
Giant's Heart P1

Stretching herself away, Shiro was surprised to see Kanae hugging her inside her own sleeping bag.

'How did she get in here?' Shiro thought at first. Her next thought was; 'Sorry I don't have anything to cushion your head with.' Shaking her idle thoughts away, Shiro gently nudged Kanae out of her embrace.

"Mn…Shiro-nee?" Kanae muttered as she opened her eyes groggily.

[Shh, go back to sleep. It's still very early in the morning.] Shiro typed out and placed her finger on her lips.

"What about you? Are you going somewhere Shiro-nee?" She asked while rubbing her eyes.

[Yeah. I'll be back earlier today though ok?] She smiled.


Getting her answer, Kanae closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Chuckling lightly, Shiro got out of the sleeping bag and exited the tent.

Her goal for today was give one of the dungeons in this city a try. Her second goal was to try level Yin up as much as possible.