
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

minmix · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs

Survival Tips

By : c0p13r

Disclaimer: I don't own 'NARUTO' nor do I make money off this fic.


"Hurry up, boy!"

Naruto snapped to attention, fisting the straps of his light rucksack, affirming his attention to his newest instructor. A precaution from old lady Tsunade; he had spent years of travel with Jiraiya, but those were days spent in civilization, rarely relying on outdoor survival skills. Well, Ero-Sennin had taught him enough to survive, Naruto had said sternly for his late master, but Tsunade was rigid on this position. "You will be traveling to Kumogakure on an S-class mission to make an account of wildlife. You will have help from our allies there, but a ninja from Konoha should be able to fend for himself."

Naruto trusted her at her word rather than look underneath the underneath. He thought that she just loosened up after that whole Kage Summit debacle. To travel to Kumo, which had been a risky venture even when with Jiraiya; it was pretty exciting. And he remembered camping and fishing and training in the wilds to be a good time too.

"I'll leave you to the wolves if you don't hurry!"

"Right, sorry!" With haste, he rushed to catch up to Inuzuka Tsume, his survival trainer.

Somehow he thought she would not be as fun as Ero-Sannin…

"Mom's a beast," Kiba had warned outside the Inuzuka complex, whispering to the one doomed to spend days alone in the woods with her. His face conveyed the dread of his childhood, when he had to rely on his nose to hunt down hidden meals or dodge sneak attacks. And Naruto gulped. For his flaws, though, Kiba was well-trained and smart when pride didn't fog his mind. And when it came down to it, they were friends more than they were rivals. Kiba pointed to the overloaded bag strapped to Naruto's back and gave one more warning before his mom could catch them. "Also, ditch everything you have while you can. She'll only get mad if you act like you packed for a vacation."

Tearfully, Naruto had left his stash of cup ramen in Kiba's care, and it did not escape his notice when the Inuzuka eyed the beef-flavored cups. It'd probably be worse to entrust a store of food to Choji. Choji would make up any excuse to eat what was not his. And Shikamaru would think it too much trouble and responsibility to look after something as meager as ramen. "Invest in liking something smaller," Shikamaru would say to the great stock of ramen in every cabinet of Naruto's kitchen.

Since donning a survival pack, the nurturing mother of the Inuzuka pack had become a snarling commander, criticizing everything about Naruto, from his choice of clothing to his posture when dashing through the treetops. "A four-point landing must spread the weight of the body! Even landing on a pile of leaves should be silent!" It wasn't like they were tracking anyone or in enemy territory, he thought with an eyeroll. That eyeroll earned him a solid punch to the face.

Kiba had warned often that his mom was liberal with corporal punishment for insolence. "And don't try dodging," Kiba warned more, and then hugged himself through a fit of chills. "It only makes it worse."

That was how Naruto got a bruise on his whiskered cheek. It didn't hurt, but being struck like that… Not as an enemy trying to pulverize him, but as a teacher… no… more like a mother scolding her son. He felt weird blushing after she struck him.

But they went on after that, and Tsume continued to chastise him; his slowness and distraction. "Kumo has a rugged terrain, full of deep valleys and high mountains! Easy to get lost! And plenty of animals worse than anything in Konoha! So keep your mind on your feet, and if you must notice anything, notice the scents in the air!"

Naruto quirked an eyebrow. Kiba's mom didn't seem suited to the task of training anyone outside her clan, he thought. She told him to notice scents? Ero-Sennin's lessons on scents were brief and better suited to sniff out an enemy in a sense-impeded fight. "Notice the smell of sweat and breath," Jiraiya advised, and then grimaced in disgust. "Men smell terrible."

Tsume didn't smell bad. Naruto only noticed this when she gave her instruction of smells. Kiba had a heavy, lingering smell of dog… wet dog, most times. After a visit to the bathhouse, he upgraded to earthy scents. Tsume smelled like pine. Despite being so close to her dog – riding him and such – she must have found a way to perfume herself to void the mangy stench.

She stopped suddenly on the unbeaten trail, and Naruto jammed his feet to the earth to keep from bumping her from behind. She swung around to him, smirking, and asked suddenly, "Which way?"

"Which way?"

Tsume's hand pointed to the sky, and through the little slits of the green canopy, Naruto realized that dark blue was bleeding over the dusty orange. "The day's almost ending, and you have no sense of smell. We need to camp and find food in less than an hour." She paused, and then asked again: "Which way?"

