
Snowflake kiss

Asana glared at the sand clock. Her brain was busy aiming to read the note and trying again running off there so continued:

"The wind aimed to take me with it. My cloak whipped the air making it hard for me to hang on. Actually, heaven court was playing with me that way! More living innocently brought me more tough moments. These were all tests for what? May I curse instead of praying? But no I won't tangle with them I won't give up that easy even if they sent an ocean of fire after me! It is not going to be easy I must become rough to overcome up-comings.

I'm exhausted, but I can rest later since this road kept being hard and bumpy on me just like that windy snowing night did and now I'm talking about it as a memory.

My fingertips scratched and left thin traces of blood on snow layers. I reached the roof. My arms were tired, but couldn't think about falling. If I was weak I needed to become strong. My arms felt the energy in my brain and pushed me up. It was like an invisible guardian angel who grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I was then on the highest floor of that giant stony building and even alchemists or wizards couldn't bring me back down.

I heaved a sigh, the warm steam clouded to air. My blood was boiling due to that hard work of climbing up then I felt warmth. I sat on the edge of a thick wall and leaned to the half-built pillar looking at the quiet town. No light, but the much which was passing through pinky clouds and the shine made of thin layers of snow made my vision blurry avoiding me see much further point.

I dangled my right leg oscillating along the wall then let the snowflakes coming down smoothly kissing my skin as long as they become annoying and make my cheek blush. Then I took my dagger off and started looking at it, the rubies were glowing, which didn't remind my good thing, but bloody events! Thinking about my father, where is he now? How is he doing in the cold?

My mother once was holding it to protect me. Her blood was glued onto it. My heart got heavier and my thought got poisonous. I couldn't blame my father how come he didn't protect her, but it wasn't right till he was caught! It wasn't his mistake, but Nickbones.

Suddenly a warm and intimated thick voice weighed in, "Are you always drowning in your thoughts like this little sad lady?"

I jumped up from my place and guarded quickly, tightly twisted my hand around the dagger! My heart already paced about to run out of my chest! He shifted his familiar shining eyes to the side of it. I swear with those eyes you needn't look for stars!

"You are sitting like this and unaware of that wolves out there coming near the prey so suddenly?" He revealed his identity to me. Mr. Weirdo of feast night was there. I froze, kept my guard. My tongue wasn't ready to let out the words. What was he doing there? I asked myself repeatedly!

"By the way what a nice Nickbones' dagger! I'm sure it's able to cut a stone".

"May be able to behead wolves! Now tell me are you a wolf, Mr. Weirdo?"

He sighed then passed me an appealing laugh, "You are definitely a very smart little savage kitten, but I'm not a wolf, drawback your guard whether you look hotter this way", as I was already sensitive to that tone of talking couldn't help and raged out to assoil my anger on him! Swiftly I turned on my right foot to kick him on the face, but the gravity went against me as I stepped on a piece of foil. I screwed up!

I expected him to catch me, but he easily jumped and evaded where I was sitting before. At least I realized he is a Pro and I wasn't able to harm him. Pros are the best fighters in Parthia the spies of the king. They are training very hard to become the strongest. Their names bring heart-shattering in each land. So it was the reason I saw him there. "He must be the king's relative", I thought then shoved it away as I felt the pain in my knee.

To control me and not smashing by the face I kneeled and remained still without looking back. I clenched snow in my fist and couldn't help my tears stop rolling down of my eyes! To me, it was a foolish situation! I closed my eyes and didn't realize how close he is. His huge hands stopped my shoulders from shivering and held me tightly into his chest. The much that I could listen to his heart beat's racing as fast as war horses. I may scare him!

He tapped on my shoulder and murmured, "Hush chillax, my little savage kitten is a pure Butterfingers."

I won't deny that I loved remaining like that! Before only my father hugged me that way, but my pride kicked my brain and I pushed him back.

As I discovered him again, used a face mask, covered exactly like a feast and the stormy night, his eyes freakishly were shining after embracing me. I strode several steppes closer and brushed a strand of my hair which had covered my eyesight, "Are you a ghost? That stormy night you disappeared!"

With that intimated tune replied, "Are you telling me that you were looking after me in that situation?" The corner of his eyes wrinkled and I realized he is enjoying teasing me that way!

I couldn't understand this mysterious person who had made me this much curious! Easily had read my mind. He wasn't the type of man who can be simply ignored by me, yet don't know why my voice locked and no word was able to fly out of my mouth. Still, I feel needing someone who holds my broken parts back together, I'm aware that no one can, but me.

I stared at him for a while, "Are you a king's spy!"

He burst out to laugh and I wanted to punch him in the face because I didn't say something to joke!

"Maybe I am, maybe not I don't think that spies reveal their identity to savage kittens!"

"What is your name?"

"Mr. Weirdo! Don't you remember? You named me! Alright make a wish so to make you feel good I would make it true! I see you are still mad at me so consider here is another sincere apology for jumping down your throat." He walked closer.

I didn't expect him to answer my question and sneered at the last part! He tried to make peace, but I dared to ask him to show me his face.

"My wish is to see your face", I said immediately.

He walked closer slowly, seemed to be wondered, "Why do you care to see my face? You may die for seeing my face afterward!"

"No one can kill me so easily," I mouthed.

"So you know that…" He paused then added, "wishes have repaid right?" He stated, but I thought he is talking about dying there! I nodded and folded my hands to my chest waiting for him to take off his mask.

"Deal, close your eyes", he ordered and I heaved a sigh and closed my eyes.

I didn't cheat to watch him through my lashes, but I felt a warmth on my lips! It flared and in less than a second burned me up. My eyes wide opened thinking that what the hell he just had done! I slapped him! Although it wasn't my first kiss, from the last time I kissed someone accidentally I sworn to not kiss a stranger again till I fall for someone!

"How dare you f…" I frowned and cried out.

"Hush, don't say the rest, I've just warned you that it causes repayment! But I love the taste of your lips very rare and a bit salty! But I'm going to call it a snowflake kiss."

Moments left in silence and I was stiff yet burning and staring into his eyes when some noises made me watch down to find the source of it. Of course, that was Zia. He had followed my footprints for sure and his entering process went wrong and made many noises which alerted his presence while coming up the building. I turned my head, but Mr. Weirdo was gone and that space was filled by snow falling. I thought as Morthi people believed! That night was a jinx."

"Who was the first person you kissed for the first time? What a mess and it supervened! This world goes wrong! I never kissed anyone yet!" Asana murmured. Only half an hour passed since she started reading her notes, but dived into her life.

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