
Narcissus (bnhaxfemaleoc!)

To put it simply, Kurusu Jihyun, a girl with horns and a tail is a Narcissist. She has always been proud of the way she looks, the way she walks and talks. She always refers to herself as 'Ore-sama' and never fails to plaster her signature smirk on her face But, there is more to the purple-eyed girl than it seems. "Victory is everything in this world. The victory is acknowledged, and the vanquished is disavowed. Because I am victorious over all, I am always just." - Akashi Seijurou * Hiya I'm dumb WARNING HELLA SLOW ASS UPDATES

mororo_kun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Midnight's POV

"You want to recommend a student?", Nezu asked me, he was clearly shocked. Currently, I was standing in the principal's office talking to the white bear-mouse-like creature,

"I really like this girl, she is amazing, spectacular and the way she fights is just", I could not find the right words to describe my encounter with the pale girl,

"I think you will enjoy having her here as a student, she is just full of surprises", I said smiling, ever since last night, I just can't get her out of my head.

Flashback~(Midnight's POV)

My head was pounding and my vision was blurry, I could hear the faint sound of chatter from beside me. After a while, the pounding in my head subsided and I slowly sat up trying to blink away the blurriness from my eyes, only to see Kawaii-chan and the blond male, sitting on the ground beside me chatting away,

"Oh, Midnight-sama, you're awake", Kawaii-chan said turning her body slightly to face me,

"I've got to say, your quirk really is cool! Especially if your opponent doesn't really know about it, you sure gave me a good fight!", the purple-eyed girl exclaimed with a huge grin on her face, showing off her sharp canines,

"But, it wasn't something I couldn't handle of course~", she giggled winking before getting smacked by the blond sitting beside her,

"Goddammit, stop being a narcissist all the damn time!", he scolded clearly annoyed with the girl sitting next to him, he turned his head to look at me before speaking,

"Got to admit, your quirk is kind of surprising. If this pipsqueak didn't react fast enough she would have automatically lost that fight immediately", he spoke rubbing his chin looking at me,

"Ah yes, how did you manage to resist the effects of my quirk?", I questioned as memories from the fight slowly started to come back to me,

"It's simple really, she has quick thinking", the blond stated simply staring at me like it was the most obvious reason in the world,

"Well that's one way to put it", she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Come on! Give me a better answer!", I pouted, grabbing her by the shoulders and beginning to shake her back and forth,

"Ok relax woman!" she exclaimed, pushing my hands off her shoulders,

"Once I saw that mist come out from your body, the most reasonable thing I thought to was to stop breathing. I figured if I inhaled it something would have happened."

"Wait, so you stopped breathing? Is that even possible?"

"Yeah, if you're me anything is possible" the girl concluded winking at me with a million-dollar smile,

"You really are amazing, Jihyun-chan" I smiled at the girl, I have a feeling she will be fun to have around.

"This is cute and all, but Chibi-chan, we got to go if we want to make it back in time", the tall blond stood up dusting off his pants,

"Oh yeah, anyways it was nice fighting with you, Midnight-sama, I hope we can do it again!", she exclaimed looking up at me before disappearing from my grasp,

"Oh, and I do hope you keep your promise", she cooed from the entrance of the alleyway turning to face me,

"By the way, the name's Kurusu Jihyun and you better remember it", her voice was full of confidence, she waved vanishing from my sight along with her brother

"Oh, I most certainly will", I said to myself standing up and brushing off the dirt from my body before walking off.

End Of Flashback~

"I'm sure she will make a fine hero. Now, can you give me her name? I'll file it in with the other recommendations", Nezu said facing his computer and began typing away,

"Her name is Kurusu Jihyun and she looks to be around 15. From what I observed, her quirk seemed to be some sort of Mutant-type due to the horns and tail she possesses, she also has super speed and packs quite a punch, she knocked the air out of me", I recalled the start of the fight and how she just seemed to vanish and reappear in front of me out of thin air.