Naruto pursed his lips and hummed in thought while glancing about the environment. There was thick underbrush to the left, but on the right and up ahead, there was clear spots for setting up. Ero-Sennin always set up in clear areas, so Naruto pointed confidently to the right. "There!"

Tsume smacked the back of his head. "If we were camping leisurely," she scolded as he rubbed where he was hit, "that would be fine. But I'm supposed to teach you survival." Her hand dove into the underbrush to the left and pulled back the branch. Further in, it was still close with vegetation, but Naruto heard the flow of water. "Water is a source of food as much as it is hydration. The damp ground is fertile, so the plants grow stronger and denser; perfect for protection from predators. Cover is what you need at night." She then slipped through, trudging through the overgrowth a ways before ordering Naruto to follow. She moved sleekly, practiced to arch her back intensely or bend nearly in half. Naruto, who was getting whipped across the face with branches that she pushed by, soured at this venture. He could use a Rasengan to tear a tunnel through his foliage. But that would not be survival. He rolled his eyes up, sighing in mental submission to the task, and heedlessly crammed face-first into Tsume's tush.

"Hey!" she snarled back over her shoulder at him, her face red likely from anger than offense.

Naruto had just enough time to implant the firm feel of her hindquarters against his face before he reeled back, aware that accidental affronts ended painfully for him. He ignored the sting of thistles poking his hands and bottom when he plopped back and hastened with an apology. Surprisingly, though, Tsume's aura leveled out in an instant, and she said with only a slight edge to her voice, "Don't follow so closely. A trap could be sprung on both of us." Then she continued to roam forward, bending but not breaking the branches in her path,

Baffled, Naruto – who was used to being Sakura-slugger decked after perverted accidents – gawked after her for a moment. Then he was back on her trail, silent all the while.

They made it to the nice circle of clear ground. Both Tsume and Naruto milled about for deceptions in this area; not because it was likely, but because it should be made a habit. "Kiba took long to learn," Tsume said as she unfurled her sleeping bag, claiming the softest patch of grass in manner alone. Her sleek eyes shone in the fading light like a prowling wolf; Naruto felt his gut quiver. "But he learned when I set a snare that caught him." Naruto gulped and nodded his understanding of the importance. That was a story Kiba had griped – or bragged about, depending on occasion – over ramen. She had left him swinging till nightfall. "And any other ninja would have broke! But I held it together!" he had ended with a boast, though Akamaru always followed with a dubious whine, confessing that it might not have been such a boastful event after all.

It was not very long before nightfall when Tsume started up a small campfire, though there were no fish to cook over them; just a meal of wild mushrooms and berries from a bush. Naruto's belly begged for more, something warm and meaty, but Tsume – who likely was more used to protein diet – said nothing after downing her handful. Why hadn't he just brought one… two… seven cup o' ramens? There was water! He could steam it and serve it! He would have even shared his beef-flavored ones with Tsume. But then he thought of Kiba's initial warning. Don't try to undermine Inuzuka Tsume's training.

Really, her mood seemed improved after they sat down and snacked – Naruto refused to call this meager meal anything but a snack. He had offered to see if there was fish in the nearby stream, but Tsume did not let him. "We'll have fish in the morning." After a while of silence proceeding the small feast – Choji would have none of this! – Tsume stood up, her face lit by the fire to show her fangs flashing between her ruby lips. "Now that our hunger has been satisfied…"

Who was she kidding, Naruto thought with a dissatisfied, sidelong glance.

"… I'm going to take off for a bit."

"Huh?" Naruto looked up at her, lost in her intention. "Where are you going?"

"To wash up," she said simply. "And so will you when I come back." She shoved a finger at his face. "Don't try going to sleep. It never worked for Kiba." That was all the warning she gave on the matter before she trudged off, sneaking into the surrounding density to chase the sound of water.

Naruto was immediately alone. And while his stomach did quake for more nourishment, it was all too tempting to lie down and shut his eyes. He didn't give his word that he wouldn'tnap, but he had formally taken Inuzuka Tsume on as an instructor of sorts. That meant that he was supposed to obey her. And, he added in nervous self-preservation, there was a probably a reason Kiba was always the last one asleep during sleepovers.

