
Narcissus (bnhaxfemaleoc!)

To put it simply, Kurusu Jihyun, a girl with horns and a tail is a Narcissist. She has always been proud of the way she looks, the way she walks and talks. She always refers to herself as 'Ore-sama' and never fails to plaster her signature smirk on her face But, there is more to the purple-eyed girl than it seems. "Victory is everything in this world. The victory is acknowledged, and the vanquished is disavowed. Because I am victorious over all, I am always just." - Akashi Seijurou * Hiya I'm dumb WARNING HELLA SLOW ASS UPDATES

mororo_kun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Jihyun's POV



The familiar voice of the announcer never fails to irritate the fuck out of me. Erika and I made it back just in time yesterday before the fat lady got back and currently, I am once again trying to fight a fucking 6-foot tall man who was buff as hell with my fists and legs, talk about unfair.

For him that is.


Ah shit, here we go again.

Third-person POV

There was stillness on both sides.

If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet.

Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow. Jihyun rained blows onto Jigsaw as if she meant to smash him into the very earth.

It was clear she didn't just want the other dead, wanted him smashed and obliterated with nothing left to bury.

Jigsaw could bearly even think straight, let alone move. The punches thrown were done with much thought put into each and every one of them, this wasn't her first rodeo the girl has been doing this since she was 5 she knew the tricks and tips when fighting someone as big as her current opponent, this was all just a game to her to see how long it takes for her to knock out her opponent.

Jihyun was tired and hungry in short, she was mad and wanted to hurt someone, really hurt someone.

You see, she had these impulses that would plague her mind. Sometimes, she has this need to just hurt someone and make them feel what she feels, she has all this profound pain that she could only release through injuring other people.

She knew it was bad but she couldn't help it, fighting made her feel...safe and in control so she enjoyed moments like this.

The adrenaline rushing, coursing through her body as she laid a hard punch on whoever her target was, she enjoyed it to her it was a way of relieving herself from the pain that she bottles up.

With one last punch to the tall man wearing a skull mask, he fell backwards onto the floor knocked out cold. Cheers were heard all throughout the arena as the referee started counting down,

"1, 2, 3!" the sound of a whistle was heard after along with the crowd getting louder,

"AND AS EXPECTED THE WINNER IS THE BLACK SCYTHE!!", the announcer yelled out,

Jihyun's POV

I bowed before making my way towards my designated spot with my siblings, I was tired and wanted to eat, it's about time before I need to feast upon a soul, I might try and eat that Jigsaw fellows soul later on. The thought of consuming a soul made me unconsciously lick my lips, as much as I hated having to do this, I couldn't help my self from salivating at the thought. However, my thoughts were cut off when they announced the next fight.


We were back 'home' after today's Dinner Show and we were all resting in our respective rooms. The time was 11:45, I was waiting for the perfect time to leave to meet with Midnight without getting caught.

A minute had passed before I decided to put my plan in action. My room was located on the 4th floor of the apartment building we live in as we own the whole building, so I can easily jump down from my window but, the problem was is that it's sealed shut so I have no possible way of opening it without breaking it. I sighed in frustration, looks like I'll have to use the door.

Slowly, I twisted the door handle and cautiously opened my door which made a loud ass creak making me cringe on the inside.

I looked around the hallway before I made my move, tip-toeing silently out into the cold, dark hallways as of now everyone should be in their rooms sleeping and I should have no problem popping out for a bit without being noticed, besides it should be an easy job taking out a pro-hero, no matter the opponent I will always triumph.

Just the thought of being able to fight a Pro-hero brought a smile to my face and I almost let out a giggle but caught myself before it happened.

After a bit of walking, I was almost out of the building all I needed to do was walk through the living room and then climb down another set of stairs then I'm free. As I'm about to reach the exit, A tired, gruff voice called out,

"Oi, where do you think you're going at this time?",

I turned to the owner of the voice only to find my beloved oldest brother, Shuu,

"You know, just going to look for a late-night stargazing trip. It looks wonderful tonight", I started smiling at him,

"Suree", his voice was dripping with sarcasm,

"Well good to know you, believe me, I'll be off now,", I waved before booking it to the exit only for a hand to yank the back of my shirt,

"As much as I love you, you really can be a huge ass fucking idiot sometimes", the tall blond scolded, shaking his head,

"Aww, love you too big bro~", at this point I've already given up trying to escape,

"Cut the crap baby Ji, where were you trying to sneak off to?", he questions gripping the back off my shirt tighter and lifting me off the ground,

"Welll, you know that 18+ Hero: Midnight? I met her yesterday when Erika and I went out, and I accidentally stopped a mugging. She apparently saw it and is currently offering me a spot in U.A if I meet her in an alleyway tonight." I summarized yesterday's events. Saying it out loud makes me question this deal she is proposing.