Nezu's black eyes looked up from the screen to look at me," I found her basic information", he turned to screen towards me, skimming over the information quickly reached the section 'Quirk',

"Demon? I guess that explains the horns and tail", I looked at the principal to hear his opinion,

"It says here, that she possesses the basic abilities of a Demon like mind manipulation and soul sense. A quirk like this can be extremely powerful if trained enough, it can be a very powerful offense. From what you described, I do believe she is a suitable candidate for recommendation", he explained taking a sip from his teacup,

"But, there is one problem", he said resting his teacup on the saucer,

"Oh? And what would that be?", I questioned,

"It says here that she hasn't received any form of education", he said pointing out a specific spot in the information sheet,

"Oh? That is a problem, but it is a possibility she was home-schooled and taught by her brother ", I said remembering the tall, blond male,

"That is true, I'll have to make an exception for now, but", he paused looking at me directly in the eyes,

"If she were to fail the written exam, I would have to cancel the recommendation", he said without breaking eye contact,

"It would be pointless to have someone as skilled in combat like her to fail in the basic education system, this is a school after all", he said before smiling,

"But, we'll just have to see", he smiled and I took that as my cue to leave.

Jihyun's POV

"I still can't believe YOU out of all people got a recommendation to the #1 ranked high school for heroics!", Kageyama yelled from his place on the couch,

"Well, that's just how it be sometimes", I shrugged sipping of my juice box,

"Congratulations by the way", Shimizu smiled walking into the common area.

Last night after we got back, we went straight to bed and we filled the others in on what happened the night before.

Now they've been pestering me about it non-stop,

"But, how are you going to explain this to the eggplant? If you were going to go to school behind her back you're asking for a death wish", Akira questioned,

"We'll just have to see in a few months I guess".


(10 months later)

"JIHYUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!", a deep slightly feminine voice yelled out startling me which caused me to fall off my futon,

"What the fuck is this?!?!" Oh, it's the eggplant, she held up a envelope with a red wax stamp on it that had U.A's logo on it,

"It seems to be a letter from U.A.", is she stupid or something? It clearly says it right there on the stamp,

"Living room, 2 Minutes and get the rest of your damn siblings", she huffed rolling out of my room,

"Hopefully we'll live", I sighed out before leaving to fetch the rest of my siblings.


"Now can one of you explain why this was in my mailbox?", she held out the letter in disgust,

"Well, why don't we just open it and find out?", Shuu grumbled out annoyed,

"Fine, Jihyun open it since it was addressed to you", she threw the envelope at me and I caught it before breaking the wax seal to find a piece of paper inside, I took it out and started reading it aloud,

"Dear Kurusu Jihyun,

Congratulations! You have been accepted into the entrance exam for U.A, the top hero school in the country. Pro-hero, Midnight, has sent in a recommendation letter to request your participation in this year's exam and we have taken notice to her humble words of praise about you and are excited to have you join us.

Do note that there is a certain condition that must be met in order for you to be able to join us here at U.A.

It has come to my attention that according to your public records, you have not received any form of schooling to my knowledge. However, as concerning it maybe I decided to look over that and allow for you to take part in the exam on the condition you pass with exceptional results. This is a school after all.

Nevertheless, I cannot wait to see how you do when the time comes.


Principal Nezu"

"I-how-why" the fat lady was still in shock at the letter's contents as she struggled to speak.

"You know what? I'm proud of you, doll. This will speed up my little project quite a bit." She said, eerily calm, at least I'm not in trouble.

"Back to what you were doing! I have some calls I need to make." She had a sickly sweet smile on her face as she left the room.

Third person's POV

"You're not dead!!!", Erika yelled before squishing the pale girl in a bone-crushing hug,

"Yes, that would have been very unfortunate", Akira sighed out,

"Pfttt, you make it sound like you want her to die", Kageyama snorted out,

"Now that that's all done, time to eat", Shimizu reminded motioning us to the kitchen which made the 4 youngest rush over to get the first serving of the Black haired girl's cooking,

"They really act like children sometimes", the blond vampire-like boy grumbled from the couch.

"Not like it's a bad thing," Hyun said laughing at his younger siblings.

Timeskip~( a lot of time skip's this chapter, aye?)

Jihyun's POV

I was awoken by the soft meow of a cat, to be specific a fluffy black cat with a crescent moon on his forehead named, Salem, I had found him last year sleeping in a cardboard box in the alleyway beside our building and I've taken care of him ever since,

"Good morning to you too, Salem", I greeted patting his head before rolling off my futon to get ready for the day.

Since I didn't go to any school, I was allowed to wear whatever I wanted so I just choose to wear my usual outfit and save myself the trouble of looking 'presentable'.