Resolutely, Naruto crossed his arms and legs and sat as solemn as a pillar. "If she needs me to stay awake, I'll stay awake." He kept to that mindset a good five minutes before the relaxing sounds of the woods started to lull him asleep. He caught himself at the last second, bursting the sleep bubble growing at his nose and fortifying his resolve. "There's no way!" But the outdoors was too comfortable. Sometimes, he even had trouble falling asleep in his own bed, wishing he was traveling with Ero-Sennin again. Camping under the stars with the fire crackling and the pervert's pen scribbling erotic scenarios to the page.

"Hmph…" Naruto shifted a little, dropped his hands as a cradle into his lap and sat straight. With the Nine-Tails there, it was a difficult thing to summon the force of nature into himself. But he had practiced and was becoming pretty good at it. That damn Fox, though… Still, in a second, every sense of Naruto's heightened in a second. He knew where each cricket perched while fluttering their wings, which way the grass bent when the wind blew, and how far away Tsume-san was and how much of her clothing was off.

He came back to himself at once when he took that in. If he focused on that point – her – he really could discern her body type, how much clothing was taken off, and how she responded to the cold water. Now the sensible side of him knew it was wrong to ponder his friend's mom as well as his tutor, but sensibility always lost out in the struggle with his own desires. Well, when it came to paltry matters such as peeping, that is.

Ero-Sennin had once complimented his talent for spying on women, which shouldn't be something to be proud of, but Naruto took it with a big grin.

Tsume-san wasn't the fantasy any man really had in Konoha. She was snubbed in favor of Tsunade, Kurenai, or even the other, womanly moms. Naruto knew that and would admit in Kiba's absence that he really had no interest in the woman. Maybe this whole venture spawned from a desire of the normality of appreciating the woman's form; as Ero-Sennin would have. "All lady types have their charm," preached Jiraiya. "From flat as a board to full and supple as melons!" Where did Tsume-san land on that scale? She never boasted the curvature of her body. It may well be a waste, he decided when he carefully pulled back the last branch leading to the pebbly shore of the brook.

The sun was halfway down the horizon, so the waters glimmered like glass. And she was shimmering wetly in the radiance. She had poured water all over herself, or had found a deep enough spot to submerge completely before wading in shin-deep waters. She had definitely wet her hair, yet it maintained its coarse and feral appearance. That hardly mattered to him. Perhaps she was not the one with a lusty reputation, but she did not waste the fantasy of a bathing beauty. Sure, she was not all supple and bouncy – well, her breasts did have a bounce and sway when she moved this was and that – but she had a tight body, one that the waning light defined well, casting shadows in the shallow grooves of her muscles. Not extreme muscles, but if she took a hit to the stomach, Naruto was fairly sure that she'd weather the blow and return it in kind. But he wasn't about to waste time wondering what kind of foe she could stand up against. He leered at her tits, heavy from aging, swollen from motherhood, firm from training. The water was cold, so her reddish-brown nipples puckered hard; he could see as much when a hand spilled water across them and the buds flicked stiffly when passed over.

Naruto's cock was hard as he took account of her attributes. The glare of the sun did not help his study, but there were times when he saw wounds – claw marks, maybe – that had healed as small scars along her body. He wondered for a moment if those were caused when she was training Kuromaru, but immediately let that topic drop when he saw the thatch of dark brown proudly nestled between her legs. He wasn't all too surprised that she wasn't a groomer – he himself had taken to cutting back his blond forest – but it was a neat little fact that made his wayward dick thump in his pants. Not long after, he felt a warm goo sliding down the inside of his thigh. Had it really been so long since he was satisfied? The excitement of travel had made him forget to tend to those baser desires of a teenager.

"Ugh…" Naruto rolled his eyes at the inconvenience of it, but with the sleuthing olfactory of the Inuzuka, it might not be wise to have precum soaked into his clothes. It also wouldn't be wise to take an erect cock out around those same noses, but when have powerful erections ever imbued the inflected with wisdom? A tug at the zipper, a flick of the button, a yank on his boxers, and his cock sprung out, patched with the translucent fluid originating at his slit. The freedom was welcomed, but the pressure remained, bearing down on his now-throbbing testicles and making the blood course harder throughout his shaft.

"I'll just be quick," he said out loud, and immediately began to pleasure himself to Kiba's mom. It felt shameful, but it'd be more of a shame to keep in this state all the while during this survival training. He needed to clear his head and relax. That bump into her butt had stirred him. Now he was acting on those stirrings.

It had been some time! He could already feel those irresistible spasms that made his breath hitch and his fingers twitch. He maintained the rhythm best as he could, though his hand flew faster and faster along his length. His eyes shut to better conjure those loveliest images: Granny Tsunade's heaving bosoms when she was drunk, Sakura-chan's ass in those tight spandex! Hinata when training made her sweater unbearable to wear!