"U.A? Someone like you caught the eye of a Pro-hero?", he clearly was in disbelief,

"How the fuck did you do that?", he let go of the back of my shirt but proceeded to grab my shoulders and started to aggressively shake me back and forward,

"wEll i'M siMly jUSt tHat aweSomE", I had some difficulty saying that statement as I was being shaken,

"Tch, stop being such a narcissist", he finally let go of my shoulders,

"And I'm coming with you", he started walking over to the exit leaving me they're still trying to process what was happening,

"Well? are you going or not?", he started impatiently tapping his foot,

"I-um-wha, yea I'm going", I stuttered walking towards to the door,

"We better hurry it's already 11:50", I said looking at the clock on the wall,

"Might as well run there", the blond male said smirking before vanishing,

"That sly bloodsucker", I smirked before vanishing myself.


"What happened to being the fastest kid on the block?", the blond bloodsucker teases with a smirk leaning against a wall,

"Shuddup! I was just caught off guard", I huffed out, crossing my arms while pouting,

"Kawaii-chan! you made it!~", the familiar voice of a certain 18+ hero rung out from the dark alley,

"Is that the hero you were talking about?", the blond beside me had a look of disgust on his pale face,

"And you brought along a cute boy I see~", she purred before walking closer to the beanstalk and grabbing his collar only for him to disappear,

"동생, are you sure this is a here and not some cougar?", the blond's voice suddenly said from beside me,

"How rude! But I like the feisty ones~", she said smirking at my brother,

"I'm quite sure, but anyways, Midnight, this is my brother, Shuu", I said gesturing to him,

"And this is Midnight, the lady who offered to recommend me into U. A", I could see the skeptical look in his eyes while he was eyeing the lustful lady,

"And I hope you don't mind that I brought him along, he's just here in case anything happens, and also to clear his suspicions of this being a scam", I explained to the hero,

"I see. Worry not, I swear on my title as a hero that this is not a scam", she exclaimed with a certain fire in her eyes,

"Now, Shuu if you will be a dear and be the referee for this fight it will be appreciated ~", she purred out stepping further away from where I was standing,

"Might as well make myself useful for once", he grumbled, teleporting to the center of the two of us,

"Rules are simple, the first one to tap out or to be knocked out looses, quirks, and weapons are allowed to be used during this fight no matter how bad the outcome. Finally, don't go out of bounds and in this case, it would be outside of the ally, if you do it will result in immediate disqualification", he said holding up 3 fingers,

"Do I make myself clear?", he questioned,

"Clear as crystal clear!",

"알았어", and with that, the fight had begun.

Third-person POV

In a blink of an eye, the pale girl was already in front of the busty lady before she could even blink.

Swinging a left hook, aiming at her jaw, catching the pro-hero by surprise at the speed the girl was going.

The punched hit the pro-hero hard leaving her body almost suspended in the air, horizontal to the ground.

The spiky-haired woman had never expected this to happen, she thought she could just simply knock out the girl with her quirk and gain an easy victory but, she was ashamed to say that she had underestimated the cunning girl standing before her.

The duel-haired girl came rushing at her again, only for the blue-eyed woman to roll aside to avoid getting curb stomped. Rolling again, but this time backwards, the woman stopped halfway through and used her arms to push herself upwards into a standing position,

"My, My it seems I've underestimated you Kawaii-chan, but that was my bad. Now taste the wrath of a serious-", before the purple-haired woman could finish her sentence she was once again hit but this time in the stomach which almost made her through up her dinner,

"You talk too much", the pale girl remarked with a smirk on her face as her purple eyes glowed in the darkness of the alleyway,

"You really are a fun one to play with~", the purple-haired woman purred despite the pain she was in,

"Too bad though, looks like your fun is about to end", and with that, the pro-hero had ripped off a part of her sleeve which confused the pale girl until a sudden flash of realization was seen in her eyes,

"A knock-out quirk? How fun." The girl sighs out in annoyance before dropping to her knees,

"As I was saying, it was wrong of me to underestimate you but you really should have done some research on your opponent before the fight started", she said reaching for her bull-whip which rested on her hip,

"Now time to end this", she said before lifting it up and striking down onto the kneeling girl only for her to disappear,

"Yes, I should have done research but where's the fun in that?", she suddenly appeared behind the female, purple eyes lit up like glowsticks as she stared at the hero before yanking on the whip.

The pro-hero stumble for a bit and let go of her weapon.

The pale girl stood with a smirk on her face, clearly unaffected by the sleep-inducing quirk.

A smirk appeared on her pink lips and she ran as fast as she could towards her opponent and rammed her fist into her side making the fairly tall woman fly backwards into the wall of the dark alleyway, knocking her out due to the collision.

Shuu had casually walked towards the unconscious woman to inspect her current state before calling out,

"Midnight has been knocked out, congratulations, Jihyun is our winner", the blond beanstalk lazily cheered walking towards his baby sister,

"Oi, Chibi-chan, are you good?", he questioned poking at her sides,

"Stop that! It tickles and yes I'm good. Wasn't all that hard compare to the usual", she said sitting on the ground beside the unconscious woman,

"We should stay around for a bit and wait for her to wake up", the male said looking at the woman in front of him,

"Good idea now imma take a nap since I am kinda tired after that. Night~", and with that, the sadistic girl collapsed onto her brother's lap which made him sigh,

"Why the fuck do I call you my sister?"

동생- Younger sibling

알았어- I understand