I arrived downstairs and made a beeline towards the kitchen, to see Shimizu and Shuu already there,

"Morning Ji, I already made you breakfast so dig in", the black-haired female's voice greeted,

"Yeah, you better eat a lot, you have an exam to take today a written one to be exact, I don't want all my and Shi's work to go to waste so you better pass with flying colors, Chibi-chan, or I'll shove a damn pencil down your throat", the tall blond threatened with a soft glare which made me smile,

"Me, fail? Ha, Ore-sama never fails at anything! You'll see when I get my results back!", I challenged him with a smirk,

"Yeah, yeah now eat up, don't want you to be late", the blond scolded before going back to sleep,

"네~", I responded before gobbling down my pancakes.


I am currently on my skateboard on my way to U.A., I had my black headphones covering my ears and I was sipping on a carton on strawberry milk that I managed to grab from the fridge before I had left.

The scenery was astonishing. Cherry blossom petals were falling everywhere, cars were driving by and the sunlight poked through the trees, making my 'I don't leave my house' pale skin slightly irritated but that could also be the side effects of my quirk.

'Roki' by Mafumafu was blasting through my black headphones which helped in the process of making myself deaf.

In the distance, I could see the gate which leads to the entrance of U.A. I stopped a good few feet away from the entrance and thought to myself

'Last chance to turn back and go to sleep and not waste my time with all this bullcrap. But, I still gotta deal with all my shit at home so really, there's no difference.'

I mentally sighed before proceeding to walk past the gates of U.A.

"Kawaii-chan!! Glad you could make it!~", Midnight-sama's voice rang through the air,

"Midnight-sama, good to see you too~", I genuinely was happy to see her, ever since our fight I've gained some amount of admiration for her, I guess you could call it puppy-love,

"How adorable!!~ Now let's go, you'll be able to observe to rest of the candidates in the practical exam if you manage to finish early so I suggest you finish quickly if you want to have a look at your future comrades or rivals", she advised patting me on the head as we walked to our destination,

"That should be easy for someone like me", I declared with a smirk,

"Confident are we? But I've gotta ask, did your brother tutor you in your studies? According to your files, you didn't go to any public or private school so I'm quite worried about how you are going to pass", she questioned with a worried look in her eyes,

"Well, your half right there, it wasn't just my brother who taught me, it was all of my siblings, six to be exact, well except for Kageyama", I slightly trailed off at the last part, Kageyama can be a big idiot when it comes to academics,

"Mhm, that makes sense, but that means I don't need to worry that much about you then! ", she let out a sigh of relief as we stopped in front of a sliding door

"Here we are, you'll be taking the test here along with some other students who got recommended", she explained opening the door for me,

"Now, goodbye and good luck, Kawaii-chan~", she cooed blowing a kiss at me,

"네~ See you around~", I winked before walking into the room.


"Nghhhhhhh, I'm exhausted~", I moaned out, stretching my arms.

The papers were easy as shit.

I practically slept for the majority of them since I finished it wayyy before the time limit ended. I don't understand why people complain about them so much and how hard they are.

I guess I'm just that amazing.

"Since we have some extra time on our hands, how about we make our way to the observation room to have a quick look at the other candidates?", the teacher in charge suggested standing up before leading us out of the classroom to what I assume to be the observation room.

I quickly spotted Midnight-sama sitting in one of the chairs observing the screen in front of her,

"This year's group looks promising~", she purred out,

"Ahh, Kawaii-chan~ How did the exam go?", she questions after noticing my presence,

"It was easy as slitting a man's throat open", I replied nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders,

"Aishh, so brutal", she scolded bonking me on the head,

"Now be quiet and observe!", she said nudging me towards the other recommended students.

I ended up standing next to a fairly tall girl with a rather mature physique, she had long black hair that was tied into a spiky ponytail with a single bang hanging on the right side of her face and onyx eyes that point slightly inwards, which seems to resemble a cat.

