
Exalted Self

"His name... Ahhh, Ernesto Martini... Yeah yeah, Ernesto Martini..."

My head hurts so much and It's pounding at me like some tiny humanoid is walking bit by bit inside my head... My insides are already churning from the excessive hunger I'm feeling for almost an hour now...

Countless butterflies should have been flying all over my stomach now...

"Next is... Angela... Yeah, It's Angela Greenhouse... Angela Greenhouse... Angela Greenhouse... Okay, I'll remember It..."

At the countless faces, countless noses, countless eyes, countless ears, and the countless accessories I'm seeing and memorizing at this school records... I won't be surprised If my brain will overflow the next morning...

"Theresa Goodman... Theresa Goodman is this girl with really large earlobes and a melted face... Wow, disgusting... I'll remember her because of those earlobes and that melted face haha..."

After remembering the name Theresa Goodman, I closed the school records... Returned it to Its initial place and finally gone down to the first floor to get some food to eat... My head hurts remembering all of those... I'll eat something light for once...


*Tiriring* *Tiriring*

The irritating sound of my alarm clock suddenly knocked at my unconscious eardrums and woke the life out of me as If a dead frog suddenly jumping from death...

In response to my irritating alarm clock, I punched the thing for It to shut up, and after a few minutes... I removed myself from the bed I was so comfortable In... Like a child separating himself from his favorite toy...

Seeing the familiar ceiling, desk, and mirror... Made no reaction to me as I'm seeing all my life... For once, I looked at the mirror and saw my smooth black hair shining because of the sunlight... and my beautiful porcelain skin that even I was so proud Of...

Yeah, even I know myself that I'm pretty... More pretty than you could have ever imagined... You could search for a girl like me all your life and will still never find one... That's how rare I am...

So I can somewhat relate t Narcissus when he suddenly fell in love with himself! That's how beautiful I am...

"Lyssa!!! Breakfast is ready, come down!"


Aight, time to say goodbye to my beautiful self... Bye!

With that, I used the stairs, and have gone to the living room, greeted my mother like a good child will do, and ate my breakfast peacefully...

"Lyssa, how did you do at your last test?"

The test, huh? Of course, I aced It! You don't even need to ask, you stupid hag! Just when did I flunk a test?! But that's not how a good child would talk to her mother...

"I aced It, mother... Thank you for your guidance"

"I see, you're a great girl as always... Eat up then..."

Tsk! This old hag, at least, let me eat in peace... I finished my meal and made sure I didn't eat too much, It's bad for my already good body...

"By the way, Lyssa... The phone doesn't work right now so in the meantime, use your cellphone If you want to call someone, understand?"

"Yep... Thanks for the info..."

Preparing everything I need, I headed out for school with a smile, greeting my mother the usual:

"I'll head out now"

Which in turn, be returned by a wide smile of my mother... As I'm walking, a flock of birds can be seen from the sky as If they're following my march... Maybe I'm Snow White, who knows? While on the way to school, I'm encountering some of my schoolmates... Seeing the backs of two guys, I automatically said:

"Good morning! Ernesto!"

Like It's the most natural way you'll do seeing a schoolmate and a stranger, also. While I'm about to pass them by... I overheard the conversation they're having:

"Oi, Ernesto! Lyssa Josel and you are buds?! Damn you, traitor!!! She's one of the hottest babes at our school, give me back that sandwich I gave you yesterday!!!"

"What!? I don't even know she knows me!? But to be honest, It's kinda nice having a popular figure like her knowing your name..."

Well, I'm getting these responses almost every time... It's only natural you'll feel proud of being recognized by a goddess like me... Feel proud, Ernesto... For you're goddess just descended upon you... That itself is already a blessing... Wait, It seems they're still talking about something, hmmm...

"But you know, Ernesto? Lyssa is indeed hot, but you know what's her drawback is? She's flat, you know dude? If only she has a big bust then she will be the perfect babe in town!"

"Oi, Ramos! She's still in front of us, she might have heard you!!!"

"Oh sh-"

All of the sudden, the goddess inside me wants to dissipate and turn into a demon lord instead... I want to use my claws and scratch these two alive, removing their skins from their bodies, boiling them alive at the hot water of Hades, and ripping their dicks off!!!


"We're lucky, Ramos... She didn't hear from you..."

"Yeah... But even If she heard us, I don't think she will sue us or anything... I just can't see that at her character..."

I just walked away pretending I didn't hear even a tiny bit of what they just said about me... Insulting a goddess like me is punishable by death... Good thing, I'm fresh out of mercy...

"Good morning, Angela!"

"Good morning today too, Lyssa... It's indeed a very beautiful day and you're as beautiful and pretty as ever..."

Greeting me back with a warm smile and saying those words, I can't help but think "Damn right, I am!!!" But a real beautiful woman never notices her charms so I replied:

"Seriously? It's not like I'm beautiful or anything or something like that, hehe..."

Replying to hear those words, I've gone ahead to greet everyone else walking right beside me...

"Good morning, Tony! Isn't It nice today, Peter? That shoes are good on you, Hawk! May we have a good day, Mary!"

Greeting everyone I meet along the streets with a smile on my face... You lots better be thankful I suffered to memorize your filthy names just so you can feel blessed with yourselves...

As I look forward, I saw a girl who has unbelievably large ear lobes... Just from seeing those ear lobes, Her name suddenly popped into my head...

"Theresa Goodman..."

Those funny and kind of creepy faces and ear lobes made It easier for me to remember her name... Consider herself lucky that she has those.

"Good morning, Theresa... It's nice weather today, isn't It?"

She didn't say anything and just nodded to me like an insect getting his food... Anyway, I shouldn't be here any longer than I should have. Goodbye, Theresa! I hope we never meet again!