievous doll, before picking up his chopsticks. "Let's eat!"

As they savored their meal, Koujou's gaze lingered on his wife, who joyfully relished her food, simultaneously imparting words of encouragement to their daughter about the importance of diligent studying. Koujou's heart swelled with an indescribable emotion, a deep sense of gratitude and optimism. With confidence shining in his eyes, he firmly held his chopsticks, whispering a heartfelt affirmation to himself, "Each passing day, life will undoubtedly get better and better!"

In the office of Akihiko, the esteemed leader of the Land of Grass, a warm smile adorned his face as he observed the trio of mischievous youngsters standing before him, their ears perked up in anticipation. Taking a sip of his tea, he addressed them in a friendly tone, "It seems like you three have had quite the adventure!"

Upon hearing his words, the children chuckled nervously, caught off guard by their unexpected capture and return. They had devised a plan to stay behind with Uncle Mubuki, believing they could join forces to rebel against the Land of Rain. Mubuki had even seemed to agree with their idea. However, when nightfall arrived and they settled down to rest, they were suddenly overcome, rendered unconscious, and bundled up in sacks before being swiftly brought back to their home.

At this moment, the children silently acknowledged their own lack of experience and misjudgment. They realized that Mubuki was a true shinobi of the Grass, much like their teacher. They had underestimated his skills and cunning strategies.

Akihiko's expression turned stern as he read through Mubuki's report, his frustration evident as he rubbed his forehead. "Do you realize the gravity of your actions? Attempting to incite rebellion in the Land of Rain," he admonished the trio in exasperation. "You truly have the audacity to do that!"

Word had spread about their reckless actions, causing unnecessary trouble in the Land of Rain and driving the Rain shinobi to madness as they relentlessly pursued the youngsters. Even Hanzo, the formidable leader of the Rain Village, known as the demi-god of the ninja world, had vowed to make them pay for their actions. Fortunately, the quick-thinking youngsters managed to escape after causing chaos.

Reflecting on the gravity of the situation, Akihiko pondered what could have happened if they hadn't been able to escape. Perhaps in the future, when they would meet again, Nagato might ask him, "Teacher, do you know pain?"

Attempting to calm Akihiko's displeasure, Yahiko quickly interjected, "Akihiko-sensei, let me explain! Many people in the Land of Rain are dissatisfied with Hanzo, known as the Salamander! If we work hard, the Land of Rain can be transformed into the Land of Grass! The people in the Land of Rain also yearn for peace!"

Yahiko let out an emotional sigh, expressing his heartfelt desire. "Even though I am a shinobi of the Grass, I was born in the Land of Rain. I want to bring peace to this suffering country! Teacher, didn't you teach us that with great power comes great responsibility?"

"You have a point," Akihiko smiled, patting Yahiko's shoulder as he observed the remorseful expression on the young boy's face. "But for now, what's most important for you is your studies. We, as adults, will take care of matters related to peace. Now, regarding your homework..."

Suddenly, Yahiko interrupted with a dramatic exclamation, placing his hands on his chest. "Teacher, my heart hurts! I'm so tired and in need of rest!"

Akihiko waved his hand dismissively, seeing through Yahiko's attempt to evade homework. "It's alright. Writing your homework will actually help you relax. There's still 200 pounds of homework waiting for you at home, specially prepared!"

The three children were left dumbfounded, and even Yahiko's pain suddenly vanished, their eyes widening in shock. Did they hear correctly? 200 pounds of homework? They stared at Akihiko, unable to comprehend the magnitude of his statement.

"Wasn't it just 20 pounds?" Yahiko finally spoke up, recalling what his father had mentioned when they first met in the Land of Rain.

"That was a week ago. Now, go home and complete your homework! Once you finish, you'll feel much better," Akihiko gently patted their heads. "Nagato, your mother is worried about you! Konan, your sister Kana misses you dearly! And Yahiko, your father personally brought you back!"

The three children looked at Akihiko with a mix of resentment and resignation, resembling mistreated little puppies, before reluctantly leaving the office.

At that moment, Mubuki entered the office, his face twitching as he watched the departing children. He then stood at attention, addressing Akihiko with earnestness, "Leader!"

Akihiko nodded in approval, his gaze focused on Mubuki. He couldn't help but feel a slight pang of regret. "You've done well this time," he acknowledged. "You succeeded in bringing the kids back."

Internally, Mubuki grumbled about Akihiko's tone. Why did it sound like there was a hint of regret? Thankfully, he didn't give in to Yahiko's persuasion earlier. "Dad, you don't want to go back and do homework, right?" Instead, he made the decision to knock all three of them out at night and return them safely. Otherwise, he would have likely been burdened with an enormous amount of homework!

Nevertheless, Mubuki raised an eyebrow, recognizing the exceptional leadership skills of Akihiko. He was truly a top-notch Grass shinobi! With a serious expression, Mubuki continued, "I am fully committed to embracing the new spirit of Grass as our ideology and wholeheartedly following your lead, Leader!"

After expressing his loyalty, a smile returned to Mubuki's face. Leaning forward, he added, "Leader, to be honest, what Yahiko said wasn't entirely wrong. The Land of Rain is currently in chaos..."

"I am aware," Akihiko waved his hand dismissively, his tone serious. "However, it's not the right time yet." Did everyone truly believe he would casually recruit individuals from the Land of Rain? He had a plan, but the timing wasn't suitable.

Glancing back at Mubuki, Akihiko continued, "Alright, go and rest! War looms on the horizon, and we don't want the Land of Grass to be the one to ignite the flames of the Third Great Ninja War."

If war were to break out, and the Land of Grass were seen as the instigator, they would likely be the first targets of attack, Akihiko contemplated.

"Understood!" Mubuki nodded, sensing something in the leader's expression that made him refrain from saying more. However, before turning to leave, he hesitated for a moment, recalling something. "By the way, Leader, what should we do with the few shinobi we brought back this time?"

"Those shinobi?" Akihiko furrowed his brow, contemplating for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Never mind, keep a close eye on them. Send them to the academy and enroll them in the night classes. Let them catch up on their studies!"





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2242 words (Excluding A/N), Drop a stone if you're liking the novel so far, and do tell me your thoughts in the comment section.

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