"So that's how it is."

Naruto shouted out, caught by the scruff of his jacket and heaved onto the stone shore beyond the tree line. He groaned and reached for the back of his injured head. There'd probably be a bump or a cut, not that it was of any real concern when he realized he was trapped.

Inuzuka Tsume loomed over him, looking down at him while his gaze granted him view of everythingof her. Shouldn't she at least have gotten dressed before confronting him?!

"I've heard rumors about you sneaking into the hot springs and unsettling women. Hn! I guess you couldn't control yourself."

Naruto gulped and hoped to conjure some sort of defense for his honor and wellbeing. "It was just a mistake!" he said, and then swore that he'd never do a thing like this again.

But Tsume was in no way convinced, or rather, he could not tell by the constant way she just glared down at him. And the more she let them linger in a limbo of inaction, Naruto found that his eyes would not be so easily controllable. He was already mapping her body again. Her tits were not like Tsunade's that pressed together; hers had some lift but separated to form a plane between them. And of course, her pussy; her lips were hidden in the dense forest, but he could see them at this close vantage point. If her ass was not so taut, he was sure he would have seen that hole too!

"You've been around Jiraiya-sama for so long. Habits are picked up," she went on like Naruto hadn't spoken a word, like she was speaking out loud for her own benefit. She gave a soft sniff, something so vague that he thought her mouth had made the merest smirk. "It can't be helped then."

What should have rightly been his demise was not so. He expected she'd claw his throat or induce amnesia by striking him just right with her mighty fist. Instead, she seemed aware of his comfort, shuffling down to her knees and catching him between arms and legs. And if she wasn't careful, his stimulated dick might jab her.

"Have you been with a girl yet?" she asked abruptly in that harsh, impatient way.

Naruto, caught off guard, jawed senselessly. His cheeks went pink beneath his whiskers. "What?"

"Sakura? Hinata? Have you had sex with either of them? Or someone else when you were traveling with Jiraiya-sama?"

Did mouth and hand stuff count? Sakura-chan had lent both to him, acting begrudgingly all the while, but she serviced him well. Once, in the heat of things, he tried to turn her onto her back and begged her to make him 'a true man'. She had flushed hard and said that she intended to be a 'true woman' only by Sasuke-kun's manhood.

"I thought not," Tsume decided after studying his face. She scoffed. "Your generation is weak and frightened." Just as she was able to discern the status of his virginity, Naruto deciphered Kiba's by his mom's disappointment and frustration.

Tsume-san's hips buried Naruto's. He felt the heat of her groin as she situated herself atop him. "Whoa! Wait!" He meant to put up his hands as a gesture of hesitation, yet they wound up filled with Inuzuka tits! And they felt amazing! Sakura-chan's – when she allowed him a sampling – were certainly firm from early development, but Tsume-san's had a very pleasant softness to them; definitely firm, but also softened by more meat. And her erect nipples prodded stiffly at his palms. So distracting that his eyes became glued to her cleavage – as he had shoved them together by this accident – he had all but forgotten the case he wanted to present for the continuation of his abstinence.

"Hmph! Don't think that this is something that can be ignored." She had grabbed his prick for emphasis, jerking once and making him moan. "A muddled mind is deadly. If you need to, take care of it on the field! In this case, you have a willing partner!"

A heated and wet vagina was entirely new to him; that was fact. He'd only glimpsed Sakura-chan's by accident, walking in on her when she was changing. The soft pink curls that fluffed out at her mound honestly made the sight of her womanhood… appetizing. Tsume-san's did not have that. Her dark-brown hair flared proudly at her pelvis, a thick brush that she traveled his cock through, experiencing the landscaping of a woman. He groaned again at the brushing bristle, itching his sensitive organ.

What about Kiba?he almost stupidly said, but then forgot his friend entirely. If Kiba's opinion on this interlude mattered to her, it would not have gotten to this stage. Naruto could only respect him by forgetting his existence now, and never telling him after. Besides, Kiba's face in his mind was a distraction, one he did not want when Tsume-san continued to enlighten his erection.

He knew he was at his destination. It just felt right and natural when his tip was laid against a gentle crease. Her labia had opened with moisture, ready to accept a good rutting. "Deep breath, Naruto," she breathed huskily, and then his virginity was swept away, claiming another to the fold of Inuzuka lovers. He was young, she knew, but that would not matter when she was through with him.

