

It was 5.30am the next morning, Charlotte burst into my room, overflowing with energy and excitement. " Wake up! Your appointment is at 7 am with the Doctor! We have to get ready and leave by 6 am. Ohh! You are awake and ready. Nice! Let's go!" she grabbed my wrist and sprinted out of the dorm with me in tow.

We soon arrived at the Doctor's office. " Shall we grab sonething to eat first?" I asked Charlotte, seeing as it was only 5.46am. She nodded enthusiastically. " I'll go and grab us a seat first. Please inform the nurse that you have arrived. " She shouted as she bounced away toward the canteen.

"What an energetic young blood! If only she knows what you do, do you think she will see you the same way she does now," I spun and pulled a pistol out, "Demon Eye! Super Strategic Class Mage." The figure was clad in a black all around, donning a black trench coat, a black and silver pistol an trained towards my chest. "Relax. I'm a researcher and a teacher from the school. Mr Clandestine." He continued as he holster his pistol.

"I'm only here to assist the doctor with your examination. he told me he has obtained an interesting specimen, so I had to come and see for myself. " He grabbed a folder from the counter before walking off.

After few minutes, I was sitting with Charlotte in the empty canteen. " What you are saying is that you actually can store additional energy in your devices? And that you can process 13 processing stages only, but because you can store each of the 13 processing stage into 12 stage processes, and use the last stage to make them process in a processor as 1 stage? Processing can't work that way, it doesn't make sense. " Charlotte shouted in disbelief as everyone in the canteen stared at her.

" No. I store a 12 stage progress as a library in my device during the incantation and use the last process as a library folder to put 13 of such libraries together. It is much more efficient than making a library with 13 processes and only able to use 6 libraries." I repeated as I started walking towards the doctor's office for the examination, hoping that she would understand what I was trying to say.