She was fairly attractive, might as well strike up a conversation with her,

"What's cooking, good looking?~", I winked leaning against the wall beside her,

"E-eh? Are you talking to me?", there was a visible tint of pink on her cheeks,

"Who else? I'm Jihyun by the way but you can call me yours~", her face puts tomatoes to shame,

"I-I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, nice to meet you as well"

"Say, I can't help but notice the horns and tail you have, is your quirk related to some type of Demon?", she questioned seeming to be more comfortable around my presence,

"Yup, pretty neat, don't cha' think?", I brushed my tail slightly on the underside of her chin,

"Fascinating! I've never seen anyone with a quirk like yours, do you mind telling me a bit about it?", I swear I can see little stars sparkle in her eyes,

"Sure sweet stuff. My quirk is called Demon and it allows me to do what demons do like enhanced senses, mind manipulation, soul sensing and all that jazz", I didn't want to give away too much information just yet, I want to surprise her when she finds out the true extent of my quirk,

"Fascinating!", she's cute when she's like this,

"So how about you tell me about yours since I told you, mine"

I have a feeling we'll meet sometime soon, might as well get as much information out of her as I can.

"Oh, how rude of me, my quirk is called 'Creation' and it gives me the ability to create any non-living material from my exposed skin through the molecular manipulation of my fat cells. As long as I have an understanding of how something is made, I can make it", she explained pointing to her left arm,

"Ooo, how fun, a quirk that can basically create almost anything but won't you run out of energy or something to make all these things? I'm pretty sure you can't keep on creating things forever", I tilted my head to the side, feigning innocence.

"You're right about that, the more I eat, the more material I have to work with, so I need considerable food ingestion for my quirk to be effective"

How cute, she's giving me more information compare to how much I explained.

This might be easier than I thought,

"How about surface area? Does it affect the size or amount of things you can create?"

"Well yes, but it takes me a longer period of time and more exposed skin to create large objects"

"If your quirk is mostly activated by you eating, it explains why you're so slim as you constantly burn your body's fat to create objects",

"Yes, you really are observant Jihyun-san", she gave me a small smile,

"Don't need to be so formal, just calling me by my name or any nickname is fine", I waved a hand at her,

"Alright then", she replied before turning back to the screen.

'As cute as she is, she's quite naive but I guess it just makes it easier for me to crush her when I need to. Since her quirk uses the fats from her body that she gains from eating food, it is possible that this is a big weakness, if she creates too much without replacing her calories she can become weak and possibly anaemic. And when she's in this state, it will be an easy win for me,' just from the thought of the look on her face made mine turn all shades of red,

"Ji-chan, are you feeling well? Your face is quite red", the tall girl questioned,

"Ji-chan? Aww, how adorable you already have a pet name for me~", I teased with a wink snapping out of my thoughts,

"It's nothing like that! You said that I could give you a nickname if I wanted to and I did!", she huffed out,

"Chill princess, I'm just teasing~", she's cute when she's mad,

"A-anyways as I was saying-", she was cut off by a sudden yell,


A green and blue blob was seen in the sky, once I got a better look at it, it turned out to be a boy and he flew towards the huge 0-pointer and destroyed it in One Punch! But he then started to plummet downwards and did not seem to slow down any bit. As he was falling to his appending doom, a girl with short brown hair slapped him which seemed to help him from kissing the ground,

"THE EXAM IS OVER!", a yellow banana yelled,

"Well, that was one hell of an examination, eh?",

"Yes indeed, it was quite interesting", she put her pointer finger on her chin,

"Well, that's all for today! You all may head home and wait for the results of your examination", a white bear-mouse looking creature exclaimed holding a cup of tea,

"Well, looks like we have to part ways, for now, I hope we get into the same class though!", the black-haired beauty cheered from beside me,

"Oh most definitely, see you soon, love", I waved before walking towards Midnight-sama,

"Oh, Kawaii-chan, I have somethings I need to do so I can't stay for long. See you soon!~", she gave me a pat on the head before walking off.

Looks like I can head home now.

Midnight's POV

After walking away from Kawaii-chan, I managed to catch up with Aizawa and Yamada,

"So, what did I miss?", I questioned walking beside Aizawa,

"Oh, Nemuri, I was just talking to Shota over about the entrance exam", Yamada nudged the dishevelled looking man beside him,

"How's that girl you said were going to talk to?", the blond questioned,

"She's doing fine, actually she's going to be in your class this year, Aizawa"

'Might as well tell him about it'

"Oh? And how are you so sure about that?", his voice was full of curiosity and uncertainty,

"I just know, plus it's not every day you come across someone like her, I have no doubts about her", I slightly boasted to the two beside me,

"And if you're wrong?", Aizawa cocked an eyebrow trying to challenge me,

"I'm never wrong", I smirked at the black-haired man,

"We'll see, Nemuri, we'll see"