Naruto arched off the shore, pebbles dropping off his back. He made a suffocating noise, eyes wide and blinded by elation as the wild woman's cunt devoured his cock. He felt himself overflow in her already, precum sloshing out to stick to her inner walls. "Tsume-san!" he gurgled when she enclosed a hand around his throat.

"Focus," she growled at him and pumped her pussy up and down on him, not yet taking a full seat on his lap; not until he was slick with her running juices. Inuzuka women bred better than the other wives of Konoha; she was sopping wet the moment she picked up the first whiff of Naruto's arousal. She had bathed intentionally, knowing he was watching. He needed to be riled, or else her intensity would wilt him like her ex-husband.

Naruto proved his mettle by staying hard, even as she lightly-strangled him. His face reddened, but he was nowhere near passing out. It had been more than a while since she bedded someone fortified enough to withstand her pleasures. In a passionate heat, she gripped harder and only loosened when she saw fear creep into the boy's blue eyes. He wheezed her name one more time before she flashed him a cocky smile and sank down all the way. He was an impressive specimen. She had her theories of the Fourth Hokage's anatomy that Naruto may have put to bed now that he was settled deep inside her, stretching out the tight fit all the way to the entrance of her womb. And she felt that he could go onward if her body were not so stubborn.

The longevity of the Uzumaki was also well-known to her, having been with the men and women of that clan before. She expected greatness from Naruto, albeit his first time. She might drain him fast, but would that be it?

She balanced on the balls of her feet rather than her knees, which kept her springy atop Naruto's lap. She left his neck – he breathed heavily now that he could – and scraped her nails down until she was palming his chest through his jacket. Bothersome thing; she made a swipe with a grunt, ruining the zipper. Kiba had warned him of her impatience, yet lamenting the tattered jacket could wait… though she slashed through his shirt even quicker. Thank goodness he was wearing nothing underneath that.

She set her hands at his abdomen, covering his sun seal with splayed fingers, crouching like a wolf that constantly bobbed up and down. Up and down. Naruto grabbed at her ankles – the only thing in reach that he could think to grab that might not offend her – and held on tight. She didn't mind and just kept right on fucking him.

"This is why there is always at least one female on the team," Tsume wheezed. "Your generation may have forgotten, but it is how it has always been." Her hands tensed, her claws nipping his flesh, stinging him with ecstasy.

He writhed beneath her, sometimes throwing his hips upward to punctuate himself against her cervical wall. Once, he nearly toppled her in his enthusiasm. She responded by reasserting the force of her thrusts while grabbing – with both hands, this time – at his neck. He coughed, but didn't object; doubted she would oblige if he could get a word out anyway.

Sakura-chan's mouth and even less her hands had never felt this amazing! The rugged mom, all muscle and scarred skin, was so soft inside, gripping him yet never stalling. She moaned in a gruff tone, not letting a single, meager noise leave, asserting her dominance over him. Her breasts jostled between her outstretched arms, but the tenser her arms became, the more the tits came together. He watched them; the full, swollen flesh swaying up and down, the dark hued nipples lunging in time with her downward thrusts, but her feral gaze was hypnotic. With the sun's light unable to reach, her face was darkened by shadow, but her eyes continued to gleam bright, watching him expectantly. He bit his bottom lip and decided to try, decided to see what she would let him get away with! His hands switched from holding her ankles to possessing her hips, and yanked her down hard on his cock, shoving her cervix inward like he wanted access to the room beyond. He got her to shout, at least, a quick bark that a dog might make when teased. She did not react badly, though; she took it all in and accommodated his brash, desperate upward thrusts.

Naruto needn't tussle with her hips, not with the energetic drive of his own. He learned quick enough that Tsume's balance was trustworthy even against his most savage thrusts, so he decided to indulge the need of mother's breasts. Perhaps it was an infantile yearning, the absence of his own mother's throughout his infancy that brought him to so needfully handle Tsume's. They filled up his hands, and he shoved them together, squeezing and adoring them before leaping mouth-first to the left nipple. Sloppily, he sucked on it, drawing at that hard pebble and lashing at it with his tongue. Tsume made a throaty chortle; a sound to substitute the moans she would not allow. One of her hands slipped to the back of his head, fisting his blond locks, all the while encouraging his babe suckling.

To return the gesture of him tending to her aching breasts, Tsume grabbed something of his. He breathed in sharply, not fully trusting her to handle the precious cargo beneath his embedded cock, but she quickly quieted his concerns, kneading his balls gently, knowing the appropriate pressure to put on them and how much to pull on his sac before it turned painful. But she could also taunt him, scaping her sharp fingernails against the tightened scrotum. Her nipple escaped his mouth as he whined. He nuzzled her cleavage, letting the breasts encase his face as he panted.

He was readying to speed his cum into her. Brash boy, she thought while rolling her hips like she was horseback. She smashed Naruto down by the shoulders and pinned him away from her, if only for the benefit of eye contact. His was so pleading and anxious. Without a second thought, he'd donate to her insides in a bid to plant a sibling for Hana and Kiba within her womb.

She might've even allowed it, but he'd learn nothing from it.

He was just about ready to fire inside of her. He was twitching violently and expelling all amounts of prelude to slicken her. She could feel the infertile goo as it began to well up at her womb's doorway; that which was not applied directly was shoved up, plowing her channel to put everything against that chamber. After a very distinctive twitch that resonated in her, Tsume commanded her rhythm to cease. She laid heavily into Naruto's pelvis, stalling his chasing thrusts.

Immediately, the climax abated. Naruto felt it like a filling tube draining backward rather than overflowing. It was excruciating! "Ah!" Wordlessly, primally, he tried to bring motion back to his cock and reclaim lost efforts. "Tsume-san! What are you doing?!"

"You're too impulsive. You're not thinking," Tsume said to him, and then punished by dismounting.

Naruto howled immediately for some semblance of mercy. Taking her wet heat from his pulsating cock was much too cruel.

"Heh, you'll learn, Uzumaki Naruto."

Learn what? Just how cruel the Inuzuka mom could be? Naruto's eyes stung, welling with tears for his neglected release. Not even Sakura-chan had been so unkind to him, always making sure to milk his pearly drops.

"You must remember the survival situation," Tsume said before expertly sliding down the length of his body, lining her face up with his groin. She tugged sharply at the sides of his pants, taking them and his boxers down to midthigh. With his legs partially exposed, she sank her fangs to one, igniting his arousal with a threat and ecstasy. Naruto wailed at the sensation, his balls lifting higher than before.

Tsume took him straight into her gullet the next second, her flavor overpowering his male musk, though she sampled the onset of his fluid.

He felt those dangerous fangs around his cock, aiding his finish. As he was forbidden to with Sakura-chan, he threw both hands atop Tsume's head and pushed her down, filling her mouth and throat. And she did not protest. She only gulped, splayed her hands around his blond base, and bobbed as much as she was allowed.

"Wait-wait!" Naruto chanted, overstimulated but unsuccessful in appeasing Tsume's obedience. She gripped his balls again, massaging them, and teased his length with her tongue and a few good sucks. "Yee-ahhHH!" Naruto's voice rose, his inflated chest dropping with the prolonged sigh of satisfaction. The tangle in his balls came undone, the tube filling and flooding again. And Tsume's mouth was there to collect the full, salty reward. Much more than she could carry at one time… She made a squinting, soured face as her gullet was saturated, her tattooed cheeks expanding with Naruto's payload. She tightened her lips, determined to down it all but wound up overwhelmed. She stifled a cough, and caused her nose to drip some of the flowing semen.

If she needed to get up for air, Naruto's hands would not allow it, becoming vises to keep her subjected to his orgasm until it – and his heightened pleasure – was spent.

As expected of an Uzumaki, he came in gallons. Tsume struggled to keep her throat contracting and drinking down the cum, but she managed and succeeded. Naruto, panting and gulping over and over, finally lost his energy, his hands falling from her hair to lifelessly land on the pebbled shoreline, leaving the Inuzuka mother to work at her leisure, sucking every ounce of his sperm from his cock like a straw.

Cupping a hand underneath her – a smart move when excess semen escape her violet lips – Tsume gave him a stern and lewd smirk. His cum was strewn about her mouth, glistening on her lips while some dribble from her nostrils. With that cum-scented breath, she told him, "On survival missions, never waste protein." The cupped hand turned over her mouth to drizzle the pale contents across her outstretched tongue.

Only a single lesson learned from Tsume-san that night, but there would come much more. Most importantly, he would remember it would do him well to thoroughly lather her asshole with spit instead of heedlessly throwing his cock towards an unprepped hole.


I realized the flaw of omitting Kuromaru halfway through, hence 'Top Dog'.